Cedar Point 2013

It looks as though they have blocked the beach yet again. I was hoping that the midway would continue down a bit and be open to the beach side like an East coast boardwalk type thing.

Cedar Point leaked that intentionally! They r not that careless when it comes to something of this caliber. They r sending you guys for a loop! Lol

No, they're not. People mess up and this is one of those mess-ups.

They aren't going to pay a company, or do it themselves, just as a "false clue". Come on.


GateKeeper not only looks like it will be a fantastic ride, but it's a BEAUTIFUL addition to the park. I could not be happier with its color scheme or elements. So proud of this park. Can't wait to be going up that lift hill, riding left wing, feeling the breeze of Erie hit me before slowly veering to the right and hanging, looking down at that magnificent drop.

And YES! A HUGE Immelman! An airtime hill! A MONSTROUS corkscrew! And two keyholes! I am in love. Even though the "front gate" keyhole design kind of looks like a modern, stale entrance to an Apple store...some fire element in between the keyholes would be exceptional and would make quite the statement.

ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

It's funny I took those screenshots and made a flickr account to upload them for you guys and within an hour already have over 2,500 picture views. :)

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

Maverick00's avatar

Your a celebrity :)

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

It seems strange to me that the initial roll after the lift hill is away from the beach. I would think that the view would have been better if it rolled toward the beach.

Am I the only one who thinks it looks like the ticket gates are gone?

Where you buy your tickets at.

Last edited by Canine3456,
Maverick00's avatar

I saw that, they might of been moved or you just might not see them in the picture.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Looks like the same color concept as Leviathan at Canada's Wonderland. I like it because it's a teal color which is a color Cedar Point doesn't have. Looking forward to Monday when we see a video and stats. :)

I live 10 minutes away from cedar point and have a lot of friends that work there! Believe me you want to be there monday at 3:30 to see what really is going on!!!!!

ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

I can't wait to see how tall it is. Wicked twister is 215 feet and its hard to tell in the picture but from the looks of it I'd say 190-200 ft.


Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

I also love the custom car designs for the trains. Epic.

False clues,false clues, false clues! What a bunch of suckers! Hook line and sinker!!!

I should call CP, and act like a member of the GP.

"What is this GATEKEEPER I keep hearing of? I don't see a gatekeepe r anywhere!?"

gear bear, they're not false clues.


gear bear said:
False clues,false clues, false clues! What a bunch of suckers! Hook line and sinker!!!

Do you honestly know how much time and effort goes into designing those pages, not to mention the logo is custom, that takes MONTHS of design. So no we aren't suckers.

Stephen P.
2008: Raptor
2009: Front Desk Clerk; Breakers Express
2010: Assistant Front Office Manager Breakers Express

Your a false clue.

^ Bear I bet you are going to say the picture of the t-shirt on Facebook is all part of the game. If you look at the t-shirt picture it matches up perfectly with the Gatekeeper logo.

CP is in the business of making money not manipulating an enthusiast community. I can tell you as a professional who manages a large budget, if one of my staff proposed we spend REAL MONEY on a FAKE campaign, they'd be laughed out of my office.

Last edited by RTurb0,

Platinum has it's perks. So does living exactly 97.5 miles from King's Island and Cedar Point

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