CPcyclone said:
Another sweet "gatekeeper" kinda name would be "The Guardian".
The only real "Gatekeeper" name is Zuul
It was the last major prop that was sort of kept up! I think we will probably see it in a Halloweekend setting.
Is it just me, or does this sign for DT being closed and removed for future development look really banged up? almost like its been laying around for a few years...
New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus
I think the Black part is painted wood that has been chipped up. The blue part is the new sign that they put on that wood and metal pipe apparatus. That's what it looks like to me
Yeah they reuse those sign holders and just put in new signs. Last year it was used for the "Windseeker is not open" signs. The year before that it was used for the "Shoot the Rapids is not open" signs. Next year, it will be used for...well, you get the idea. :)
-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop
SSL488 said:
Do you think they will need to close Troika, Giant Wheel, or Wicked Twister for a short period of time once they start demolishing the lift hill? The temporary wall that has been put up near Troika is literally almost touching the queue. I can't imagine that they would keep it open when they start taking that part down. It just doesn't seem like t would be safe.
Keep in mind we also only have until Labor Day for everyday operation. After that they can really get a lot done during the week. Also, in a week or so, the park will be opening later, so that will allow for more early morning demolition.
ThunderbirdsMT and Coaster Boi said:
The 3 names really threw me for a loop. I'm really not sure what to expect now. // They just get a kick out of screwing with us.
That's the whole point. If you can beware of false clues and distinguish them from the legitimate ones, you'll get closer to the truth. Dig deeply.
Cedar Point just put a new picture on there facebook page saying "Wildcat is no match for this creature."
Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa
It's getting annoying when the General Public keep saying that it's Sonic.
Favorite coaster: Millennium Force
Favorite flat: maXair
Yeah, no one here made the Sonic joke.
And, if anyone wants to be the first to know, you can go here. :)
I love reading the comments on the FB page. "I better ride DisasterTransport" next month then huh? and the like...LOL!
ThunderbirdsMT said:
Cedar Point just put a new picture on there facebook page saying "Wildcat is no match for this creature."https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150981111626463&set=a.319...=1&theater
The blue sort of looks like blades.......... like Sonic the Hedgehog blades............ hahaahahahaaha
I signed up for the Cedar Point Text message alerts earlier this year and I got this message today...
Where do you go to set that up?
Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!
Closed topic.