No 2005 Coaster?


Walt's avatar
Please, let's not start on the B&M contract rumor!

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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I don't know about you but I think a Huss Giant Frisbee would be quite fun. It is always better than nothing.

Michael Darling

Wow, more ride contract rumors.

Don't forget about the 3rd Intamin rocket that the contract set up, either.



Jeff's avatar
The removal of the Swan Boats was to make room for a 200 mph, 1,200-foot tall roller coaster named Atom Smasher. I thought everyone knew that. I mean, why else would they remove the Swan boats?

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music



LOL @ Jeff!


Mayor, Lighthouse Point



WHat is a Huss Giant Frisbee.

and if they were going to add a new coaster. would it have been started by now.

Is g lake geting something new the need something more then cedar point.

Who ever sayed that cedar point dose not know what there doing now or is still makeing up there mide is wrong. they have thing planed put years from now



If a B&M contract was made for three coasters (eyes roll) I would think MiA or GL would get it before CP.




I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they wait 6 years for the next coaster after all the problems and maintenance issues they're had with the last two. Anyone remember what the former VP said when they added Mean Streak? "You won't see another wooden coaster here as long as I'm VP!" The higher-ups are probably not saying THAT phrase, but I bet they're fed up with the nightmare's TTD and WT have caused them.

The only thing that would fix that is if they add a good ol' reliable B&M.

Go right through for MSU!



The last thing GL needs is another adult coaster when "Family Amusement Park" is their tagline.


WT has had SOME problems, TTD has had more. And your point is the manufacturer sucks? So they can't fix things, but they know how to build them.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point



thepoint4life23 said:
What is a Huss Giant Frisbee.

Delirium at King's Island.

This would be a very welcome addition if it happened, but for now it's rumor.

My Home
MF count: 69 TTD: 9



well i dont know becuase like its still july and like when it was july in 2002 dragster wasnt under construction till late july lets wait and see mabey they might put something big in or mabey not .

Michael Darling

Okay, let's try that one again. This time in English.

Are you saying that you aren't ruling out a new ride because large-scale Dragster construction didn't start till mid-season in 2002?

A more valid point might be that most of the time ride construction hasn't really started until either very late season or during the off-season.



BUt we new that they were going. the had the sings up.

And THe one ride would be cool. the one at kings island is to short a longer ride would be fun. and if the could make it taller that would be cool



I really don't care if they add anything next year. If they add a flat ride i won't ride it. If they add a coaster the lines will be huge and chances of me riding it are slim. Whatever happens happens. It's only July, enjoy the next 3 months of operation then start worrying about next year.


The University of Toledo 2010

Raptor Rides-363



Well, let's just leave it at (or at least, I will. No one else will.) Cedar Point will be getting something new for 2005.

Some will like it, other's won't.

Some may get there hopes up, other's won't.

Some may guess correctly, other's won't.

But I know, I will be happy with what ever happens next year.

Let the controversy/guessing continue... *** Edited 7/10/2004 4:13:51 AM UTC by Topthrill420***



so you know


Avalanche Sam

Jeff said:
The removal of the Swan Boats was to make room for a 200 mph, 1,200-foot tall roller coaster named Atom Smasher. I thought everyone knew that. I mean, why else would they remove the Swan boats?

Jeff, I thought the Atom Smasher wasn't coming until 2007, for Kinzel's finale!

I guess Kinzel has even greater plans up his sleeve. According to the Lemon Chill Guy(tm), Cedar Fair is planning a 1,826 foot tall coaster/Intamin transport ride, which will connect Cedar Point and Geauga Lake, and which will debut for the 2007 season.

I like the name though, and would love to use it in RCT2.


John McCain: The Ride

Being Mavericky since 2007!


Michael Darling

I think it's a fair assumption that we'll be getting something next season.

Ride, coaster, or landscaping is still undetermined.


Magnum Jeff

I really think that if you look at Cedar Fairs and watch the other projects in the company you will get a feel of what might be come. I mean Knotts got Xcelerator then Cedar Point got TTD. Cedar Point got Raptor then Dorney got Talon. Dorney,Knotts, and WOA all got Huss rides wheather its a giants or not doesn't really matter. So here is my thought on the 05 season. WOA and Camp Snoopy at Mall of America both got a spinning wild mouse. So I think that Cedar Point will be adding a spinning wild mouse in to their mix plus a Huss ride. (once again giant or not doesn't matter, But it is Cedar Point and more then likely would be a giant.) Here are my thoughts though on the next BIG coaster. Knotts and Dorney are both getting a B&M. Knotts with Silver Bullet and Dorney with Hydras Revenage. Its my thoughts that Cedar Point will be getting a B&M for there next big coaster. But i truelly don't see them adding a Floorless (seeing as CF has one only an hour away from cedar point) and we all ready have a Inverted and stand up. I am not really seeing them adding another sit-down coaster, unless there are inverstions. I hear a lot of people bad mothing B&M flyers, But I think it will be a Flyer truelly and let us not forget that it is CP that would be getting it (if it is to be a flyer) so it would be unique in its on way. Not just a clone.

2005- