Cedar Point 2013

Jesus people! What are you so dissappointed about? Sure every ride will have its flaws and could have cooler and better elements, let's see you make a better coaster and please absolutely everybody. Just wait till you ride this being upside down 170 feet in the air, plummeting straight to the ground, intense airtime, and two keyholes that make you feel like your head and feet will get chopped off. Cheer up you guys know you'll love this ride so stop complaining. It's been 6 years.

Top 5 CP coasters 1- millennium 2- dragster 3- maverick 4- raptor 5- magnum

I don't know if it is just me, but I have always like the two toned paint jobs on Raptor and Mantis, so I am really glad that Cedar Point desided to put the two toned paint on Gatekeeper as well.

As for the ride itself I honestly have no complaints. I have long said that roller coasters are rideable works of art, and Gatekeeper truely proves that. Regarding the MCBR just take a look at Magnum, it essentially does the same thing coming out of the last tunnel.

R.I.P. Mr. Scott

ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

Guide_Wheel said:

But yeah, you naysayers are right - the biggest suckage will come right at the top of the lift when your view will totally blow. Who builds a coaster facing a parking lot? FoR REaLZ!!85!0#

I don't see why anyone would complain about the view! Just take a look to your left and there's Lake Erie and the beach form 170 feet up. If you're on the right side you get to see the amazing track your about to go roaring through known at Gatekeeper.

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

Pete's avatar

This is an absolutely magnificent ride that will give CP what I predict will be a fantastic coaster and create one of the most unique and exciting entrance plazas in the industry.

How can anyone who has seen the key holes say this ride doesn't have unique and innovative elements? Approaching the key holes horizontally and then turning on the side to thread the needle will create fantastic head chopper visuals.

Plus, the ride is over 4000' long, I don't get why some call it short. This will be one of the longest coasters in the park, both in length and ride time.

This is a beautiful project that will be a CP signature ride and be a big hit with guests, probably similar to the buzz Magnum, Raptor and Millennium Force created. I can't wait to ride this thing.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Rcoaster10's avatar

What's up with all the complainers? The view isn't bad. The ride is great. Be happy there's a coaster being built. So what if it's not 400ft. It's a new experience for Cedar Point and they don't have anything like it so be happy with it, and if you don't like it then don't ride it. One less person in line.

Hello all!

First off, let me just say that I (and all of my GP friends) are beyond excited for this ride. I feel as if they are finally "completing" the wicked twister area of the park.

I think that the camelback is different than anything on the current wing riders so far and is actually better than an additional zero-g roll. I wonder how the size of the inclined dive loop will compare to Raptor nearby.

Another thing: perhaps the ride might seem longer if the first drop and immelmann weren't together near the loop. Maybe a traditional drop and dive loop would have made the ride seem longer. But already by making the ride more like an out-and-back than a twister like X-Flight or Swarm, it adds to the scale of the ride across the gate. I belive that this will be far more impressive after it's built and towering over the entrance.

In reference to the station issue: having just visited Hersheypark and Skyrush yesterday, I belive that load/unload shouldn't be much of an issue. Skyrush does both from the one side (no room on the other), but has boxes in the space between the gates for each individual row. If Cedar Point could do something similar (and perhaps not rush to open the gates for loading) then one station may not be as bad. And they're claiming 1710 ppl/hr.

(and off-topic; but yes, the restraints on Skyrush hurt but yes, it was awesome)

My friends refer to me as "the coaster guy". Lurker does not [always] mean GP...


Pete's avatar

Another unique and interesting thing about Gatekeeper is that the MCBR is outside the park. If they ever unload the train from the MCBR they will need to give everyone hand stamps during the unload process to ensure everyone can get back into the park.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

There's nothing more funny than being in line behind a person who is actually complaining while they wait. You have to wonder why they are in line to begin with. Yes, it has happened before, I was in line for Dragster.

Where will Space Spiral be now? I don't see it in the cartoon.

Jason Hammond's avatar

Space spiral will be gone.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

^^^^Haha that's funny. I never thought about that.

Last edited by Ride On_17,

Top 5 CP Coasters: 1. Steel Vengeance 2. Millennium Force 3. Maverick 4. Dragster 5. Magnum
Coaster Count: 102

I can't believe how many people think this will be a dissapointment. It looks like this will be far from it! The layout looks great. Hopefully I will get a chance to come up next year to ride it!

Top 5 Coasters #1 Millennium Force #2 Intimidator (Carowinds) #3 Top Thrill Dragster #4 The Beast #5 X2

Coasters I want to ride: #1 El Toro #2 Leviathan #3 The Voyager #4 I305 #5 Behemoth

Jeff said:
I just got back from the future, and a lot of you are totally right. The ride really will suck.

I take it this is the twist you spoke of? depressing...

I can't wait to ride Gatekeeper. Warming up to the name, thanks to the phoenix/griffin/whatever you guys are arguing it is XD as the mascot.

Last edited by Sealedseven,

Pete said:
Another unique and interesting thing about Gatekeeper is that the MCBR is outside the park. If they ever unload the train from the MCBR they will need to give everyone hand stamps during the unload process to ensure everyone can get back into the park.

Here's to hoping that situation never happens haha.

I'm assuming that the brakes before the station can hold two trains, in case of both stacking and emergency. Perhaps if it was safe to do, they'd let the train move forward to the final brakes. I can see how a train stopped on the MCBR would be a logistical nightmare.

Oh and B&M? Please, no trims.

Jeff's avatar

I think from a practical standpoint, the ride is "over" when you hit the midcourse. In fact, if that was the end of the ride, I doubt anyone would have anything negative to say.

On the other hand, if they don't trim there, and you fly through that helix at speed, that will be way cool.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

DejaVu2001's avatar

Cpcoasterfan said:

My big concern is as a taller person (6'5) I hope it doesn't get so low to the ground or keyhole that there is a height restriction, anyone who has ridden other wing riders do you recall any such restrictions.

All of the B&M Wing Coasters currently in operation have a maximum height of 78 inches or 6'6", so I hope you're done growing.

As for the noise, I don't see there being any issues. X Flight is extremely quiet and that's with no sand filling.

I can't figure out why the keyholes weren't included in the first POV animation. The video was reversed, then it randomly cut to the two keyholes... anyone else lost as well?

Ryan / A Buckeye stuck in Michigan

What are you talking about?? The keyholes are still there..

My favorite part is the second in-line twist after the first one and the turnaround!!!!

Does anyone notice that it looks as if your going face first into the wall then you flip around it...

Thats some scary crap right there

Maverick00's avatar

Well I'm reading through all this for the first time. I stopped when the trolls starting making posts though. Anyway the ride looks amazing. The video is REALLY weird. The only thing I'm surprised about is that there was nothing more to it. Like no pictures of the new front entrance or the area around the station.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

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