Cedar Point 2013

ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

I kind of like the name Lotan. I really like the dragon theme in general.

Definition of Lotan: "Lotan or Lawtan is the seven-headed sea serpent or dragon of Ugaritic myths. He is either a pet of the god Yamm or an aspect of Yamm himself; the cosmic ocean of myth is often known as a great stream. In the Hebrew analogue Lotan is who was also known as Yam (sea) the Leviathan. He represents the mass destruction of floods, oceans, and winter. He lives in a palace in the sea."

I think the name will be Lotan because they mention Leviathon which as you all know is Canada's Wonderland's coaster. It also mentions how he represents mass destruction of floods, hence the ride being by lake Erie. But thats just my opinion.

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

I'll try using my minimal insight.

I'm sure CF/CP doesn't pay full price up-front. Most likely a %interest per year type deal. Magnum was able to pay for itself within it's first year.

^^How many times have we been over this?

Leviathan is the "Gatekeeper" of Hell, Lotan is another name for Leviathan. See all the tie ins here?

It could still be any of the three names basically...and even other names as well. All of it is still just heresay.

Last edited by CoasterKid20,
ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

Alright whatever, sorry if I'm a "nuisance". I guess my main point is I dont see Cedar Point re-using the name Leviathan as it is fairly uncommon for Cedar Fair parks to do so, except for Windseeker of course. Or should I say it's not as common for Cedar Fair parks to re-use names as it is for Six Flags parks to do so.

Last edited by ThunderbirdsMT,

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

There is also a banner in front of DT now.

Can't wait to hear and see the details.

http://www.coasterfanatics.com/sec_members/member_ridelist.asp?id=106009"] [img]http://coasterfanatics.com/banners/rl_106009.jpg[/img][url][url]

^^^Never said you were a nuisance. Also, I don't blame you for not being on the bandwagon of not really knowing what's going on....there are 115 pages on this topic, that's a lot of reading. Heck, I don't even know all that was said, sometimes there is too much catching up to do on here.

Basically what I was saying is, all three names could work, and the rumor of Lotan could work based on the Leviathan meaning as well.

Gatekeeper, Lotan, 7 heads (7 inversions), it all could fit.

Last edited by CoasterKid20,

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD. said:
I have a question, it's probably dumb so forgive me. How does Cedar Fair pay for new rides every year? Do they just write a check to B&M and the construction crews or what?

They pay for new rides and other capital improvements with cash on hand (generated from operations) and borrowing money on their credit lines (which they repay over time with interest with cash generated by operations). They have a capital expenditure budget for each season.

^English please, sorry.

Maverick00's avatar

Dang I'm going to be at Disney World on August 13. I guess I'll just have to check everything on my phone.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

^ I don't think you realize how much I hate you. I'm going to Disney next May. So far away... :(

Anyway, I want to try and go Monday, but I will most likely have to work :p

coolkid's avatar

If Cedar Point reused the name Leviathan, I think it would be pretty cool. Besides Windseeker, there are not many repeat names in all the parks. Six Flags has an obsession with the names Goliath, Batman: The Ride, Superman: Ride of Steel, and Medusa.

^Most likely due to a poor development team, who can't think of anything new or exciting. That is Six Flags as a whole.

Or possibly an attempt to get the most out of its presumably pricy Warner Bros. licensing?

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Maverick00's avatar

I don't think it would be that cool. Especially with the parks being so close together and the rides only opening a year apart. I also don't like the name GateKeeper. I think that sounds like something Six Flags would come up with tbh.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

I hope we get a name that wasn't mentioned at all. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of any of them. That's not saying I would like the name Cedar Point chose either but either way a name doesn't really matter. I'm more concerned on the ride itself and how it will all play out.

Last edited by Blimst,
Maverick00's avatar

I like Lotan the best, I think that's a really good name for a coaster. GateKeeper is just so bad and generic.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

^And how do you feel about Gold Striker? GateKeeper would work here if a coaster at a Cedar Fair park may be named that.

The flying turd monkey?

Maverick00's avatar

I think Gold Striker is a great name for CGA. I think it fits good with a wooden coaster, especially with it being in California.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

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