Cedar Point 2013

My god, can someone fix the chain of misquoting that Skippy started? It's driving me nuts seeing people re-quote stuff I didn't say, and then seeing stuff quoted I said with another poster's name. I knew that would happen too.

Between here, the Facebook page, and YouTube, I'm not sure what Cedar Point can ever build that WON'T be besieged with comments deriding it before it's even built and judging solely from renders and animations. This is breaking records on its own and drastically changing the landscape of the park, but people are still writing it off.

But I guess that's what you get when the better part of your recent history has been conditioning people to expect exponentially larger coasters.

Kevinj's avatar

I agree with Dan, even if he is crazy.

I loathe the "bashing" comments, and it's so tempting to respond to each and every one.

This coaster doesn't just look thrilling, it's a frickin' work of art.

Now, Jeff...can I know the "twist" in the story?

Pretty please.

I'll be your best friend, and stuff.

Promoter of fog.

It is unfortunate that this may turn out to be another Disaster Transport or Mantis or Avalanche Run or Mean Streak.

It looks like it, way too short of a ride.

Lets just look at statistics, the last coaster that Cedar Point built, MAVERICK is awesome, pretty much everyone agrees, Wicked Twister is a nice impulse coaster, but not a knock off hit, it is fun to ride, but not a knock off hit. You wouldn't travel 8 hours to just ride this ride. Dragster is ok, but way too short, it had its problems, people getting sprayed with fraying wire rope cable, tires falling off, downtime, etc etc, but it is a decent ride. Of course Millenium Force, there is no argueing that this is an awesome ride.

So where does it leave us, with GATEKEEPER, unfortunately Cedar Point is due for a dud, and Gatekeeper will be it, just by looking at the layout.

Sorry everyone.

Just Coasting

I'm not even going to bother repeating what I just said.

You do realize the ride time for Gatekeeper is longer than Maverick right?

This in my opinion is the best new addition since TTD.

Just Coasting, did you even bother to read my post in response to yours on the other page? Because you just repeat something for not liking a ride and all I could do is say the exact same thing as I did there. Once again, the RIDE HASN'T OPENED YET.

All the negative comments, maybe it's just an internet anticipation-fueled thing. It's reminiscent of Apple fanboys who speculate to extremes about what the next iPhone will be like -- then complain and moan as soon as the actual model is introduced.

Of course, those fanboys then line up for hours to purchase said phone... just like all of these naysayers will line up for hours to ride GateKeeper and scream their heads off in joy.

Giant Wheel alum from a loooong time ago.

ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

Everyones a friggin critic....

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

Kevinj's avatar

Honestly, he can't be serious...and he buried my request to get Jeff to reveal the "twist in the story".

Bumped. :)

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

CP, as good a track record they have for great rides, can't please absolutely everyone every time. I am sure it's going to be a dynamite ride, otherwise they wouldn't have dropped enough for 600* middle-class workers' annual income on such a thing.

I, for one, will be in line on opening day.

(* Assumes a $50K salary)

Last edited by Twisted Wicker,

Not to be confused with Twisted Wicker 08 from 2002

Based off the layout of Gatekeeper, is there still going to be a double entrance like we have now? The way it's set up now is guests buy their tickets at the first entrance and then the second entrance is where they scan their tickets. Right now I'm confused because with one entrance like the art rendering shows, there is going to be a huge line at the gate unless that one entrance is actually bigger than what the rendering shows.

Kevinj's avatar

Damn it people.

Promoter of fog.

CPboy77 said:
You do realize the ride time for Gatekeeper is longer than Maverick right?

This in my opinion is the best new addition since TTD.

Umm maverick is pure insanity. This is a B&M. Sorry, but B&m doesnt ever come close to intamin on intensity.

The ride looks sweet, a little disappointing after the MCBR. One other thing, what were they thinking with that station? Is that for real? That is a corrugated steel barn. I am very disappointed. Considering they did something so amazing with TTD's station. I'm still dreaming of seeing this at CP:


While this ride looks awesome, it does not meet Cedar Point standards. What happened to new elements and innovative new tech?

Ill take a few laps on it and head over to power ride Maverick.

Coaster Boi's avatar

Shawn Meyer said:
Based off the layout of Gatekeeper, is there still going to be a double entrance like we have now? The way it's set up now is guests buy their tickets at the first entrance and then the second entrance is where they scan their tickets. Right now I'm confused because with one entrance like the art rendering shows, there is going to be a huge line at the gate unless that one entrance is actually bigger than what the rendering shows.

Probaly half the gate for tickets, half the gate for passes.

Top Thrill Laps - 57
2014 CP Visits - 7
Opening Day 2015 : Rougarou - Front Seat!

Coaster Boi's avatar

xtremecoasters said:

CPboy77 said:
You do realize the ride time for Gatekeeper is longer than Maverick right?

This in my opinion is the best new addition since TTD.

Umm maverick is pure insanity. This is a B&M. Sorry, but B&m doesnt ever come close to intamin on intensity.

The ride looks sweet, a little disappointing after the MCBR. One other thing, what were they thinking with that station? Is that for real? That is a corrugated steel barn. I am very disappointed. Considering they did something so amazing with TTD's station. I'm still dreaming of seeing this at CP:


While this ride looks awesome, it does not meet Cedar Point standards. What happened to new elements and innovative new tech?

Ill take a few laps on it and head over to power ride Maverick.

Maybe they don't have a station idea yet, so they put up a basic station?

Top Thrill Laps - 57
2014 CP Visits - 7
Opening Day 2015 : Rougarou - Front Seat!

I hate when people complain about the duration of a ride. Maverick's original animation video lasted one minute after the lift until hitting the final breaks; Gatekeeper's lasts just under a minute by four seconds...

xtremecoasters said:

CPboy77 said:
You do realize the ride time for Gatekeeper is longer than Maverick right?

This in my opinion is the best new addition since TTD.

Umm maverick is pure insanity. This is a B&M. Sorry, but B&m doesnt ever come close to intamin on intensity.

The ride looks sweet, a little disappointing after the MCBR. One other thing, what were they thinking with that station? Is that for real? That is a corrugated steel barn. I am very disappointed. Considering they did something so amazing with TTD's station. I'm still dreaming of seeing this at CP:


While this ride looks awesome, it does not meet Cedar Point standards. What happened to new elements and innovative new tech?

Ill take a few laps on it and head over to power ride Maverick.

Trying to figure out how the 6th coaster of it's type, the longest tallest and fastest of its type, while also becoming a key element to the entrance to the park isn't innovative? What the hell we're you guys expecting!?

I'm interested in seeing what kind of lighting package they come up with along the track layout and by the station for the evening hours. LED's, straight up ground spotlights, whatever. Did they mention/ anyone ask about this?

Last edited by CPfan1976,

Speaking on the topic of ride time, I've heard several comparisons to Maverick. Based on the GateKeeper animated POV, and Maverick's POV, the ride time from the top of the lift to the final brake run is almost identical.

Pretty good in my opinion

Kind of a repeat of what Mtay said

Last edited by SmallDunk,

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