2010 Food improvements


Jeff's avatar

The director of foods dropped me a note about some of the food changes this year, and I thought I'd share some of the more notable items...

No more frozen pizza: They're done with the "cardboard" as they put it, and they'll be using fresh crust. They're cutting six slices per pie, so they'll be bigger pieces. Some locations will have "pizza sticks" as well with some kind of cheese and pizza sauce, because everything is better in stick form.

Great Lakes Beer at Red Garter! If you're from Northeast Ohio, you know why this is awesome.

Hot dogs are going back to all-beef Sugardale. I don't eat red meat so you'll have to tell me if that's a good thing.

Chuckwagon Inn will be Montgomery Inn Ribs, all western style.

Gary Gochenour is the guy running foods now, and I think he's definitely making some strides in the right direction, after years of crappy status quo. The pizza is a huge improvement I'm sure.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music



djDaemon's avatar

The pizza & beer sound like fantastic changes (Great Lakes' holiday brew was delish!). I hope the quality justifies what I imagine will be continued high prices. Looking forward to finally having a reason to eat something in the park again!

Last edited by djDaemon,




I guess the big question is what will happen to the prices of the improved items?

Unless I'm getting some kind of gourmet meal, the prices are what need to change.



Walt's avatar

Sugardale makes a great hot dog. Not sure what their reach is outside of the Cleveland area, so they might not be as well known. As far as I'm concerned, they beat the national brands, including Ball Park and Oscar Mayer.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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I think anything is better than Ball Park and Oscar Meyer. A true all beef dog no matter the brand usually trumps the garbage assorted beef dogs.

I've never heard of Sugardale in Michigan. Unless its carried at some of the specialty grocery stores.



As far as I'm concerned every one of those changes is good. Just thinking about Great Lakes brew is amazing. My only question is whether or not it will be on tap?

Montgomery Inn BBQ is some of the best if not the best BBQ I have ever had. Every chance I have to get some, I jump on it.

Thanks for the update.


crazy horse

crazy horse's avatar

PrawoJazdy said:
I guess the big question is what will happen to the prices of the improved items?

Unless I'm getting some kind of gourmet meal, the prices are what need to change.

I coulden't agree more.

Believe it or not, I thought the pizza was o-k. It was one of the few things in the park that I could still eat if I had to. I have had the sugardale hot dogs at the park before, and did not care too much for them. They had a weird taste that I could not pin point.

But untill the prices go down, and the quality of the food gets better, I will still eat outside of the park.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Break Trims

Break Trims's avatar

I love Great Lakes beers, but am even happier that the park is using and supporting a regional company. Inasmuch as I don't like over-paying for beer, I'd still much rather pay a mark-up that benefits a Cleveland company than one that would line the pockets of a macrobrew holding company that's not even based in the states.

With that being said, how much do you think a pint of Dortmunder Gold will fetch? $9 - $10 would be my bet.

The path you tread is narrow, and the drop is sheer and very high.



Kevinj's avatar

Baby steps in the right direction for sure!

Cheers to Great Lakes beer at CP...^what he said above. Supporting local business is always a good thing.

Promoter of fog.



Although are nice changes, the PRICING is what needs changed.

If they charge me $8 for a Great Lakes, no thanks.

For example, I can go to Famous Daves here in Cleveland on Wednesday and get $1 pints, in which they usually have 2-3 Great Lakes, on tap. Now, that is not usual, no, but at worst, its $2-4 for a pint. Paying over 2x for the same thing is just insane. Why not charge less and sell more? Why charge so you scare away all your sales?

People want value, and CP is not a good value when it comes to food. I don't know the last time I bought food in that park. I went 20+ times last season, too.

What is wrong with a $3 french fries versus $5+? How about $2 cotton candy? Or maybe lower the prices on the $5... Err.. $15 footlongs at subway?

Just some small decisions and pricing would go a *long* way with guests, and in-park spending. I am more than willing to spend when I go, but there is no reason for me to with much cheaper, and better options outside the park.

