Cedar Point 2013

Cedar King said:
^Compare Gatekeeper to the other wing coasters before you post again.

Quit being a pretentious **** before you post again.

Will the seats rotate?

The airtime on that camelback should be a very unique experience.

TheHSBR said:
Ive seen a number of comments already thinking that its going to have a reverse launch/trip through the track.

If people are really confused by that, they should be institutionalized

^^^^^ I agree... Why they chose to show off a video at the press conference that doesn't even show the new gate and flyover is beyond me.

Yep, did not understand why the video was cut just before the main gate flyover. For those that think the duration is short, watch the on-ride video on cedarpoint.com

TheHSBR's avatar

Sause said:

TheHSBR said:
Ive seen a number of comments already thinking that its going to have a reverse launch/trip through the track.

If people are really confused by that, they should be institutionalized

If the video shows that, how would a member of the GP be able to distinguish that it wont? When I viewed it I thought it was a video glitch at the press conference but it been posted in multiple areas now.

bribrihate said:
Will the seats rotate?


Chuck Wagon's avatar

The seats do not rotate.

Space Spiral had to go because it is likely too expensive to maintain for a ride that hardly anyone rides. It makes sense to do so while they are revamping this section of the park.

There are multiple videos on the CP YouTube site. The one they showed seems to be aimed at focusing on the keyhole elements, but really ends up being more confusing in my opinion.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

"I'm the Key Master. Are you the GateKeeper?" :)

Yeah, I think this is going to be confusing to John Q Public even though it is pretty obvious to us that the reverse footage was thrown in for effect. Why not just slow it down to super slo mo for that portion of the ride if they wanted to highlight is as the big moment?

I thought they just did that for the press tease but now on the website I see it is the same. My guess is that right now there are people in the press tent asking about the backwards portion of the ride and I wouldn't be surprised if by tomorrow they upload a new version of the video without the reverse.

As for the ride, I think it is a sure thing. Love the transformation it will make to the front of the park. The layout looks impressive and I might enjoy just sitting there and watching it for a while.

I assume the Space Spiral has to go in order to make way for the queue since you wouldn't want that spilling onto the midway and it doesn't seem they will remove any of the games midway.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

The seats are stationary? This announcement becomes more and more depressing by the second.

Chuck Wagon's avatar

It could have been worse. It could have been a log flume.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

It was just to emphasize the signature elements of the ride.

Are there any hi-res versions of the logo available? I want to use it as wallpaper.

Not to be confused with Twisted Wicker 08 from 2002

Fast Lane will probably be even more popular than ever next year with Gatekeeper. Expect higher FL prices also.

Any screenname with the word "hate" in it seems to be a good moniker for you bribri. I will eat my denim jeans if this ride isn't just as popular as Raptor was at its premier. No way this fails.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Goodness, I wasn't expecting backlash over a new coaster. I thought everyone loves new coasters? ;)

Aaronosmer's avatar

bribrihate said:
The seats are stationary? This announcement becomes more and more depressing by the second.

You sure like to complain. People throw a fit, because they haven't built a coaster in x years. Now they are building one, and all you can do is complain.

Some people are never happy.

It looks like a fun ride, but I don't understand the point of a wing coaster if the seats don't spin. Isn't that the cool thing about that type of roller coasters? CP just isn't keeping up to date with their coasters I feel.

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