Cedar Point 2013

I like how everyone complains that there is too much red and orange in the park yet the majority of the people here are hoping that its name will be phoenix which is normally associated with the colors orange and red

Hey guys. I have been reading the forums here on and off since 2002 but never created an account until now. Lol

Do you possibly think the gate bars over the picture are because right NOW the secret is caged up until the announcement? I dont see the bars in any other teaser pictures.

Just my opinion

^What I was thinking. I don't think (could be wrong) that those bars mean anything besides that it's caged until the announcement.

Yeah! Highly doubt the bars are anything of significance. "Gatekeeper" would be a horrid name, a highly intoxicated homeless person on the streets of Cleveland could think of something better than THAT.

I'd throw out the name "Incubus"... but it's a creature that sleeps with women so doubt they would use it.

Incubus? How about Hoobastank?

Rcoaster10's avatar

Has anyone seen the clues supposedly at CP? Like the 'what can outrun an avalanche?' If so does anyone have pictures?

Harlequin is m new vote after that clue... Its a duck that lives in the glaciers of alaska

TTD 120mph's avatar

Dead Sexeh said:
I like how everyone complains that there is too much red and orange in the park yet the majority of the people here are hoping that its name will be phoenix which is normally associated with the colors orange and red

I don't think the track necessarily has to be anything related to fire colors. Don't forget that the train would be the most likely candidate for the "phoenix treatment". So we could have a beautiful blue color scheme track/support with an awesome red color scheme train.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Whenever I look at the wing image, I don't see bars; I see a picture of a blue wing split up into eight sections and rotated slightly, each casting a shadow onto the next section to the right. I don't think this carries any significance, but does anyone else look at it that way?

And now that I mention it, I keep going back and forth on whether they look like bars or gaps.

Last edited by slehman,

Yeti or Abominable Snowman?

TTD 120mph's avatar

^^They're bars.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

TTD 120mph said:

I don't think the track necessarily has to be anything related to fire colors. Don't forget that the train would be the most likely candidate for the "phoenix treatment". So we could have a beautiful blue color scheme track/support with an awesome red color scheme train.

From just going by the teaser pics it would appear that the train would be blue being that it has what looks to be a blue wing in the teaser and the track/supports would be the fire colors.

Last edited by Dead Sexeh,

Looked up some images of the rumoured "Typhon" name on on screamscape....

and typhon is pretty much everything we have said up to this point but togther,,

Typhon has big blue wings, and snakes (or dragons) under his torsp, which is human.. Typhon was too powerful for zeus to control so he trapped him under a mountain... I think he its the guardian or "gatekeeper" of the seas.

Typhon it may be

I keep switching.... this is exactly what they want...

Im down to three


Final Force 500's avatar

I like the Phoenix name, but I dont love it. This pic caught my eye on Google.


I do not like the name Lotan at all. It sounds like something you get on your legs from standing in the sun at CP all day.

I hope the name is something that makes me say, "Sweet! Why didnt any of us think of that?"

Final Force 500's avatar

American Coaster Enthusiasts just posted this on their Facebook.

"More on Cedar Point's 2013 new attractions announcement set for August 13"

I noticed they say "2013 new attractions", meaning more than one? Maybe just a typo? Set "them" free? Coincidence? Probably. How much would ACE know at this point, if anything? That is the real question.

Last edited by Final Force 500,
Final Force 500's avatar

How do you recover from a disaster? You rise above (the gate). The Banshee clue = Mantis. A stand-up coaster, stand = rise. Maybe a Phoenix themed coaster called simply RISE. Along with a 400'+ drop ride similar to (Lex Luther: drop of doom) in place of space spiral and tribute to Demon Drop simply called FALL. Rise and Fall 2013... ;)

ughh. I dont know. It's late and we had an earthquake a little while ago so I'm finding it hard to sleep :/

Last edited by Final Force 500,
djDaemon's avatar

TTD 120mph said:
Also, I'm going to throw my coin in the Phoenix hat as well. Not only because blue colors...


NextGen89 said:
Im not a big fan of phoenix... especially if its blue... phoenixs are red and orange due to the fire.


Seriously, the pro-phoenix crowd really needs to do a Google image search for "phoenix".

Look at all those blue birds! ;)


TTD 120mph's avatar

So there's a marketing point right there! The worlds only blue flame Phoenix themed coaster!:)
But, like I said, the track could be blue and the train could be red. I think that could work well. But with the "wings"in the teaser being blue, I do doubt the name is going to be Phoenix. I just like the idea behind it.

Also, including blue before phoenix in google turns out a decent amount of textiles. ;)

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I would love a coaster at CP with Leviathan's color but CP has a lot of blue coasters already....
Millennium Force
Blue Streak
Jr. Gemini
Okay, well that's not too many compared to all the roller coasters with red in them, but I think CP needs to have more creativity with the colors. It gets annoying when people are like,"Which one is Maverick, that red one or the other red one." I really want Turquoise, light orange, purple, and yellow in future coasters (not all in one coaster, though)

Favorite coaster: Millennium Force
Favorite flat: maXair

I wonder if CP ever gets ideas from PB

Favorite coaster: Millennium Force
Favorite flat: maXair

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