Announcement this month?

Oh please no trims on the first drop! That would ruin the entire experience...

If you meet me and forget me, you've lost nothing. If you meet Jesus and forget Him, you've lost everything.

I'm also thinking capacity.

"Welcome To Alaska"!!
2002 Totals: | MF:25 | WT:12 | Maggie:58 |Gemini:39 | DT:20 | Raptor:16 | Beaver net 4.0!

Im hoping capacity will be decent if not good! If it goes higher and/or faster than MF lines will be ridiculous!!!!!!! and if it has low capacity, you will be paying 42 dollars to ride this new ride and paying an extra 3dollars after you give into the damn water vending machine after waiting in like 8 hours.....who knows though 42dollars might be worth one ride on the coaster. A lot of people said hey would have paid the money just to ride MF once, on its opening year

D/\MN GINA!!!!!!!!
*** This post was edited by Check It 8/1/2002 11:31:19 PM ***

Don't be worried about anything like that except for maybe opening day. Remember that every ride added to CP is looked at closely, and capacity is definitely a factor in any addition.

June 28th: LocoBazooka Tour (Sevendust headlining)
July 11th: Korn, Puddle of Mudd, and Deadsy

Gregleg...decoding is way too simple now a days. Even I have done it....thanks to

BTS Cedar Point

Anonymous...we're talking PGP encryption. There's not enough computing power or time left in the universe to crack a PGP key. Googe's good, but not that good.


Yeah, people started claiming that they got people from the FBI to decode it when even the CIA or FBI can't crack the code.

June 28th: LocoBazooka Tour (Sevendust headlining)
July 11th: Korn, Puddle of Mudd, and Deadsy

I heard on TechTV (The Screen Savers, I believe) a few weeks ago that PGP has (had?) a hole in it, and it may have been possible to crack. But I don't even use it, so why worry...

Tommy Penner - Variable X
"And that's why I'm a coaster enthusiast." -- Dude behind me on MF.

PGP, like most programs, has had expoits in it. They've been closed as they've been discovered. Even the exploits aren't that easy to make use of -- I'd still personally trust PGP with sensitive information far more than any other encryption scheme out there.

My Home
MF count: 52

All of a sudden it feels like last summer. :)

Don't Fight It-Ride It!

C'mon Jeff, post another encrypted code. Might as well have some fun until we find out. ;)

If you like riding Wicked Twister in the back, does that mean you like to get screwed in the rear?

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