Cedar Point 2013

ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

CPfan1976 said:

Dead Sexeh said:

Really? I'm pretty sure Gatekeeper has been mentioned. Good thing you (CPfan1976) are holding off so that way you can get some accurate information

Nope still not holding off. Yeah it's been mentioned many times on here and all over the net, just not from CP. The yellow animal heads' looks definitely match my original source for the name of this coaster, which I can point you to after Monday afternoon. I'll refrain until then and we'll chat later.

so your saying you don't believe the ride will be called Gatekeeper. Or are you saying there is more to come?

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

Well gee who would have thought that CP wouldn't have mentioned the name of their new coaster.

Aw, I was kinda pulling for a new dinosaur to be unveiled for DA. It slowly opens its mechanical mouth to reveal cookies for everyone! :Facebook explodes:

99er's avatar

bholcomb said:
Mac users are idiots.

bholcomb said:
I'm using a mac now

^ Commodore 64, 64kbs RAM! Personally I love the name Gatekeeper and after seeing the 'pictures' I could not think of a better name... as for interceptor the ride that sounds like a IOA Spiderman type ride. Can't wait for Monday to come!!

ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

hahaha I think its funny how everyone starts there post with computer stats now.

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa


4,353 feet long? 188 feet tall? Still thinking fan-made...but they might have jumped on the bandwagon for the coaster enthusiasts...maybe? Ha, whatever, I'm following. Joke will be on me if it's not legit.

I want it so badly to break 200 feet, and I don't know why. It's not like 170-190 feet is really much different. Anyway, I don't think it's going to make it. Tear it down!!!11 lol No, it looks pretty awesome; love the entrance.

CoasterKid20 said:
So, this obviously will be pricey (between the front gate renovation and the coaster). However, while browsing the website, the Rollercoaster page is completely out of whack since the "leaked page". The Children's Rides page is as well (while everything else is the same). Maybe a kiddie ride is making its way to the park in 2013 as well.

What was wrong with those pages?

[url][url]This supports that it's not a false clue


Last edited by samosuband,

Bashing of Wikipedia commencing in 3..2..1

Platinum has it's perks. So does living exactly 97.5 miles from King's Island and Cedar Point

As I study the leaked picture and compare it to overhead bing maps, it appears that a fairly large chunk of land will now be enclosed by the foot print of the ride. I am eager to see how much of this new area is used for the service building access and how much gets turned into new park space.

The grassy area between Ocean Motion and Three point challenge is ripe for something.

Last edited by jo linn,

ThunderbirdsMT said:

so your saying you don't believe the ride will be called Gatekeeper. Or are you saying there is more to come?

Wildcat, Iron Dragon, Snake River Falls, Raptor, Mantis, Skyhawk
Anyone personally going to the announcement on Monday afternoon?

I wonder if Troika will have to be moved again. I guess it depends on where the line is going to be.

Oh, and what did 0 7 91 97 21 2 mean? Did anyone find out what that meant after the leak?


GateKeeper is mentioned in the installations.

I'm so pumped for the announcement!

Favorite coaster: Millennium Force
Favorite flat: maXair

Going back a few pages here, but I'm definitely in the camp that there is a jojo roll directly following the MCBR.

judging by the leaked memo's picture. It seems to only be a brief figure 8-layout (with 90* banked turns). I wish CP woul of just remove the MCBR an added a LONG low-to-the-ground hartline roll. Delicious!

The MCBR seems kinda pointless, since the ride only has about 15 seconds left afterwards, unless those helices are slower paced. Regardless of it all, I'm in love with the layout!

Last edited by Cedar King,

CedarPointTaylor said:

GateKeeper is mentioned in the installations.

I'm so pumped for the announcement!

samosuband said:
[url][url]This supports that it's not a false clue


I'm not bashing Wikipedia, it can be valuable when used properly with completely official, factual information. I will point out though that it can be edited by the general public, like say... Someone that uses this site and got their information here.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD. said:
Can anyone remember when the last time we didn't find out about a ride before the announcement date? Skyhawk?

Shoot the Rapids.

Closed topic.

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