announcement date 8/18/15

Blake LeMay

Yeah important to an extent.

"Not looking for perfect grammar"

I'd say that is me, carelessly mispelling words that you can still understand. Little missed punctuation here and there.

In something that matters? A research paper? You bet your ass ill take extra time to spell "amusement" right. (Even though the teacher still knows what word it is)

Now go on about talking about how B&M's are forceless coasters or something, because even if someone proves you wrong in that arguement, you still win if they don't perfect their grammar through spell check.



Ripcord said:

Does somebody here really think a memorial or monument should be placed for this guy? Are you serious? You DO realize that people die every day, and have even died at CP in the past. You want memorials for billions of people?

At the very LEAST we should have a "Halloweekends" fake tombstone on the site.



^^ Until you explain what argument you believe you are involved in, I honestly have nothing left to add.

Back to patiently awaiting the announcement of the announcement for 2016 improvements to Cedar Point. :)



noggin's avatar

A plaque at the park, to me, would not be appropriate or considerate of the family.

I'm a Marxist, of the Groucho sort.


Ripped Tattoo

Ripped Tattoo's avatar

After Mr. Young died..... "The fence is in place for a reason", "the sign says stay out, danger'', "the fence should have been eight feet tall with razor wire instead of six and without wire",was the cry from all media." Mr. James A. Young died because he entered a restricted area like this, DANGER KEEP OUT", could be a crystal clear message for the future



noggin's avatar

Blake LeMay said:

Yeah [sic] important to an extent.

Important to the guy who runs the site is rather more than "important to an extent."

I'd say that is me, carelessly mispelling [sic] words that you can still understand. Little missed punctuation here and there.

Clearly doesn't read his own posts....

I'm a Marxist, of the Groucho sort.



Gatekeeper2013's avatar

I was under the impression that in addition to grammar, noise making is another rule. Perhaps I read the rules wrong though because they use proper grammar and I am not used to it after reading through this thread.

Also, I am pretty sure that Blake is Buckeyeshaman.


TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

Wow,that was quite a read. Anywho, it's good to hear that there will be some kind of announcement soon.

Can I take my foil hat off yet? My head is getting warm.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut



phillies2's avatar

Did anyone else log on and see 5 new pages thinking a new announcement day was announced only to be disappointed because it was 5 pages of Illuminati talk, spelling, and grammar?


Ripped Tattoo

Ripped Tattoo's avatar

Ive, Oops, Iv'e , Oops, I've tried to change the topic "philleis2'',but no one took the bait.



Ideas on the announcement time?



Jeff's avatar

Ripped Tattoo said:

Blake, Topthrill, Find each other on twitter and Pi$$ Off of this forum.

That's an exceptionally poor suggestion if you wish to continue posting here yourself.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music



Well, hello all you perfect people, Top thrill and the other person. As to your comments abt how I talk or write something, I guess I should write it or speak my Native CHEROKEE. language. Then, I know for sure, you really won't understand a darn thing and can flap your mouths even more. You want a scary name for the coaster ? Call it Mothman. Which, in tribal belief is a thunderbird. It's not a small bird like these already names. Insulting a medicine man of a tribal group can be a very bad thing. We believe it the spirit world in real, not just a name of a ride. We practice the use of Spiritual things. So, be careful who you insult.
Wado !
Mitakuye Oyasin.



^I still like "ILLUMINATI: THE RIDE".

Last edited by clevelander,


thedevariouseffect's avatar

Talking in BILLY MAYS MODE is totally unnecessary. Plus all this talk about Illuminati and I'm all out of tin foil..


Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011



Lash's avatar

I can't go to work for two minutes and look at the mess you've made.

Just wait till you father gets home!


TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

To the parties involved: Using proper grammar and punctuation is not something that should be excessively argued over.......period. The guidelines below have been stressed for a long time now. It's fine to disagree with someone or express your extreme dislike for their opinions. But it's really not that much to ask for easy to read posts. Yes, we may get the "gist" of what you're saying but there's no need to fly off the handle and make it look like you've thrown your keyboard down a hallway. Take a second and read what you type before hitting the post button. As stated, "We're not looking for perfection." It's just common courtesy to take the time and type legible posts. If nothing else, it'll save you and everyone self from these tireless and pointless arguments. So, let's all be adults here.

If you can't be an adult about this whole thing and keep on topic, I might suggest taking your business elsewhere. Insults, threats and childish name calling are not and will not be tolerated here. And if you are trolling, you definitely won't last long on here. Now, as fun as it is making light of the Illuminati, can we please PLEASE get back to the dang topic on hand?

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut



So, Adam, when do you think they will make the announcement?


TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

With Halloweekends close approaching, I'm kind of hoping they'll do something then. It'd be kind of cool to see them throw another Halloweekends "kick off" event like the past 2 years and, somehow, work in the announcement with the event. But the other part of me is thinking that they could also do something during Labor Day weekend with the large crowds.

Of course, we'll just have to wait and see. :I

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut



TTD 120, my respect to you in reguards to todays issues. I'm using my smartphone to reply, and hitting keys may not always be correct. I'm as excited abt the new coaster as any fan of Cedar Point. I have much pride of the park, and Ohio being it's home.


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