Cedar Point 2013

Chuck Wagon's avatar

Lake Eerie The Ride
Sponsored by Waste Management of Sandusky

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

I guess it wouldn't be hard to remember where you parked your car...

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

99er's avatar

I didn't mean that they would move the park boundary and include the coaster within the park. My point was that they know how to build something over a parking lot and not leave it looking like an old parking lot.

Unfortunately for Scream it really does ruin the experience of the ride, not totally, but it takes away, I love the ride and elements and everything, but it is about the same ride as Kumba at Busch Gardens and when I rode Scream it was a lot smoother than Kumba, but I still liked Kumba better, I'm guessing just because of it's surroundings. I am sure also though that CP will do a nice job with the new coaster, especially spending that much on it I think they will put a bit into the landscape too.

kylepark's avatar

If this will really be a "front gate statement", I'm sure it also includes aesthetics. It won't take much for excavating crews to remove the pavement.

My question is how are they going to have a roller coaster go around the front gate without it interfering with danger areas? Unless they are putting in hills where the front gate is then that's safe.

99er's avatar

I would consider the track going over the Front Gate as a hill.

Maverick00's avatar

There will probly be safety nets on the side of the tracks.

Last edited by Maverick00,

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Pete's avatar

It's not so bad if a coaster goes over a parking lot for part of it's journey. As long as the start is in a nice area of the park, I don't think too many people would be bothered going over some of the parking lot.

Don't forget that Magnum goes over a portion of the Soak City parking lot and a road and who really cares about that? The new coaster won't be different.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Out and back along the beach heading east would have been nicer than over the entrance and at the (possible)expense of losing two rides ....it's just an opinion. I know NOTHING~~

When SheiKra rounds its final turn after the splash down it travels over a service road and some parking. If you do not look for it, it is easy to miss because of all of the TREES and landscaping. What i'm saying is that if done right, a ride can be put anywhere and be a great ride while also providing great asthetics.

... it is easy to miss because of all of the TREES and landscaping.

Around these parts we call that 'charm'...

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Nothing like some down home charm. I love a park that feels like a park.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Kings Island has a lot of charm. Cedar Point has concrete charm.

Let's Get Weird.

That is what I have said for years...Concrete, a bunch of rails, and a beach. I could say the same for Alcatraz, although the beach is rocky there.

djDaemon's avatar

It would be at this point you'd be pointed to Charmland, but it seems as if your friendly PointBuzz Co-Publisher had it shut down. Presumably to turn it into an enormous concrete helipad.


I'm thinking he'll probably convert it into some immense shrine to the band Garbage.


My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Ensign Smith said:
I'm thinking he'll probably convert it into some immense shrine to the band Garbage.


I'm only happy when it rains...

Im hoping is has a layout similar to Batman knight flight (dominator), because ive severely missed that ride. With the ride stats as published... we may see something similiar. 170ft drop? Longest wing coaster? I hope it starts off with a big hill rolling into a massive inversion, followed by some b&m insanity...
I have another idea cp could use to keep up the coaster count. Add an S&S Screamin Squirrel to replace wildcat. Small footprint, cheap, and crazy.

Maybe it could have ride elements similar to it, but from pictures and layouts that I've seen, wingriders don't really look too similar to floorless coasters. Plus this wingrider won't be quite as compact and in one general area like many floorless (including Dominator) are.

Top 5 CP Coasters: 1. Steel Vengeance 2. Millennium Force 3. Maverick 4. Dragster 5. Magnum
Coaster Count: 102

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