Cedar Point 2013

Skippy said:
It looks alright but the name is kind of lame. Can't wait to see what we get in 2014.

I'll bet it's not another coaster!

Maybe a flat.

Coaster Lady said:
Is this ride just going to be a basic wing? Can we tell from the pictures if it will have some other element?

Is there some other type of wing coaster out there? Please share ;)

Last edited by Cedar King,

Anyone else notice the JoJo roll following the MCBR?

Jeff's avatar

Here's a screenshot for everyone who missed it...


Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Coaster Lady's avatar

I meant do the seats rotate or anything? Something like X2

Last edited by Coaster Lady,

It just drops and goes into a helix, then an airtime hill. I think it's just an illusion of a jojo roll.

Coaster Lady said:
I meant do the seats rotate or anything? Something like X2

This is a Wing Coaster, built by B&M


a 4D coaster built by S&S Arrow.

ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

CoasterKid20 said:
Anyone else notice the JoJo roll following the MCBR?

excuse me if this is a dumb question but what is a MCBR?

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

Jeff said:
Here's a screenshot for everyone who missed it...


LOL! Never stops being funny... :)

Last edited by nerdykat,

The name is amazing! It's different, unique- its Awesome that CP Is creating its own creature and the fact that it flies through the gate with two keyholes- amazing. The lift is amazing! Seriously- there is nothing to complain about- its a coaster lovers dream! AMAZING!!

Brought to you by 1-800-LOCKSMITH.

Coaster Lady's avatar

This is a Wing Coaster, built by B&M


a 4D coaster built by S&S Arrow.

I'm just asking....no need to be rude

Last edited by Coaster Lady,

Skippy said:
It looks alright but the name is kind of lame. Can't wait to see what we get in 2014.

Really?? The ride isn't even built yet and you haven't even rode it and its already lame, because of the name?

GoBrowns said:
HAHAHA somebody in the IT Department is going to get fired. What kind of idiot doesn't test on a beta site? or make the file path at least something that is non-descript?

Did they really think that maybe we wouldn't notice that they were testing on the live website? We're coaster enthusiasts waiting for a major announcement - c'mon now... No stone left unturned, especially the ones they turn over for us! LOL


ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

I was never a fan of the name Gatekeeper at first but after seeing that logo and the double keyholes I love it. It's an amazing addition to the park and the name definitely suite it.

Last edited by ThunderbirdsMT,

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

xtremecoasters said:
It just drops and goes into a helix, then an airtime hill. I think it's just an illusion of a jojo roll.

Or maybe the drop is the illusion ;). I retraced it twice and if it's just a drop, then that random roll to the right of the MCBR (Mid-Course Break Run ThunderbirdsMT) doesn't fit in anywhere. I guess we'll know for sure come Monday.

Jeff said:
Here's a screenshot for everyone who missed it...


Too Funny

Maverick00's avatar

I was hating on the name a couple days ago but after seeing everything, I love it. The colors are great too. From what I can see, the station looks pretty cool too.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

ThunderbirdsMT said:
Definitely the coolest looking wing coaster I've seen so far. now only nine months until I can ride it..... damn.

This thing looks absolutely amazing! I already told my hubby that we must go next summer so I can ride it! Wow... Not only that, I know I'll get chills just seeing that front gate and walking up to it to enter the park with those trains flying (literally!) by. I'm in awe of the design already.

Cedar King said:
I'll bet it's not another coaster!

Exactly. My excitement for 2014 is at the prospect of getting an e-ticket attraction that's not a coaster. Cedar Point announcing another coaster is like Activision announcing another Call of Duty or EA announcing another Madden game; sure it'll be fun and it may change a little from the last one but what I'm really excited for is that new IP - or in this case, new experience - they've got coming. This is the last of Kinzel and Im excited to see the direction Ouimet takes the Point.

Closed topic.

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