Cedar Point 2013

Jeff's avatar

Well that's weird, because I'm pretty sure it's Raptor I can hear from the front gate, and that's more than 150 feet away.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Jeff said:
Well that's weird, because I'm pretty sure it's Raptor I can hear from the front gate, and that's more than 150 feet away.

No, that's the sound of all the park employees yelling for us to crowd together to take our pictures. Haha.

It's funny you should mention this. Yesterday when we were standing by the fountain in the midway (where all the kids run through to cool off) we were watching Raptor and I realized the one main time you can really hear Raptor is after the first initial drop right before it goes upside down into the 1st vertical loop (by Game Day Grille). You don't hear it roaring nearly as much through the cobra roll, twisting upside down track,etc.
Does Raptor "roar"? yes, no doubt. My point being, that I think it's going to depend on the layout of the coaster by the main gate area. If it's a straight piece of track overhead (flying over the main gate), it won't be nearly as loud as the coaster diving into a vertical loop. There is a "sound" difference. No pun intended.

Last edited by CPfan1976,

^ I agree with you. As for Mantis, it is a constant ear ringing roar.

Chuck Wagon's avatar

I think if it's B&M, they will fill it with sand. Diamondback's first drop is right over the midway and it is fairly quiet.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

How does filling it with sand make it more quiet?

Favorite coaster: Millennium Force
Favorite flat: maXair

^ reduces the amount of open air in the spine and absorbs vibrations.

Last edited by JAMedic,

Raptor's first drop "roars" for a reason.

JAMedic said:
^ reduces the volume of space in the spine and absorbs the vibrations.

I just want to comment here. It's a technicality but you can never reduce the volume of space. What you're really doing is reducing the amount of open air. The more dense a material the sound has to travel through the less noise it will make.

vwhoward's avatar

99er said:
Obviously overall Id like it if they each had their own theme and name but its not the end of the world if they share.

I agree with you on this. Honestly, they could call it WingRider and I'm sure I'd still ride it and love it. I just hope they don't. That's all.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Chuck Wagon said:
I think if it's B&M, they will fill it with sand. Diamondback's first drop is right over the midway and it is fairly quiet.

You know, Diamondback WAS very quiet, but it has a helicopter noise now at the bottom of the first drop, which is pretty loud. I'm not sure what caused this, but there has been no effort to fix it.

Break Trims's avatar

I hope it has a unique name, but I'm not understanding why there's this sense that Cedar Point adheres to some purity scheme, or has a policy of any kind regarding this. As many are fond of pointing out, the general public has little knowledge of the goings on of a park located in Canada.

This doesn't even consider that the past couple pages are rife with exceptions to the supposed rule.

And it likely doesn't matter. When Pink Floyd released Wish You Were Here, they were aware that the same title had recently been used by Badfinger for their album of that name. Almost 40 years later, there seems to be little confusion about it or any contempt that an album title was recycled. I see about the same potential for confusion and justifiable anger here.

The path you tread is narrow, and the drop is sheer and very high.

vwhoward's avatar

No anger or confusion here. And three coaster examples hardly makes the last few pages rife with exceptions. All in all, with the exception of a kiddie coaster and Corkscrew, they've never used a name for a coaster already in use. Again, no anger here, I just personally appreciate they've at least tried to be unique for the most part. I mean if I told you I rode Batman: The Ride, you might ask me which one. That wouldn't be the case if I said I rode Millennium Force.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

If Raptor was filled with sand to dampen the noise then it wouldn't be the Raptor anymore that we have known. Part of what makes that ride what it is, in my opinion, is that roar. And if the roar is gone it will take away a major part of off-ride enjoyment. Same as Mantis.

I was at the park this afternoon, and for about 3 minutes right after I got off Raptor the trains were stacked, and it was spooky quiet in that area. But I'm looking forward to next year and did get to say goodbye to DT today. :/

Last edited by TTD Man,

Stephen P.
2008: Raptor
2009: Front Desk Clerk; Breakers Express
2010: Assistant Front Office Manager Breakers Express

I agree with vwhoward. I like Cedar Point's originality.

Favorite coaster: Millennium Force
Favorite flat: maXair

Jason Hammond's avatar

vwhoward said:
But wasn't Blue Streak named for the mascot at Sandusky's high school? I would still argue, at least at the time of opening, it was a unique name for CP.

Yes, it was named for the Sandusky Blue Streak. But, there were still several other coasters named Blue Streak. Including the still operating Blue Streak at Conneaut Lake. There appears have been 3 coasters called Blue Streak at the time Cedar Point's opened.


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vwhoward's avatar

^Fair enough.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

TTD Man said:

I was at the park this afternoon, and for about 3 minutes right after I got off Raptor the trains were stacked, and it was spooky quiet in that area. But I'm looking forward to next year and did get to say goodbye to DT today. :/

Are you saying Raptor hardly had a line wait?

Shawn Meyer said:

Are you saying Raptor hardly had a line wait?

No, what were you reading, granted the dirty bird had a 5 minute wait. But they had a small delay that didn't have any trains going around the track. So that area which normally has that majestic roar was dead silent except for sky ride cabins leaving the station. People like the roar and when its not there when trains aren't heading around the circuit people take notice and are looking for the roar.

Stephen P.
2008: Raptor
2009: Front Desk Clerk; Breakers Express
2010: Assistant Front Office Manager Breakers Express

Maverick00's avatar

I like the Roar, but not over the entrance. I think it would be annoying if your working at the booths and that goes over. Is it possible to fill some of the track but not all of it?

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Maverick00 said:
I like the Roar, but not over the entrance. I think it would be annoying if your working at the booths and that goes over.

I work right next to Wicked Twister, which has a screech when it shoots off and it's quite loud the rest of the ride. After about a day or two you don't even notice it's there so that really isn't a big problem.

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