Announcement this month?

LuvRaptor's avatar
I personally am hoping they do like SFGrtAdv did with Nitro-don't say ANYTHING about the ride till it's DONE!
It would make for an interesting winter

2000 Raptor Crew
Gemini 100 "Survivor"
Who really does NOT know what the new ride is
(this to all who keep emailing/IMing me to ask!!)
Cowboys dig cowgirls in trucks
Cowgirls dig cowboys in Wranglers! ;)

Hah, that'd be cool Jo.

I don't think they'll make any announcement until the off-season. Especially with anything big. Otherwise it will give people good reason to wait until next year.

Tommy Penner - Variable X
"And that's why I'm a coaster enthusiast." -- Dude behind me on MF.

ShiveringTim's avatar
They did that back in '97 when building Power Tower. 3 of the 4 towers were up when the finally announced. Heck, they could have probably run the thing during Bonus Weekends that year :)

Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

Depends...I would think they'd make an announcement in late September or October, if anything to boost season pass sales.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Jeff's avatar
Of course they'll announce before the end of the year. How else do you help drive fall season pass sales?

"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

The sign does say more news later this season, so to me it sounds like it will be announced before the off season.

If you meet me and forget me, you've lost nothing. If you meet Jesus and forget Him, you've lost everything.

If there is no announcement by September, than one will come in the off season.

Mozilla may have taken two years to reach v1.0, but it is more stable and secure than IE will ever be.

If you want to ride the paddleboat excursions you had better do it THIS YEAR. The 35 year old ride is coming out to make room for... (I was told I can't tell you! DANG and I have numbers on it too! Hahahahahaha!) :P

Jeff said:
Of course they'll announce before the end of the year. How else do you help drive fall season pass sales?

I just hope that doesn't cut down the discount for buying it in the fall...
MF Count - 39
WT Count - 4

Sometime Augest.....maybe later

Wicked Twister Rocks

Get To The Po!nt My Website

Evan H., Webmaster, GetToThePo!nt

Too bad about Paddlewheel I actually like that ride simply becasue it is relaxing and yes I know the jokes are lame but still it is nice. But what about Camp Snoopy? would they put a big, huge coaster near a family themed area?

Camp Snoopy for life...unfortunately

Pugsly,The Coaster Jester Of Cedar Point.


What happened?

Wicked Twister Rocks

Get To The Po!nt My Website

Evan H., Webmaster, GetToThePo!nt

Jeff's avatar
Nothing happened to it, and I doubt anything will.

But that said, if you like Troika, Chaos and Paddlewheel, and want to ride them this year, you should probably ride them before the end of August.

"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

In other words, Troika and Chaos will be moved and Paddlewheel will be closed the remainder of the season while heavy construction begins.

To me that indicates construction on the Island. Back in my days at the Point there was legitimate talk about building a foot bridge over the the Island and putting a restaurant and other attractions over there.

I wonder if that is the direction they are heading.

Jeff said:

But that said, if you like Troika, Chaos and Paddlewheel, and want to ride them this year, you should probably ride them before the end of August.

Perhaps CP will be busting out the 'ole MF swing-bridge they installed during the '99-00 offseason. My memory is a little fuzzy, but I could swear the Paddlewheel travels through the open part of that bridge during its route.

James Draeger
"Make it stop!"
"There goes the body buggy"

So Jeff, can you tell us yet just if you know for sure what is going in or are you still basing it on your hunch given what we already know?

It sounds as if you are getting some more concrete information (which I fully understand you cannot share). Please don't misunderstand, I am not asking what you know...

Personally I am getting more exicted that this could be something really great. Between the footers/cleared area, the "building for the future sign", your dedicating an entire section to this discussion, your admonishment to ride some things before the end of August, this absolutely has to be more than a flat ride going in!

I bet Jeff doesn't think it's a Slingshot anymore... ;)

#1 Steel -- Nitro
#1 Wood -- Legend
Track Record -- 447

With Jeff already saying a restaurant was out of the picture and now that Trioka, Chaos, and Paddlewheel may be down for September and October, does this rule out a flat ride? Does this insure a coaster?

If you meet me and forget me, you've lost nothing. If you meet Jesus and forget Him, you've lost everything.

It does not insure a coaster. While I am not ruling a coaster out, it does insure it. It's similar to: You bought the newest, most outrageously high-priced computer game. Does that insure you will like it?

Bad example?

Andrew L. of Waterville, OH
Cedar Point, the cure for the Summertime blues! Of course, Summertime isn't blue for me.

I think this would fit your example a little better, Cedar Point builds the largest most outrageous thrill ride, that doesn't mean you will like it. Moving other rides that are close, yet far away that a thrill ride shouldn’t have affect on them and shutting down paddle wheel excursion which wouldn't be affected by a thrill ride. I could be wrong, but I don't see them moving rides that have to be around a hundred or more yards away and shutting down another ride for the rest of the year. Hope I don't sound rude, but I think we all have been expecting a coaster.
*** This post was edited by corey 7/31/2002 1:42:25 PM ***
*** This post was edited by corey 7/31/2002 1:43:16 PM ***

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