Cedar Point 2012

Wicked Twister 90 said:

A surprise?!?!?!?!?! =D


Wrong Video dude..



After Dragster was built, I never had that much enjoyment in the announcements, or figuring out what is going to be added next year. I don't know why, but probably due to the fact that the rides never open on time anymore, I just don't care til the Mid June visit to get excited for the latest attraction...

Corkscrew Follies's avatar

^ Yeah, but the only excuse you'll get from rides not opening on time on this site is the horrible construction weather that happens in Ohio in the Winter.

Chuck Wagon's avatar

Congratulations to Canada's Wonderland. They got a 28 million first-of-its-kind gigacoaster in Leviathan. If CP gets more than 10 million for next year, I will be shocked.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

JuggaLotus's avatar

Is this B&M's first Giga?

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar



Maverick00's avatar

Wow leviathan really looks like a great coaster...

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Minime15834's avatar

Wow that actually looks really cool...but is Cedar Fair really that against building a giga taller than the Millennium?


The B&M Giga is going to be just plain awesome! The only thing I am wondering is why they did not go with the offset style seating like KI's Diamondback has. I hope that it has the same restraints which allow big AiR TiMe.

No coaster will ever be too fast or too tall!

Maverick00's avatar

Minime15834 said:
Wow that actually looks really cool...but is Cedar Fair really that against building a giga taller than the Millennium?

I don't think cedar fair will ever build a giga coaster that's taller than millennium. Cedar point is their flagship park. They'll always have the most coasters in the cedar fair chain and they'll always have the tallest. And personally I don't want a giga coaster taller than millennium because CP is my home park and I don't want a coaster to be better than millennium.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Someone please link a picture or stats please.


djDaemon's avatar


Last edited by djDaemon,


JuggaLotus's avatar

Canada's Wonderland

Goodbye MrScott


Kevinj's avatar

Very underwhelming. Why in the world would you add this just a few years after adding the same (only shorter) ride in Behemoth? A fun ride? No doubt. Just...confusing.

Fantastic for CW, but where is the originality?

I think the analogy to CP building Magnum and then MF is entirely incorrect. At their time, both coasters were industry benchmarks...world record breakers, separated by 100 feet ( a pretty significant difference) in height, and obviously coming from different manufacturers, they offer different ride experiences. The smooth ride of MF was like nothing anyone had felt at those speeds.

I think it's "neat" that B & M finally built a giga, but what is unique about this ride? Anything? Just odd.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Rapids 77-78's avatar

Nice coaster - crappy view (parking lot).

Must be taking lessons from SFMM.

Minime15834's avatar

Maverick00 said:

I don't think cedar fair will ever build a giga coaster that's taller than millennium. Cedar point is their flagship park. They'll always have the most coasters in the cedar fair chain and they'll always have the tallest. And personally I don't want a giga coaster taller than millennium because CP is my home park and I don't want a coaster to be better than millennium.

Well I agree because I wouldn't want it to be taller either, I just think it's funny that they keep building all of these big cool new coasters that are like five or less feet shorter than the Millennium.


Kevinj's avatar

Rapids I had the same "Six Flags" moment when I saw that dip into the parking lot.

I do not want to sound like I'm ripping the ride at all...I am pretty sure it will be a hit and deservedly so, I just think it's odd....not necessarily "bad", to see a park built two coasters that, at least on the surface, appear to be so similar in nature.

Perhaps I'm also showing my relative youth. Was there a similar reaction when MF was promoted? (as being too similar than Magnum?)

In other news...just what in the world is going to be announced tomorrow? Is there any actual insight at all?

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Coaster23's avatar

Ahah what is that?? Diamonback or Intimdator at Carowinds. Saame dangon thing. If CP gets one now I am going to be very mad. Build something UNIQUE.

djDaemon's avatar

Kevinj said:
In other news...just what in the world is going to be announced tomorrow? Is there any actual insight at all?

So far, the only evidence points to something in Soak City. Perhaps replacing some of the original slides?


Kevinj said:
Rapids I had the same "Six Flags" moment when I saw that dip into the parking lot.

I don't know the layout of CW to know if there is a better location inside the park, but maybe the view of the parking lot during that section of the ride couldn't be avoided. Its not like the entire ride is IN the parking lot. People are always talking about the "prime real estate" that Disaster Transport sits on at CP....well guess what is right beside that prime real estate....yep...the parking lot.


Coaster23's avatar

I would be happy with a Tornao Slide, a Looping waterside, and like what Michigans Adventure got this year. Soak City deserves all that and it would draw in more guests.then improvements in the park.

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