Cedar Point 2013

I am just hoping the lift hill and drop faces the beach or the park instead of out to the parking lot.

vwhoward's avatar

Jason Hammond said:
Having one ice cold line to stand in during April and October is enough for me (Wicked Twister)

I would assume the lines aren't very long in April. ;)

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Maverick00's avatar

It depends how many sea gulls wanna ride :)

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Just a guess, I don't think the new Wing Coaster will top 200 feet, I'm thinking 180, 185 tops, not that I would complain, just don't think.


Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

99er, anything else you would like to "guess" about? ;)

Let's Get Weird.

djDaemon's avatar

Just a guess, I don't think the new Wing Coaster will top 200 feet, I'm thinking 180, 185 tops, not that I would complain, just don't think.

Keep in mind that the drop height is the key measurement here. The lift hill height may need to be taller in order to provide a particular drop height over an obstacle of some sort. An example of such an obstacle might be, say, a parking lot or something similar.


thepoint4life23 said:
It Hurts but the ride its self is amazing

That's what she said.

Had to be done.

I think it should have a 200' drop straight into an 180' Norwegian loop... B&M hasn't designed this element yet on a coaster and it would be amazing on a wing rider!!!

A beyond verticle drop will be AMAZING with those seats.

SSL488 said:
Anyone know if they will start dismantling the outer shell of Disaster Transport by this Thursday? I know they said they are starting on the inside today. I'm going to the park Thursday and I think it would be really cool to see them taking it down.

On page 106 Maverick00 posted a great link (wkyc) detailing all the demolition plans for DT starting Monday August 6th. It involves a "big pair of shears" cutting through the DT shell. **Someone get pics if you're there!! Here's the link again, the info is toward the bottom about the 3 1/2 million pounds of steel and 8 million pounds of concrete needed to be removed. A Toledo newspaper reported the big announcement would be the following monday the 13th. Subject to change? We'll see.


Last edited by CPfan1976,

djDaemon said:

Just a guess, I don't think the new Wing Coaster will top 200 feet, I'm thinking 180, 185 tops, not that I would complain, just don't think.

Keep in mind that the drop height is the key measurement here. The lift hill height may need to be taller in order to provide a particular drop height over an obstacle of some sort. An example of such an obstacle might be, say, a parking lot or something similar.

Yeah I know, I'm just thinking a drop somewhere around that 170 175 number, and I'm thinking the drop will go pretty close to the ground, and where it drops I think it will be in an are kind of how Leviathan did. So I think it will be close to the ground. Just my guess, I wouldn't complain one bit if it is over 200 though.


ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

Yeah I know, I'm just thinking a drop somewhere around that 170 175 number, and I'm thinking the drop will go pretty close to the ground, and where it drops I think it will be in an are kind of how Leviathan did. So I think it will be close to the ground. Just my guess, I wouldn't complain one bit if it is over 200 though.

The Sandusky Register says that design plans show a 170 foot lift hill. I really hope its at least 200 feet though. That would add to their collection of 200 foot tall coasters.

Last edited by ThunderbirdsMT,
Jason Hammond's avatar

vwhoward said:
I would assume they lines aren't very long in April. ;)

Whoops! :-)

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

rollerdog11's avatar

clevelander said:
A beyond verticle drop will be AMAZING with those seats.

More amazing than maverick with a clear veiw of extra rafts?

Yes,yes it will be with LAKE ERIE and THE BEACH!!!

Last edited by rollerdog11,

Leave the hypercoaster alone

CPfan1976 said:

On page 106 Maverick00 posted a great link (wkyc) detailing all the demolition plans for DT starting Monday August 6th. It involves a "big pair of shears" cutting through the DT shell. **Someone get pics if you're there!! Here's the link again, the info is toward the bottom about the 3 1/2 million pounds of steel and 8 million pounds of concrete needed to be removed. A Toledo newspaper reported the big announcement would be the following monday the 13th. Subject to change? We'll see.

Hopefully he is reading this because I"m confused of what a big pair of shears looks like. I'm thinking it might be something they used in the James Bond movie "The World Is Not Enough".

TTD 120mph's avatar

They look something like this.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Rhonda Shear has a big pair.

Boy, that dates me.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Does anyone think it could be a totally new concept? I mean CP is known for introducing new types of rides and 2013 seems like a good time for something new if you know what I mean...

Ensign Smith said:
Rhonda Shear has a big pair.

Boy, that dates me.

Is that a "USA - Up All Night" reference? I'm impressed.

Jason Hammond's avatar

Why? Because after 15 months, the Wing Rider that only has a few installations in the entire world is too dated?

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

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