Cedar Point 2013

Corkscrew Follies's avatar

Yeah, exactly where I grew up in.

Favorite Wood: 1. Balder (Liseberg), 2. Boulder Dash (Lake Compounce), 3. Voyage (Holiday World), 4. Phoenix (Knoebels) 5. The Beast (Kings Island)

FavoriteSteel:1.Expedition GeForce (Holiday Park) 2. Rita (Alton Towers) 3.Magnum XL-200 (CP) 4. Nemisis (Alton Towers) 5. X (SFMM)

vwhoward's avatar

Huh, and I would think you'd be more proud of your hometown. I guess not. Pretty brutal.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

djDaemon's avatar

Pegasus is excellent. As is Nikki's.

Redsmoke is another fantastic place in Greektown, though they don't serve Greek food, just incredible BBQ. Also be sure to try out Astoria Pastry Shop, if you haven't already. Unless you're on a diet, in which case you should run away as fast as you can.

Then, of course, there's Lafayette. :)


djDaemon's avatar

Corkscrew Follies said:
Yeah, exactly where I grew up in.

In all seriousness, it sounds as if you haven't been downtown in quite a while. A lot has changed. It's certainly no Chicago or anything remotely resembling it, but downtown is a far, far cry from the image lazily painted by popular news culture.


vwhoward's avatar

I have...but for BBQ, I head to Slo's. That place is great. But I won't walk there. :)

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

djDaemon's avatar

Well, yeah, there's no topping Slow's. But it's a long walk from downtown to Corktown. :)


vwhoward's avatar

That it is...they need some sort of people mover down there. ;)

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

djDaemon said:
While I'm sure the parks would prefer his site didn't exist, I doubt his actions have that much impact on their bottom line. You have to keep in mind that we're ultra-dorks here. We are the 0.0001%.

The other 99.9999% don't even know that site exists, nor do they care about anything we talk about here, aside from crowd levels and general information.

I don't think the parks mind about us finding out as you said we are the coaster nerds and we are the ones that usually spend the most money annually. I like it when things are leaked because it gives us something to talk about on the site as well as others. Plus, after looking at the Outlaw layout, I want to go to KD right now and ride I305!!!

BRcoastrpsycho34 said:
The layout for The Outlaw has been leaked at SD! I wish CP would get one of these next year! A double barrel roll on a wooden coaster?!?! Are you kidding me?!?! Not to mention the 81 degree drop, straight into the craziest inverted turn on a coaster!

On a similar note....RIP Son of beast at King's Island. ^ looks good but I'd be leary of anything boundary pushing on a woodie.

The usual places I go every week, in Detroit, are all located in the neighborhoods. You definitely gotta keep your eyes opened, but there is much fun to be had all over Detroit.

Anyone who thinks Detroit or Cleveland sucks has never been to Houston.

Anyone who thinks Detroit, Cleveland, or Houston sucks has never been to the outside neighborhoods in D.C. Such a different experience.

Parts of any major city suck...so anyone have any pictures of DT coming down?

DT 12E Crew 2007
Raptor Crew 2007
Magnum XL 200 ATL 2009

djDaemon's avatar

Not until 6-August at the earliest, which is when demolition will begin.

Hence, thread creep.


vwhoward's avatar

There was some talk of things being brought out. I'd like to be there when those props from inside are out. There must be quite a bit of stuff in that old warehouse.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

JuggaLotus's avatar

BRcoastrpsycho34 said:
I don't think the parks mind about us finding out as you said we are the coaster nerds and we are the ones that usually spend the most money annually.

That's not even close to true. Enthusiasts are such a small segment of the park going population that if all of them were to not go for a year, the park's bottom line wouldn't even notice.

Remember, this is the group that buys a season parking pass and visits multiple times per year, brings their own food and beverages to avoid paying park prices and is looking for every little discount they can find on what they do spend.

The other 99.9999% of park goers spend nearly full price on admission, eat multiple meals in park on top of buying drinks and souvenirs for their trip.

Goodbye MrScott


Jason Hammond's avatar

Well, I guess I'm a small segment of the small segment then. Because, I spend quite a bit of money at the park.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

djDaemon's avatar

You are the 1% of the 0.0001%.

You are the 0.000001%. ;)


ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

Does anyone else feel like its a little overdue for another hint? Maybe Its just me but didn't they give out a lot more clues for Maverick and Windseeker?

Last edited by ThunderbirdsMT,

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

Jason Hammond said:
Well, I guess I'm a small segment of the small segment then. Because, I spend quite a bit of money at the park.

Same here, as Platinum Pass holders, we rarely bring a cooler. We usually spend about $50 each trip in the park.

Closed topic.

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