Cedar Point 2013

I'm Luke's father.

Poop... now everyone is going to.think I'm the crazy one since this the first thing on a new page.

Last edited by SSL488,
Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

This is the only time in my life where I wish I would have watched a Star Wars movie. Now I can't make funny comments.

Let's Get Weird.

It's always great when you can wake your wife and daughter up at 2:00 in the morning with your uncontainable howls of laughter.

Seriously, I haven't laughed like that in a while. :)

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Speaking of Star Wars, although most folks know that Yoda appeared opposite Samuel L. Jackson in the prequels, very few are aware that he was also originally cast in another film with Jackson. Sadly, due to the movie running too long, his role was cut during editing.

With these mother-freaking snakes, have I had it!

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

JuggaLotus's avatar

TTD 120mph said:
Are you kidding me?! It's as official as Chris Brown is in relation to being a good person. :)

There, fixed it for you.

Goodbye MrScott


Luke: "Yoda, what is coming to Cedar Point in 2013?"
Yoda: Cloudy, Cedar Point's future is. But wait, I see something. A wing coaster it will be.

See? It's going to be a wing coaster. Yoda said so:-)

Favorite CP Roller Coasters:
1- Millennium Force
2- Top Thrill Dragster
3- Magnum XL-200
4- Gemini
5- Mean Streak

The layout for The Outlaw has been leaked at SD! I wish CP would get one of these next year! A double barrel roll on a wooden coaster?!?! Are you kidding me?!?! Not to mention the 81 degree drop, straight into the craziest inverted turn on a coaster!

^That leak shouldn't even be up on Screamscape. It was leaked and kept off a lot of sites due to respect for the park (they asked for it not to be posted if at all possible). Then someone sent it to Screamscape and practically acted like they were the one to leak it and Lance hadn't gotten the memo. Hopefully he doesn't get in trouble with the park. Or maybe he doesn't really care? haha Anyway, yes...looks like a GREAT woodie.

On another note....no one read into the "Gold Striker" name that Cedar Fair just trademarked. That is more than likely for California's Great America's GCI Woodie- http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-sX60dOv4sFs/UBih04YN_jI/AAAAAAAAA8Y/moO_0...0/Au13.jpg

As for CP's coaster. Employees were in and out of Disaster Transport numerous times yesterday and stuff was being moved out. There's a bunch sitting near the warehouse as well as the adjacent parking lot.

Space Spiral was running all day yesterday with no problems (except for no air conditioning). All the stands in that area are still open.

Last edited by CoasterKid20,
djDaemon's avatar

CoasterKid20 said:
Or maybe he doesn't really care?

Correct. And as much as I think what he does is hackish, the entire point of his site is to post leaked information.


Lance strikes me as the kind of person I'd want to punch if I were a park representative. Anyone remember Maverick? He has no respect for confidential park information, yet parks give him tickets, exclusive photos, etc. Rubbish.

PointBuzz is where it's at. :)

This just in: the new coaster is made by B&M. And it's an alt-winged-rider-aquatrax. SRslY.

TaER iT DoWN!11* TaEr iT aLL DoWn!

Maverick00's avatar

The parks must really hate him at times for posting all the leaked information but then again, it's the parks fault for letting the information out.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

djDaemon's avatar

While I'm sure the parks would prefer his site didn't exist, I doubt his actions have that much impact on their bottom line. You have to keep in mind that we're ultra-dorks here. We are the 0.0001%.

The other 99.9999% don't even know that site exists, nor do they care about anything we talk about here, aside from crowd levels and general information.


vwhoward's avatar

^Spot on...my wife told me the other day I'm a super nerd about coasters and Cedar Point. I'm always on my phone checking out PB or Screamscape or some POV video of a ride. She had no idea how deep it actually is with some of us. As most of the population has no clue, either. My love for CP and rollercoasters in general is only surpassed by the Detroit Tigers and the MLB. Now if only I could get Mike Illitch to put a coaster around Comerica Park.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Corkscrew Follies's avatar

Drive around the streets of Detroit after midnight, it's all the thrills you'll ever need.

Favorite Wood: 1. Balder (Liseberg), 2. Boulder Dash (Lake Compounce), 3. Voyage (Holiday World), 4. Phoenix (Knoebels) 5. The Beast (Kings Island)

FavoriteSteel:1.Expedition GeForce (Holiday Park) 2. Rita (Alton Towers) 3.Magnum XL-200 (CP) 4. Nemisis (Alton Towers) 5. X (SFMM)

Maverick00's avatar

vwhoward said:
My love for CP and rollercoasters in general is only surpassed by the Detroit Tigers and the MLB. Now if only I could get Mike Illitch to put a coaster around Comerica Park.

Go Tribe.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

djDaemon's avatar

Corkscrew Follies said:
Drive around the streets of Detroit after midnight, it's all the thrills you'll ever need.

Spoken like someone who's never been to downtown Detroit. :)

Last edited by djDaemon,


vwhoward's avatar

^^^Ive spent a lot of time there and prefer to walk around downtown Detroit at night...it's not that bad and it is actually a really fun town. It's the 'neighborhoods' I stay away from.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Corkscrew Follies's avatar

Since I grew up there, you are absolutely right that I know nothing about it. It's your threads I just frequent them on occasion.

Favorite Wood: 1. Balder (Liseberg), 2. Boulder Dash (Lake Compounce), 3. Voyage (Holiday World), 4. Phoenix (Knoebels) 5. The Beast (Kings Island)

FavoriteSteel:1.Expedition GeForce (Holiday Park) 2. Rita (Alton Towers) 3.Magnum XL-200 (CP) 4. Nemisis (Alton Towers) 5. X (SFMM)

djDaemon's avatar

Exactly, vwhoward. Downtown is quite nice, actually, especially the riverfront. It's the east side neighborhoods that you'd be wise to avoid.

Last edited by djDaemon,


vwhoward's avatar

And I do. I have some friends that live on Winder near CoPa and we've always walked wherever we went, no matter what time. And its always a great time. I mean there's not many places I can get authentic Greek food after the bars close...gotta love Pegasus!

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

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