Most rides have seats that tilt back, your knees are higher than your butt, so you feel like the seat keeps you against the back of the seat. Power Tower seats are flat, so I get this kind of freaky feeling of sliding forward, even though I don't. But it has a total different seat feel than MaXair for example.
I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.
I did.
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
R.I.P. Fright Zone, and Cyrus along with it.
There is no way I could have ridden Vertigo. While I was just a baby the year vertigo came out, it still looks like an awesome ride based off of pictures I'm looking at. Didn't they close it due to the towers being unstable, and the central ride vehicle was key to the stability?
Steel Vengeance rides: 224
I'd rather be sailing
Marina operations attendant 2021-2024
^Kind of, one of the towers collapsed during the off-season due to the ride vehicle being missing, which was required for stability, IIRC.
If anything, I'm wondering why S&S didn't say, "back to the drawing board" and redesign VertiGo. I'm also wondering whether or not they knew about the flaws of the ride.
Steel Vengeance rides: 224
I'd rather be sailing
Marina operations attendant 2021-2024
Digger has arrived to Frontier Town. Pictures on Tony’s Twitter account.
1999: First visit
Halloweekends- Harvest Fear, Tombstone Terror-Tory
Ride Operations- Professor Delbert’s Frontier Fling
Awesome. One thing I would like to know is about the size of RMC seats and whether or not I'll fit. Currently I'm a size 18.
Steel Vengeance rides: 224
I'd rather be sailing
Marina operations attendant 2021-2024
Tony posted a picture of the entire first car on Twitter (not in color)! They look incredible!
1999: First visit
Halloweekends- Harvest Fear, Tombstone Terror-Tory
Ride Operations- Professor Delbert’s Frontier Fling
Even if it's not in color, it still looks great. I wonder if the lights will light up at night?
Steel Vengeance rides: 224
I'd rather be sailing
Marina operations attendant 2021-2024
I saw it. I noticed the seatbelts on twisted timbers looked very similar to the ones on magnum. Do all RMC's have that?
Steel Vengeance rides: 224
I'd rather be sailing
Marina operations attendant 2021-2024
Most RMCs have Intamin-style belts. The CF ones seem to have retractor belts, as can be seen under the seat in front of the camera in the reveal pic of Digger.
So like the retractor belts on blue streak?
Steel Vengeance rides: 224
I'd rather be sailing
Marina operations attendant 2021-2024
^Yes... forgot if Blue Streak uses a push-button buckle but something like that.
I am unsure if they lock in place like Blue Streak, I'm just going off of the info I've seen from TT and SV's released pics.
So maybe SV would accommodate guests of a larger size? I think they do, but wait...Do other RMCs have locking and retracting seatbelts?
Steel Vengeance rides: 224
I'd rather be sailing
Marina operations attendant 2021-2024
If you can ride TDD and MF you will *likely* be fine. But it depends. Doesn’t hurt to try and shed a few pounds. I am working really hard at it right now.
Last year I was able to ride the two without trouble. I've kind of gained some weight because of serious stress and also my birthday was last month, which meant cake, pizza, mtn dew, a gaming computer and a hedgehog. But yeah, I'm also trying to do so even though I'm down with bronchitis for the third time this winter.
I had trouble last year with the first few days, but I lost some weight since I went to the park often, and did all that walking around and standing in line. Is it just me, or do you guys also drop a few pounds going to CP a lot?
Steel Vengeance rides: 224
I'd rather be sailing
Marina operations attendant 2021-2024
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