2012 Improvements, Additions, and Changes. Leaks and Announcements

is there a wall where it was or just empty?

playstation gamer tag. connorwatmont. add me

There's a wall built there.

Point Place: The New Unofficial Cedar Point Blog


Haven't read this thread in a while, but yesterday well in the Dinosaurs Live area I ran into John Hildebrandt for the first time, got to talk a bit, very down to earth nice guy hopefully others think so too. Anyway, it was him and Bill, can't remember last name or what he was, asked about some things but one answer he gave me was about Dinosaurs during Halloweekends, he said they were thinking up different ideas but one was Dinosaurs vs. Aliens, anyway, thought I would share, maybe something, maybe not.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Please, let's just forget about that idea. Dinos and aliens? Are they on acid?

Let's Get Weird.

Jason Hammond's avatar

At KI last year, they did trick or treating through the dino area. It was the same upcharge as the rest of the year. I heard it went over well. I assumed they would do that at CP too.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
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Your mom is to fat to ride TTD. said:
Please, let's just forget about that idea. Dinos and aliens? Are they on acid?

Juxtapositions of genres are the latest trend. See: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Cowboys vs. Aliens, et al.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Don't think this was mentioned, but is Cedar Point taking the Wave Swinger down. There have been pictures posted that show the ride being disassembled. Just wondering why they didn't do this prior to opening day if they're getting rid of it. I guess it's a logical move since they have a huge swing in the front of the park.

Maverick00's avatar

I believe it is back together and operating again.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

I don't think they are getting rid of it. There was probably something wrong with it and they needed to take the whole thing apart in order to fix it. The ride is meant to be able to be taken down piece by piece like that. I'm not sure if they do that every off-season, but I know they did it for sure this past off-season.

IIRC Wave Swinger is, along with most of the other spin-n-puke flats, as theoretically portable and disassemble-able as their carnival siblings, so if there was something they needed to fix that'd be easier to fix in the shop or whatever, it really wouldn't be a huge stretch to completely disassemble the thing yet still be able to reassemble it later.

I am curious about the cedar creek mine ride. Are they still using the old trains or did they put new cars on as rumored?

Looked like the old ones to me when I went Sunday.

Yep. No change.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

I have been watching the premium parking area, on the dragster cam, since Cedar Point opened. All week there has been only a handful of cars in that blocked off rectangle parking area, maybe 30 cars..

Today it looks like the Premium Parking area is smaller, because the back half of the parking area is full, and the front area still has about 30 cars.

Did they figure out no-one wants to pay $20.00 to park farther away from the entrance than the front two lines of parking spots in the main parking lot.

GATEKEEPER-I came, I rode, I was mildly disappointed; until a second ride (rear left) put GateKeeper back on the...it's a nice ride list.

99er's avatar

PB-Reader said:
All week there has been only a handful of cars in that blocked off rectangle parking area, maybe 30 cars..

How the hell can you tell the amount of cars that are utilizing the Premium Park lot from the Dragster cam? Sorry but that is to far away to give you an idea of how many people are using that lot.

And even if the amount of cars using PP was under 100 every day, that is still money in the bank. That lot would be full of employees cars by 10pm if it hadn't been used for Premium.

Last edited by 99er,
djDaemon's avatar

PB-Reader said:
Did they figure out no-one wants to pay $20.00 to park farther away from the entrance than the front two lines of parking spots in the main parking lot.

Maybe they figured out that demand for Premium Parking is lower on weekdays.


I based the amount of cars in that area, from Wednesday May 16, 2012, when I was there, and no one was in the parking area then either. There were maybe 10 to 15 cars that day, and they line up close to the side of the gates near the road. The rest of the parking area is empty. Just like half of it is empty in the Dragster cam now.

GATEKEEPER-I came, I rode, I was mildly disappointed; until a second ride (rear left) put GateKeeper back on the...it's a nice ride list.

99er's avatar

Shocker, there were not many cars in the lot on a Wednesday.

Speaking of Dragster Cam, it looks like they are starting to transfer a train on from the far transfer track. Just a little side note.

Edit: A train is transferred on the main track (probably in the station now), because there were 6 on the transfer, now there's only 5

Last edited by TwistedWicker77,
JW Addington's avatar

Is the mat racer complete? Any pics?

When you visit CP, visit my Mill, est. 1835

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