Cedar Point 2013

Does anyone know of any ride that is as integral an aspect of any park entrance as this? I can't think of any off the top of my head.

Kevinj's avatar

Complaints about ride time are simply uninformed. Since when is 2:40 a lousy ride time?

And where is it written in stone that after a "brake" (which is essentially a potential block on the ride) there has to be 20 more elements?

Now, the twist, Jeff....if you please.

Promoter of fog.

This is a bit early to speculate, but might the new area enclosed by the ride be a good location for a future dark ride? It looks like there would be room for that as well as maintaining access to the service building. Just a thought.

Coaster Boi's avatar

Maybe. But DT took up all that area and sucked. We need a small outdoor coaster (like a junior coaster) to bring our coaster count up.


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BleauxJays said:

xtremecoasters said:

CPboy77 said:
You do realize the ride time for Gatekeeper is longer than Maverick right?

This in my opinion is the best new addition since TTD.

Umm maverick is pure insanity. This is a B&M. Sorry, but B&m doesnt ever come close to intamin on intensity.

The ride looks sweet, a little disappointing after the MCBR. One other thing, what were they thinking with that station? Is that for real? That is a corrugated steel barn. I am very disappointed. Considering they did something so amazing with TTD's station. I'm still dreaming of seeing this at CP:


While this ride looks awesome, it does not meet Cedar Point standards. What happened to new elements and innovative new tech?

Ill take a few laps on it and head over to power ride Maverick.

Trying to figure out how the 6th coaster of it's type, the longest tallest and fastest of its type, while also becoming a key element to the entrance to the park isn't innovative? What the hell we're you guys expecting!?

Umm, its a different type of train on the same B&M track. Remember Raptor with the Cobra roll?

Jeff's avatar

I just got back from the future, and a lot of you are totally right. The ride really will suck.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

^LIKE: I love the sarcasm Jeff. :)

Not making it to Dollywood this year, but making the run to Hersheypark, I had the chance to ride Skyrush. Although not labeled as a "wing" coaster, it does have outside seats that hang very similar to that of a wing coaster. (In My Opinion...please do not bash) And I was amazed at the level of intensity that those seats have. Just an amazing exhilaration and the forces are so crazy intense. I am so looking forward to the layout and the keyholes and the first drop. Dang, it looks so fun. I really think those that feel dissapointment are ill informed of the feel of the wing design and I will be looking forward to NOT having them in line this Spring! Can not wait to compare the front from back, the left from right.

Sorry for the mess. Signature under construction.

TTD 120mph's avatar

What a waste of good space! Oh wait, I had my angry nerd goggles on. WHOA!!! Now I can see the beauty that is this ride! This is a winner on sooo many levels.

I've been on Wild Eagle and that was a fantastic ride. Thus I'm pretty sure this ride is going to blow Wild Eagle out the water......just sayin.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Jeff's avatar

I did many, many laps on Wild Eagle. That ride was shorter than this one, and Wild Eagle is easily one of the best new rides to come along in a very long time.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

I think this ride will be a terrific complement to the park's coaster collection. The placement of the mid-course trim brakes seems kind of weird to me, but I assume they were shoehorned into the layout for blocking purposes.

I'm looking forward to riding it!

2000: Gemini
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I think a giant screamin squirrel would make an incredible dark ride. Think of a 220ft. 100 yard wide screamin squirrel with some out in the open and most enclosed with theme elements....

Dream ride right there... it could have a creepy evil magician theme could wourk really well with the upsidedown portions

Jeff, how does it compare to Maverick in terms on intensity?

Re: the gate, considering how much things have switched to digital and online ticketing and a good proportion of the peeps are likely to have bought their tickets online, or beforehand otherwise, I figure they'll probably have a much reduced number of windows for ticket purchasing and just have the rest of the aisles for the turnstiles. Assuming it's not just missing the other gate/they haven't finalized its design.

The only downside with putting both the purchasing and entrance into a single gate structure could probably be the Halloweekend crowds, but I dunno.

Chuck Wagon's avatar

I think the animation replaced quite a few ugly buildings with trees now that I look at a map. I'm guessing not all of those will be around next year, but most probably will be.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

I don't think we've seen the final designs for the main gate as well as the coaster station yet. If you notice, these elements in the animation are the ONLY things that are rendered in a single grey tone. I'm sure the main gate will be spectacular and the station will be nicer than what is being presented in the animation.

Im so excited for this roller coaster!!! i like how the ride will go over grass instead of parking lot.

Does anyone know what kind of bird Gatekeeper is? I keep thinking it's an Eagle but not 100% sure on that.

Shawn Meyer said:
Based off the layout of Gatekeeper, is there still going to be a double entrance like we have now? The way it's set up now is guests buy their tickets at the first entrance and then the second entrance is where they scan their tickets. Right now I'm confused because with one entrance like the art rendering shows, there is going to be a huge line at the gate unless that one entrance is actually bigger than what the rendering shows.

Ticketing and Guest Services will be entirely new. You won't have to pass through two entrances to get into the park. You'll have new options on the right...and new options on the left. Clearly, you'll still have to have your tickets scanned (underneath the keyholes).

Remember - renderings are just that. Renderings. They are typically 100% accurate when it comes to demonstrating the ride experience and most structural things (station, supports, etc.), but they don't necessarily have to include the surrounding area or other items, like how wide apart the new turnstiles will be. And yes, Maverick was an exception to the accuracy, but you get the point.

And for anyone complaining about the ride experience, stop. These rides aren't built for the .008% of guests (enthusiasts). This ride will be a SMASH hit for CP and the public will eat it up. And I have the wing-riding experience to complement my theory.

But yeah, you naysayers are right - the biggest suckage will come right at the top of the lift when your view will totally blow. Who builds a coaster facing a parking lot? FoR REaLZ!!85!0#

TaER iT DoWN!11* TaEr iT aLL DoWn!

I'd say an Eagle or a Hawk.

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