Cedar Point 2013

djDaemon's avatar

t2fastspin said:
Same here, as Platinum Pass holders, we rarely bring a cooler. We usually spend about $50 each trip in the park.

And that still puts you way below the average per cap, which was $40.03 in 2011. In other words, a family of 4 spends over $160.

So, unless your family consists of 1.249 people, you're spending less than the average guest.

Last edited by djDaemon,


ThunderbirdsMT said:
Does anyone else feel like its a little overdue for another hint? Maybe Its just me but didn't they give out a lot more clues for Maverick and Windseeker?

I'm ready for another hint! It seemed at the start like we may get some hints quite often but there has been a bit of a space between.


vwhoward's avatar

2fast2spin...Well compared to what a family of four would spend on a couple of days staying at Breakers and going to the park for a couple of days, $50 is nothing. Thats less than dinner and drinks after work at a decent restaurant. My wife and I for just the two of us spend upwards of $400-$500 dollars on a 2 night/3 day trip. Throw in FL and the dinos and that'll add another hundred. It's my opinion that if you can come and go from CP and only spend $50, then you're on the 'not spending much' category for sure.

Sorry, dj beat me to it. But even he's on the conservative side. Realisticly speaking, it's not a cheap trip.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

They're probably nervous that if they give us another hint, we will guess the announcement correctly :) My guess is the week before the announcement, they will give small new hints every other day or something.

djDaemon's avatar

vwhoward said:
Sorry, dj beat me to it. But even he's on the conservative side. Realisticly speaking, it's not a cheap trip.

Well, keep in mind the amount I mention is in-park spending, and doesn't include hotels and such. So you're correct - $40/per is conservative.


No matter what the spending level of any given group per visit or per season, why would CP care about leaks on a coaster site? It gets people talking about the park in a positive way. Energizes and excites them. At no cost to CP. How is that a bad thing for the park? And once there is an official announcement and come next season, everyone will know what the new ride is so its not like there is confidential info never meant for public eyes.

vwhoward's avatar

That conversation really had nothing to do with leaks affecting the park. We kind of got off topic because this thread has gotten a little stagnant hoping for some good information. Sorry, I helped contribute to the wandering off of the thread. ;)

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

I thought that someone said the park didn't care about the leaks because its to enthusiasts who spend a lot of money in the park and someone else responded that the enthusiasts tend to be tightwads which brought us the per cap spending discussion?

vwhoward's avatar

And that's when I got in the conversation. I must've missed the leaked info part. I can't see how they're related to the topic but then again, neither are the last couple of pages.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Kevinj's avatar

So is there any progress on DT? Excited to see some real work started on this...:)

Promoter of fog.

Minime15834's avatar

I just went last weekend with my parents and two of my sisters..even with all the bangin' deals I found, my parents still spent a total of $3000 for the whole trip. That includes Hotel Breakers for 4 nights (2 rooms) and 5-3 day ride and slide passes. Plus we ate in the park a lot...so yeah, I'd say an average family spends quite a bit of money going to the park.


djDaemon's avatar

Kevinj said:
So is there any progress on DT? Excited to see some real work started on this...:)

Demo starts August 6th. So, no.


^I went to CP june 13, with 4 other people. for 2 days. Spent under 500$, the breakers are a rip IMO. Stayed at a nice hotel 100$ per night, 2 Queen beds and a nice bath. Had a pool and sauna, very nice. Left the hotel around 11:45 and was IN the park before noon.

Back on topic.

It seems constuction will be like that of raptors. Except land clearing will happen now, as opposed to labor day. I'm expecting to see some footers around mid-September.

Corkscrew Follies's avatar

Minime15834 said:
I just went last weekend with my parents and two of my sisters..even with all the bangin' deals I found, my parents still spent a total of $3000 for the whole trip. That includes Hotel Breakers for 4 nights (2 rooms) and 5-3 day ride and slide passes. Plus we ate in the park a lot...so yeah, I'd say an average family spends quite a bit of money going to the park.

Jeez, my wife and I spend about $5000 on all our different amusement park trips during the year. But, then again I'm a penny pincher, and we stay with friends or family most places we go.

Favorite Wood: 1. Balder (Liseberg), 2. Boulder Dash (Lake Compounce), 3. Voyage (Holiday World), 4. Phoenix (Knoebels) 5. The Beast (Kings Island)

FavoriteSteel:1.Expedition GeForce (Holiday Park) 2. Rita (Alton Towers) 3.Magnum XL-200 (CP) 4. Nemisis (Alton Towers) 5. X (SFMM)

Yea, I am cedar fairs worst customer. I buy platinum passes and really don't spend more than 40 dollars at the park when I go for the weekend. Except for flash passes twice. I almost never eat in the park. Then I go to all the other cedar fair parks. If I spend less money I can go on more trips :).

Maverick00's avatar

Here at Cedar Fair, we call it Fast Lane :)

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Lol.I just went to a six flags park more recently then cedar fair.

djDaemon said:
Demo starts August 6th. So, no.

So wait, does that mean they're blowing it up? I thought they were using that special machine to cut it open in the back?

djDaemon said:

t2fastspin said:
Same here, as Platinum Pass holders, we rarely bring a cooler. We usually spend about $50 each trip in the park.

And that still puts you way below the average per cap, which was $40.03 in 2011. In other words, a family of 4 spends over $160.

So, unless your family consists of 1.249 people, you're spending less than the average guest.

Don't the per cap spending numbers Cedar Fair releases include admissions and all in-park spending? That's why with increased season pass visits, per caps go down?

If that's the case, spending $50 in-park each trip certainly isn't spending less than the average guest in-park.

ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

To get back on topic a new OnPoint blog went up today. Not sure if there's any hidden messages or not or if its just fun facts. It's titled "Cedar Point by Numbers".


Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

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