Top Thrill Dragster 2022 Status

e x i t english

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 7:19 PM
e x i t english's avatar


You got a source for that, Josh?

You’ll just have to sit tight and trust me.



Tuesday, February 28, 2023 9:26 PM

I'm not convinced that there is a simple explanation for the Iron Dragon section removal. As far as routine maintenance goes, I've never seen a section of track removed for maintenance like that at CP. Only Magnum reprofile and Maverick heartline removal that I can think of.

And It would be one heckuva coincidence if ID suddenly needed that particular section of track reworked after 36 years at this moment in time.

I also think they'd have no problem pouring concrete for a new queue without removing the track and supports.

Yes ID will be up and running in a few months, but they can do a lot of construction in 10 weeks time.

Still to early to tell, but IMO it is a bit more likely that this points to something more significant related to TTD.



Tuesday, February 28, 2023 9:56 PM

Yes - the Iron Dragon track removal is almost definitely related to the TTD project. As many others have speculated, it’s likely so that large equipment can access that small island area and pour new footers. Those “Phase One Attraction Foundation” permits that were filed earlier this month are likely for this work.

Additionally, the fact that the support columns from Iron Dragon were stored within the TTD construction site implies that the contractors working on the TTD project removed the Iron Dragon track and supports. In other words, it was part of their scope of work for the TTD project to remove and replace those pieces of track/supports. If it was just for annual maintenance they likely would have been taken back to the Amazment Shop to have work done on them or been placed somewhere else.

Last edited by Spoon, Wednesday, March 1, 2023 2:30 AM


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 10:21 PM
DRE420's avatar

e x i t english:

There will be wheels.

But will those wheels be on the correct way?


jo linn

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 10:25 PM

All of the speculation about a spike seems to have indicated it must be behind the current station, however if it was in fact a swing launch that distance wouldn't be required for LSMs to get something over the top hat. Just a thought.



Tuesday, February 28, 2023 10:37 PM

That really depends on how long the trains will be.



Tuesday, February 28, 2023 10:50 PM

I know this is not as fun as a reverse spike, but it can also just be a new queue and they need to remove the supports to get bulldozers in there to remove trees and level the ground


Hawaiian Coasters 325

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 10:57 PM

Would they really need to clear the space for a queue now? The ride isn't opening for another year. Usually queue's are installed a few months before opening. I honestly think the Iron Dragon thing is for A) major maintineance for that section of Iron Dragon or B) to clear way for machinery to come in and dig the footers needed for a spike.



Tuesday, February 28, 2023 11:04 PM

Hawaiian, that’s a good point about timing for the queue. Didn’t consider that.

I just realized, if there is a reverse launch at some point, you’d be going reverse approximately 70-80 miles it not more. Pretty sure “head back” will be next to impossible at that point. 😳

Last edited by SRE123, Tuesday, February 28, 2023 11:06 PM

Frog Hopper King

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 11:04 PM

And honestly some of the best tree removal companies don't need a lot of clearance to do their work. I doubt that if they were removing those trees they would need to remove that section of track.


Plague on Wheels

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 3:54 AM
Plague on Wheels's avatar

Riddle me this: The Mantis was built over top of the Iron Dragon's main lift hill, without dismantling of Iron Dragon.

Last edited by Plague on Wheels, Wednesday, March 1, 2023 4:07 AM

Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.



Wednesday, March 1, 2023 4:10 AM

Valravn's MCBR was installed without removing Valravn as well ;)



Wednesday, March 1, 2023 4:17 AM

Riddle me this: The Mantis was built over top of the Iron Dragon's main lift hill, without dismantling of Iron Dragon

It likely comes down to footer placement. Take a look at the locations of the Mantis/Rougarou footers. None of them seem interfere with low-laying areas of Iron Dragon, so there wouldn’t have been access issues for the equipment required to construct them.

Last edited by Spoon, Wednesday, March 1, 2023 4:40 AM


Wednesday, March 1, 2023 11:38 AM
djDaemon's avatar

It may not be that removing ID track was strictly necessary for whatever work they're doing there, but instead that removing track makes their job a hell of a lot easier, and perhaps less costly. And again, it's possible that some of that track was due for maintenance anyway. So if they had already planned on having a crane over there to remove a couple sections of track, it was relatively trivial to remove a few more sections and the corresponding supports to make their lives easier.

On the other hand, it's a fair point that a queue pad is a relatively simple thing to pour around existing structures. And it's not like they would have needed to add that much queue, assuming they plan to reuse some of the infield near the station.

So while I'm not entirely convinced the removed ID track is all explained away by adding a new entrance and queue, I'm not convinced they're adding a spike. It could be as simple as them needing a little more launch length, and moving the station back requires major excavation in ID's vicinity.




Wednesday, March 1, 2023 2:21 PM


But will those wheels be on the correct way?

If history is any indicator, not on Opening Day



Wednesday, March 1, 2023 5:22 PM
Walt's avatar

One other change noted by tourgoers: A large section of track has been removed from Iron Dragon, the 1987-era coaster that is located adjacent to Top Thrill Dragster. Clark said the removal of Iron Dragon track was not related to Dragster’s rebuild.

“We are performing some maintenance work in and around the lagoon below Iron Dragon, so track sections had to be removed for equipment,” he said. The ride should be open in May, he said.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Wednesday, March 1, 2023 5:46 PM
Kevinj's avatar

Make sure you're sitting tight before you click on the link.

Promoter of fog.



Wednesday, March 1, 2023 5:59 PM
jimmyburke's avatar

I'd love to get one of those Crystal Rock Raft rafts.



Wednesday, March 1, 2023 6:06 PM
djDaemon's avatar

Given that it's not related to TTD, it'll be interesting to see what they're doing in the lagoon that requires ID's track & support removal.



Hawaiian Coasters 325

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 6:40 PM

Well Tony wouldn't say even if it was related to Top Thrill, it can still be a combination of both. Equipment for maintineance in and around the lagoon still has me very suspicious. We'll just have to wait and see.

Last edited by Hawaiian Coasters 325, Wednesday, March 1, 2023 6:41 PM

Closed topic.

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