Cedar Point 2013

djDaemon's avatar

Maverick00 said:
I don't think it would be that cool. Especially with the parks being so close together...

The parks are over 6 hours from one another.


vwhoward's avatar

I still hope Jeff is right...Angry Seagull. Awesome. I am not a fan of the names mentioned repeatedly here, but as long as the ride is good, they could call it Alt. Winged CP and I'd still ride it and be happy.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

I already know I'm going to get burned for this, but I gotta speak out...

Truthfully, you can't really call Six Flags out for having "generic" names for their rides. They have the licensing agreement with DC Comics which I think reusing the Batman and Superman names throughout their parks is pretty cool (especially since almost all of their DC Comics rides are a different style coaster or made by a different manufacturer from park to park, yet all have close to the same color scheme).

I hate to bring up Geauga Lake, but let's look at the name changes CF gave those rides in 2004:

Mind Eraser - Head Spin (generic)
Superman Ultimate Escape - Steel Venom (slightly generic)
Batman - Dominator (with generic logo)
Serial Thriller - Thunderhawk (slightly generic)
Road Runner Express - Beaver Land Mine Ride (need I say?)
X-Flight - Firehawk (after relocation to KI...generic)

It seems as if Cedar Fair parks love to use rides with the name "hawk" in it too. Not to mention the reuse of these names throughout the CF chain (not just used at Cedar Point):

1) Woodstock Express
2) Flight Deck
3) Vortex
4) Flight of Fear
5) Delirium
6) Boomerang
7) Thunderhawk
8) Steel Venom (before Geauga Lake's was moved)
9) Power Tower
10) RipTide
11) Backlot Stunt Coaster
12) Intimidator
13) Dominator
14) Drop Tower
15) Grizzly

There are a couple of other ones that I didn't put on here (Example: Corkscrew and Big Dipper, since those have been common coaster names no matter what park.)

I don't think the reuse of Leviathan is going to affect as many people as you think. I actually love the name better than Lotan, and I think GateKeeper is a pretty cool name, especially if it is going to make a front gate statement as the memo says.

Not to sound weird, but I like ride names with more than 2 syllables long. It flows better with the ride host spiels. "Thank you for riding Leviathan (GateKeeper), and enjoy the rest of your day here at Cedar Point, America's rockin' roller coast. ride on!" Lotan just doesn't seem to work. But, whatever the name, I'm happy to finally be getting a new coaster at the park since 2007

Last edited by TwistedWicker77,

I could be wrong about this, but some of those names on your list are names at Kings Island and Kings Dominion right? Which had the same names when they were Paramount parks so I guess when CF changed them they changed the names the same between those parks.

I agree with you about the DC rides at Six Flags, but only if the parks are far enough away that they don't have the same target market. If Six Flags in NJ has the same name as Six Flags in California I don't think it matters because not a lot of people go to both parks.

Aaronosmer's avatar

Anything is better than Dragster H20. ;)

When Paramount owned the parks, some of their rides had Paramount names:

Different names. Same style rides at all locations:
- Backlot Stunt Coaster - Italian Job
- Drop Tower - Drop Zone Stunt Tower

Different name. Different style rides at all locations:
- Flight Deck - Top Gun

Same names. Different style rides at all locations:
- Vortex

Same names. Same style rides:
- Flight of Fear
- Delirium

I think all Cedar Fair parks are spaced out enough to the point where they can reuse ride names if they have to. If Cedar Fair already has the trademark to the name of a ride, why not reuse it if the other ride name is in a different country?

Basically the point I'm trying to make is, no matter how generic their ride name changes may be, reusing a name of a preexisting ride is not a bad thing and almost unnoticeable to the GP

Last edited by TwistedWicker77,
djDaemon's avatar

From CP's Facebook page:

They will be set free.

Last edited by djDaemon,


It still looks an awful lot like Sonic.

TheHSBR's avatar

I think the paramount aquisition isnt the same situation we are talking about here. Then they had a great many coasters to rename at various parks each having to be registered/copyrighted. In the interest of speed/cost, it made sense to reuse some of the names across the whole chain. In this case at CP we are talking about adding a ride to the lineup that hopefully will be a top 5 coaster in the park. I think it deserves a unique name or a name that fits with the history of CP. To tie this coasters name to any other ride at KI, CW or anywhere else is silly to me. People are getting paid a lot of money to be creative at CP and in this case I expect exactly that from them.

djDaemon's avatar

Join us just outside the Main Gate at 3:30 p.m. on Monday, August 13, where all we've kept hidden will be SET FREE!

And there's your announcement date.


TheHSBR's avatar

To me it sounds like some sort of creature or being. I think it also allows the GateKeeper idea still with the bars and "set free" statement.

... Anyone else read this or am I reading into it to much.

They will be set free. They is more then one.

@TheHSBR, so are you saying it can't be a top 5 coaster if it shares the same name as another Cedar Fair park ride?

In regards to the Facebook announcement:

Hmmm. "They" will be set free.

vwhoward's avatar

If I'm mistaken, please let me know, but aren't trademark laws different from country to country? IF Leviathon is to be.used, they would still need to file for a U.S. trademark.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

djDaemon's avatar

In my opinion, "they" lends credence to the seven-headed serpent thingy rumor.


vwhoward's avatar

^^^^I did notice that. The FB picture and the banner say 'we can't keep IT locked away' yet the caption on the pic says 'THEY will be set free'. Very interesting...

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

If it is a wing type coaster, I really hope it has a name that is some sort of flying creature and not Gatekeeper. That would be an awful name.

I want Ghidorah!

Last edited by Zoug68,
TheHSBR's avatar

TwistedWicker77 said:
@TheHSBR, so are you saying it can't be a top 5 coaster if it shares the same name as another Cedar Fair park ride?

Obviously they can name it anything they want. I think it would be unimaginative and I would be greatly disappointed that people who are getting paid in marketing/creative cant create something new and unique that is just as exciting or more exciting than other names used throughout their chain.

Last edited by TheHSBR,

^^^^^ You are correct, especially considering Canada is not a part of the Madrid Protocol, but I was solely giving an example that no matter how near or far a park is, reusing a ride name is not a factor.

^^^^ Maybe...

^ I agree somewhat, however, you have to take into consideration the cost of Trademarking every new ride.

Last edited by TwistedWicker77,

vwhoward said:
If I'm mistaken, please let me know, but aren't trademark laws different from country to country? IF Leviathon is to be.used, they would still need to file for a U.S. trademark.

This may be true, but it's all owned by the same company. So I don't think it really matters.

Closed topic.

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