Last edited by Invertalon,




coolkid2345's avatar

^ They have to make profit somehow. I totally think it is stupid to pay $13-15 at Subway. But they need to see some profit from it somehow. They could either raise ticket prices substantially and distract people from coming or they can offer reasonable admission and surprise people with some high price. They are making an effort this year by improving the food quality. It is a great start on the food.

There are worse parks than the Cedar Fair Parks that have problem with their food. I think Idlewild/Kennywood has some pretty lousy food. I think Busch Gardens and Hershey Park have really great options + their food is amazing.

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crazy horse

crazy horse's avatar

coolkid2345 said:
^ They have to make profit somehow. I totally think it is stupid to pay $13-15 at Subway. But they need to see some profit from it somehow. They could either raise ticket prices substantially and distract people from coming or they can offer reasonable admission and surprise people with some high price. They are making an effort this year by improving the food quality. It is a great start on the food.

There are worse parks than the Cedar Fair Parks that have problem with their food. I think Idlewild/Kennywood has some pretty lousy food. I think Busch Gardens and Hershey Park have really great options + their food is amazing.

Profit???...They are scalping.Over $7 for a hot dog is scalping. How much "profit" do you think they make on that one? I am all for making a profit....it's the only way to stay in buisness. But they are way beyond that.

Kennywood has some of the better food I have had at an amusement park, and the prices are very good. Everything from the potato patch fries, to the pot roast and deep fried orios. They have a very good variaty. Much better than anything cedar point has to offer.

I remember a few years ago at kennywood, I had got a gero(sp), fries, and fresh lemonaid for $8. And it was really good. Think you can find anything like that at cedar point?

I agree with you that busch gardens has some great food at great prices.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.



Jesz's avatar

If they want to make profit they can raise ticket prices and lower the cost of food. I don't care if they bring in gourmet pizza, I'm still not eating at the park unless they lower the prices.

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"



Jeff's avatar

coolkid2345 said:
I think Idlewild/Kennywood has some pretty lousy food.

Maybe if you don't have a tongue or something. I love me some Kennywood food.

Gary did mention that Sugardale was local, so along with Great Lakes and the icecream, that's a whole lot of local, so good for them. Now if they really want to make a killing, get Chet & Matt's to open up a place in-park.

I think it's pretty silly to compare dollar drafts to anything at Cedar Point. Yeah, you can do that at a Famous Dave's in Cleveland, but then you wouldn't be at Cedar Point, would you? I think they generally price the beer right at Cedar Point in the park. You want to make it available, but not so cheap that lots of people are going to tie one on and start contributing to coaster down time with protein spills. I've bought my seven and eight dollar beers at CP. So what. I'm on vacation.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music



Pete's avatar

All awsome changes, especially the ribs and Great Lakes beer. I have high hopes for the pizza also. I don't know if too many of you remember, but back in the late 80's to the mid 90's, Dominic's at Hotel Breakers had some great pizza. Unfortunatly, they went to the cardboard crust like in the park in the later years. But, if the new fresh pizza is like Dominic's used to have than the pizza will be great. Reminded me a lot of Chet and Matt's or Cameo.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.


Super Stew

Super Stew's avatar

So do I dare ask if the Midway Market will be thrown into the mix ?!

I was super before Super Stew was cool !



I like the idea of adding local flavors. Now they just need to put a Tony Packo's where Midway Market is.

2005 Power Tower crew


Ralph Wiggum

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

This is certainly a few leaps in the right direction with CP food. I have high hopes for the improved pizza, and I've heard good things about the Sugardale hot dogs. Oh, and I would gladly hand over $8 for a Great Lakes brew at Red Garter, even if I'm not crazy about the description of the new show.

Jeff said:
Now if they really want to make a killing, get Chet & Matt's to open up a place in-park.

Best idea ever! :)



Kennywood is awesome compared to CP.

@Jeff, what is Chet & Matts? We don't have any up here in Metro Detroit.



Its a local pizza joint in Sandusky.

2005 Power Tower crew


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