Chick-fil-A Ban

KevinL332's avatar

I’m not sure how popular this opinion will be on here, but I feel the need to post it regardless. Some of you may be aware of the recent controversy growing around Chick-fil-A’s “anti-gay” stance and the millions of dollars they have put toward this cause. These acts have resulted in most recently the Henson Company pulling out of their license contract for toys in their kid’s meals, and even Boston mayor Thomas Menino’s promise to deny Chick-fil-A permits to build restaurants.

Why should Cedar Fair care? Well as I'm sure everyone here knows, There is a Chick-fil-A restaurant inside Cedar Point (I’m not sure about other Cedar Fair owned parks). Their main focus is toward families but, the gay population is something the amusement and vacation industry has been gearing toward more and more the last few years, Simply because they don’t, in most cases, have children and have more disposable income.

I personally will not be giving anymore of my money to Chick-fil-A, Though I will miss the waffle fries. How does the contract between Cedar Fair and Chick-fil-A work, It must be special arrangements since they are closed on Sundays. I would love to see Cedar Point kick them out, even if its after this season, no need to make a big deal about it to keep the controversy down but just have something else there next spring.

Regardless of your views on this please keep it civil! Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. described bigotry in the following quotation: "The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you pour upon it, the more it will contract."

Halloweekends Screamster!
Fear Faire 2010-2011

Love their waffle fries. Will never get them again unless they change their views, and start opening on Sundays. Time to throw their corporation rulebook (A.K.A. the bible) out the window and start again.

Last edited by PyroKinesis,
KevinL332's avatar

I don't care that they aren't open on Sundays or other christian holidays, that is their choice and dosen't bother me, but to say somebody else is wrong because they believe and love a different way is where I have a problem. Live your life your way, don't try to tell others hot to live theirs!

Halloweekends Screamster!
Fear Faire 2010-2011

Best food in the park. Will eat there every time I go. I support their right to support traditional families just like I support your right not to eat there.

^ +1.

No coaster will ever be too fast or too tall!

Cp stated on twitter that Chick Fil-A's views do not reflect the beliefs of CP, so.....

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KevinL332's avatar

I was not aware of that, Good to know they have made a public statement!

Halloweekends Screamster!
Fear Faire 2010-2011

IntaminCMH's avatar

I won't visit Chick-fil-A, simply because I don't agree with their views. Do I wish them ill? I wish they change their views? Yes.

I don't want to start any arguments here, but I am not for gay marriage, but I am not against it either. In my opinion, it is what it is...

I am a Catholic and I know that in my religion, it is frowned upon for same sex marriage. I bring this up because doesn't the Chic follow the catholic beliefs? If so, then I can totally understand why they are trying to put down the gay population. Is it right? NO WAY. But it all comes down to what is right and what is wrong. If I was Cedar Point, I would ask the Chic at the point to not put down the gay population. If they choose not to listen to CP, kick them out!

And the time is ticking down on their lease........

I'm not sure how this can make people have such strong feelings. I attend BGSU and we recently had a Chic Fil A turned down because of this same thing. They are very catholic, and obviously so, since the owner is devout enough to close the restaurant 14 percent of the year. Would you go to a church and expect them to not frown upon homosexuality? If you do not like them, then don't spend your money there, but I do not believe this is cause to remove them from the park. And by the way but have they even publicly said they were anti-gay? I know they funded a program that was found to be, but that they themselves weren't. Correct me if I'm wrong

Eddie J said:
Best food in the park. Will eat there every time I go. I support their right to support traditional families just like I support your right not to eat there.

Traditional families huh? Why isn't a gay couple traditional?

TTD 120mph's avatar

Eddie J said:
I support their right to support traditional families just like I support your right not to eat there.

Supporting anti-gay groups with millions of dollars is not the same as supporting "traditional families". Or as I call it, the illusion that homosexuals don't have the same rights as a heterosexuality couple or that it somehow affects heterosexual culture/lifestyle. And, before this gets closed (if it does), I just wish people would get off this idea that the word "abomination" in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 has the same meaning back then that it does today.

If kindness and tolerance was taught (like it's suppose to) then there'd be no problem (even though there isn't) and the world would be a better place. But that's the same as telling a blind man to see.
I'm not attacking you Eddie, just expressing my disgust towards the kind of bigotry and hatred supported by Chick-fil-a. I haven't ate there in years and never plan to. I'd never live with myself if I knew that my money could be used to promote hatred to other groups of regular Americans......or discrimination, as it was more popularly known as in the 50s and 60s.

Best food in the park.

Hardly, since nothing is better than Panda. More reason to not eat at Chick-fil-a-person-with-intolerance. ;)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Kevinj's avatar

It's not American, Catholic, Christian, or religious in any way to agree to pass laws that openly discriminate against an entire segment of the population.

I could not care less if anyone supports gay marriage in their own home. If it goes against your morals, your beliefs, whatever....fine....but passing laws in the United States that legalizes discrimination based on religious dogma?

That's the most un-American thing I can think of.

If you don't like gay marriage, don't have one. Just don't tell your neighbor, your brother, or your co-workers that they can't marry someone they love because your "god" said they were going to hell.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

TTD 120mph's avatar

CodyR said:
Would you go to a church and expect them to not frown upon homosexuality?

Yes, I (personally) would. Where's this love I've been told about by my parents if you condemn a person for nothing more than following their scientifically proven sexual orientation? At least there's SOME hope for humanity.

And by the way but have they even publicly said they were anti-gay? I know they funded a program that was found to be, but that they themselves weren't. Correct me if I'm wrong

Sounds pretty anti-gay......

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Pete's avatar

I must live under a rock as I was not aware of their attitude against a group of people. Thanks for pointing that out Kevin, for a restaurant to actively lobby against a segment of our society that are potential customers is wrong on many levels and they certainly will not get my money anymore. I'm lucky to work in an environment that values diversity and promotes respect for people of all beliefs and backgrounds, a company like Chick-fil-A leaves a bad taste in my mouth regardless of how good their chicken is. Bring back the Pizza Patio!

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

I support anyones right to think what they will. if you don't believe in gay marriage, don't marry a gay person. That being said, that is not the same as supporting taking freedoms away or blocking freedoms from people you disagree with.
If they had just said they support traditional marriage, I would say they have the right to be homophobic just like my neighbor has the right to be racist.
Because they crossed the line in helping blocking someones life because its different then there own, I feel cedar fair should drop them from the parks. After all cedar fair is a very gay friendly work environment.


^^ Oh yeah I stand corrected on that second part. I was going off of old news, guess I should have kept up on my homework before posting. And by the way I am not anti-gay in any way, but it's not going to stop me from eating at chick fil a.

Kevinj's avatar

But Cody, by eating at Chick-fil-A, you are anti-gay...that's the point.

A portion of every dime you give them supports discrimination.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

CodyR said:
^^ Oh yeah I stand corrected on that second part. I was going off of old news, guess I should have kept up on my homework before posting. And by the way I am not anti-gay in any way, but it's not going to stop me from eating at chick fil a.

I know I don't think you are man. I feel bad for the franchise stores, they have nothing to do with it. so please go to them, nothing wrong with that. I just don't think Cedar Fair should associate with the corporation anymore.


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