Should Pipe Scream/Other Disk'O Coasters Be Considered True "Coasters"?


I think we may have briefly touched on this before, but I would like to see what everyone else thinks.

In case you're not familiar, one of CP's newest attractions "Pipe Scream" is a "Disk-O" made by Zamperla. Even though "Disk'O coaster" has the word "coaster" in its name, and people have said/considered it to be a coaster, others (like Kings Island and Kennywood) say it is a flat ride.

Also, if you'd considered this a coaster:

Then, you'd pretty much have to consider this one too (which I probably wouldn't):

This is also the last question on CP's newest OnPoint blog post:

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Chuck Wagon

Chuck Wagon's avatar

It has a motor on the ride vehicle, so I don't think it can be called a coaster. If you put hills on the Antique Cars, would that be a coaster? No.

I think the definition has to be a ride that "coasts" based on some external source of energy.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop


Ride On_17

I believe that KI does consider theirs to be a coaster, so I'd want Pipe Scream to also be considered one.
Top 5 CP Coasters: 1. Steel Vengeance 2. Millennium Force 3. Maverick 4. Dragster 5. Magnum
Coaster Count: 102



Don from KI said earlier this year he considered it one.

I'd try to treat it no different than a powered coaster. Powered Coasters are in the RCDB database but these Disk'O's aren't. Many enthusiasts count Powered Coasters, some don't. Thunder Run at CW is a powered coaster and is counted as a coaster.

I will point this out though, this may use motors, but the way it works the half-pipe reminds me a lot of just getting the momentum gathered and then relying on gravity in a way. I believe that it's all gravity going over the "airtime hump" in the middle of the ride (though I do believe gravity has a play in the climbs).

Intamin may use LSM's, but their half-pipes count (its the LSM's each time it passes through the middle)-

And here's a video of the Zamperla model-

Video of an Intamin Half-Pipe-

Pretty similar concept.

Zamperla might give parks options on how they want to declare them. On their website, they have them listed under both Roller Coasters and Thrill Rides.

Either way, it's called a "Disk'O Coaster"

We'll see how parks begin to classify these, but does it mean it'll matter? Overall it depends on what the park thinks, RCDP and enthusiasts can keep their own opinions on what counts as a "credit".

Personally, I don't care. Flat Ride or Rollercoaster, I'll still be riding it :).

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Rcoaster10's avatar

I don't think it should be. It doesn't technically count as one, so don't count it.



We-o-we-oooo's avatar

If you want to broaden the definition of 'coaster' to include Power Tower, the Tilt a Whirl, Snake River Falls & Rip Cord then sure, go ahead and call Pipe Scream a roller coaster.

The rest of us will be hanging out here on planet Earth.

Girl: "l want to ride that yellow one again... Twisted Wicker"
Me: "It's a roller coaster, not a broken clothes hamper."



Kevinj's avatar

If you're reading this conversation, you're already on a different planet than what most of the humans around you consider "Earth".

Promoter of fog.


e x i t english

e x i t english's avatar

FYI - Zamperla lists the Disk-O-Coaster under "roller coasters" on their web site. Just saying.



thedevariouseffect's avatar

This all comes down to coaster counts, park counts, ect..

I just go and ride rides..

Why can't things be simple anymore, this whole debate of coaster cred & parks saying they have the most...

I just go for the experiences

Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011


Ensign Smith

By the Rule of Ducks, it's not a roller coaster.

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TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

Since Magnum hasn't really sunken into Lake Erie yet, does that make it a witch?


-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut


Ensign Smith

If Magnum hasn't sunk into Lake Erie, it's made of wood and therefore...

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Kevinj's avatar

...wait for it...


Promoter of fog.


Captain Hawkeye

Bring out your dead


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e x i t english

e x i t english's avatar

I'm 37, I'm not old...



Gatekeeper2013's avatar

I'm not dead yet...



djDaemon's avatar

e x i t english said:
FYI - Zamperla lists the Disk-O-Coaster under "roller coasters" on their web site. Just saying.

So, if I sell ham sandwiches, but call them "roller coasters" on my website, do those sandwiches become coasters? :)



e x i t english

e x i t english's avatar

Yes, but only if you set your drink on them.



^^&^It depends on how well they coast with the drink on them. If the drink falls, then it will be shut down and shipped off to Worlds of Fun, Dorney or Michigan's Adventure.


Captain Hawkeye

^^ depends. Do the sandwiches have lap belts and OTSR?

This Isn't A Hospital--It's An Insane Asylum!


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