How embarrassing!


I read Winded RMC's post three times and I'm still not sure what he/she is trying to say.


Shane Denmark

Dvo said:
2019 is the year of random ranting new troll accounts.

It’s because of the cheap $99 Gold Pass. I knew this would happen, I just KNEW it!




Only thing I get from this thread is that there are people out there who expect the maintenance crew to run to the ride and fix it without troubleshooting the problem or following general safety practices. Of course because the most important thing is that the ride is running. Not their general safety or the fact that if a guy dies trying to fix the ride it would be a much better experience for the guests.

I see a big disconnect in worker/guest expectations. Or more so that there is no understanding of what type of safety requirements have to be met to do the work required. I imagine any person who "worked" with the maintenance crew on a daily basis didn't just watch them fix it. The work I do every day I wouldn't base my opinion on the quality of their work on if they ran to the task. I imagine they see people running in the park daily and get to see them fall and hurt themselves.

But, if your a millenial and work in retail your expectations would be different. Of course you don't know what it takes to make around 24 an hour to fix the rides. Like I said expectations have been disconnected.



TwistedWicker77 said:

Operations: Get out there and find your staff. Retain staff by showing them their worth and not how passive aggressive you can be when they ask a simple question. Train your staff the importance of not only safety (because that is #1 priority), but efficiency and urgency when operating. Lastly, get rid of IROC. What an absolutely joke.

This. Staffing this year has been a struggle, and the retention over the years has not been great by any means. There's a lot I could say on this, but I'm gonna refrain for now, out of value for my job.

TwistedWicker77, I'm sure you've heard a lot from friends who still work at the park.

2015 - Ride Host: Shoot the Rapids 2016 - Team Leader: Ripcord/Challenge Golf 2017 - Supervisor: Thunder Canyon 2018 - Supervisor: Camp Snoopy 2019 - Supervisor: Power Tower


XS NightClub

XS NightClub's avatar

Retention and hiring is challenging in all sectors of the American economy right now. Record low unemployment has made job portability easier for virtually all employees and increased wages/benefits make changing employers all that more enticing.

CP has a geographical challenge that most in its industry don't, giving it an extra hurdle in the recruitment effort. I'm sure management is aware and is doing what they can to address the challenges faced with head hunting of their trained staff, retirements, relocations and new hires.

One benefit I do see is they are growing in a seemingly fiscally responsible way now, adding more parks gives them a bigger employee pool to work with and locate throughout the chain as they have availabilities.

The partnership with BGSU at the Sandusky based campus is another move they've made to help with future recruitment and likely seasonal staffing as well. So it seems they are doing what's necessary as options become available. It will take time for this to balance out and may not address all shortages, but its steps they've taken in a positive direction.

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Bre's avatar

Paddle wheel was one of my best memories as a kid and if the new ride is just as memorable I’ll be happy with that. It’s not always about bigger and better even though it’s nice I think it’s about the memories!

What's Life If You Never Get To The POINT?...see yall in line!


Ray Barker

This thread is really entertaining to read in hindsight of today's announcements. The park is making major changes across the board to improve the overall guest experience, across a majority of the demographics.

Yes I am up for the next big thrill ride, but I would be equally as happy with more smaller stuff. The restroom question was hinted, but not addressed in Q/A, CP could still use some new flats, I'd like to see the arcade enclosed and AC added, bring back Fascination etc...too.

The main point is CP is a total experience. I love riding Raptor or Maverick or Millie, but I enjoy Cedar Downs, Matterhorn, Sky Ride and the Coliseum Arcade just as much. It is the total experience that is most important to me. To others, it is strictly the thrill rides. If CP just added thrill rides every year, the charm and memories of the place would be lessened for me.



e x i t english said:

HandsUp2006 said:

who stand up and put our hands up to ride.

Both of those things are, technically, against CP policy, so...



1000 years of force

1000 years of force's avatar

Hate it or not, IROC isn't going anywhere ever.

Insurance costs are the key and if they follow IROC their costs plummet because the demonstrable safety factors go up tremendously.

Ride throughput is not relevant in any factor compared to safety.

Your personal safety guidelines and tolerances can be as loose and freewheeling as you want, until you invite somebody you don't know to ride.

Could you imagine the waiver: The here-undersigned agrees to, without recourse, perish at the whim of the operator...

No Thanks.

"Your persiflage does not amuse. " - Ralph (from Around the world in 80 days)



Ray Barker said:

This thread is really entertaining to read in hindsight of today's announcements. The park is making major changes across the board to improve the overall guest experience, across a majority of the demographics.

Yes I am up for the next big thrill ride, but I would be equally as happy with more smaller stuff. The restroom question was hinted, but not addressed in Q/A, CP could still use some new flats, I'd like to see the arcade enclosed and AC added, bring back Fascination etc...too.

The main point is CP is a total experience. I love riding Raptor or Maverick or Millie, but I enjoy Cedar Downs, Matterhorn, Sky Ride and the Coliseum Arcade just as much. It is the total experience that is most important to me. To others, it is strictly the thrill rides. If CP just added thrill rides every year, the charm and memories of the place would be lessened for me.

I absolutely agree that CP is about the total experience. I'm a new poster here, but a longtime Cedar Point fan. I went every year from birth until age 22 and was a passholder in the 90s and early 2000s until I moved away form Ohio in 2004. Haven't been since 2014, but my family is going at least twice next summer now that we've got our gold passes, even though it's a 7 hour drive. My 9 year old son hasn't been since he was 3, so I'm thrilled to get to introduce him to CP coasters (and hope he's feeling brave enough!). My daughter will be 4 next summer, and there aren't as many attractions for her age. Sure, there are kiddie rides, but I wish there were more good, fun for the whole family rides. I'm very excited about the parade and new boat ride since they will be things we can enjoy as a family.

I wish that CP would invest in more true family coasters/rides for the under 48" crowd. My daughter (at age 3) rode a ton of rides at Disney World at 40" tall and loved most of them -- Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Splash Mountain, Slinky Dog, even Tower of Terror (although she didn't enjoy that one as much). She's going to be bummed next summer when her 9yo big bro gets to go on almost everything and the only coasters she can ride are the two kiddie ones.



Now for the 2020 announcement....... Seems to be missing something

The Bathrooms. Unacceptable. They announced a bunch of great things for this 150th anniversary yet not one damn word on the bathrooms. It's pathetic and personally I hope CP makes an ass out of me and renovates them this year without an announcement.

Here I go again! But the average guest will ride (My guess) 5-10 rides, eat 2-3 times and use the bathroom 2-4 times. Just saying bathrooms are a large part of the "Best day ever".

I'll never understand how every year this goes ignored.



Cedar Point does not have bathrooms. I've yet to see anyone take a bath or shower in one of their toilet facilities. Why do people insist on calling them bathrooms? They are called restrooms in this country and toilets in Europe. But I agree, some of them could use a little updating.



I’ve yet to see anyone resting in one of their toilet facilities.



operative_me's avatar

You're not living RCMAC. On a hot day, there is nothing better than finding a relatively clean spot underneath the hand dryers and taking a nap. The cool concrete mixed with the breeze from the hand dryers mixed with a few sprinkles of water is soothing. I wake up totally refreshed. I mean, I also end up with polio, but that's the price you pay.

Lifetime Laps on Woodstock Express: 0



MrJohnJLewis's avatar

How long are everyone in the bathrooms for?? I see no problem with the condition that they are in. Walk in, take a **** or piss and get out of there. Everyone is over here acting like they still have a trough to pee in. Come on


XS NightClub

XS NightClub's avatar

Actually they are water closets as designated on building plans.
Water closets in Europe proper, Loos in England.
They have more bathrooms with baths/ showers on the peninsula than they have with just toilets.
They have showers in the restrooms in CPS and lighthouse point.
Whether you are just going in to urinate or defecate you should have proper working hand washing and drying facilities, shouldn’t have standing water to walk through, toilets shouldn’t be caked in feces/urine, and ventilation should be adequate enough to not make you gag.
Also, women have a different restroom experience then men, so keep that in mind.
(Side note: in the service industry women’s restrooms are way dirtier and more damaged than men’s.)

Last edited by XS NightClub,

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus


Chief Wahoo

XS NightClub said:

(Side note: in the service industry women’s restrooms are way dirtier and more damaged than men’s.)

Hands down and it really isn't a contest. No women believe it...but it is gospel truth.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney



MrJohnJLewis said:

Walk in, take a **** or piss and get out of there.

The fact that I’ll go out of my way to walk to either Breakers or Famous Dave’s to do # 2 (the first of your two options) regardless of where I am in the park proves (to me at least) that there’s a problem. Be it the relatively small size of most of the restrooms, lack of A/C, or the typical condition I find it in, or a nice steamy mixture of all three, there are improvements that could be made.


Cargo Shorts

Cargo Shorts's avatar

ProTip: The First Aid centers have nice clean and air conditioned restrooms for extended stays. I use “restrooms” becuase you can actually rest there.

Also, I could swear one of the “restrooms” still has a trough in it. Actually an improvement over the messy urinals with puddles under them, much prefered. son tells me that trough is supposed to be a sink. My bad. Sorry. :)

Last edited by Cargo Shorts,

XS NightClub

XS NightClub's avatar

Plus first aid has free water in normal
Sized cups , sun screen, aspirin , etc.

Last edited by XS NightClub,

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus


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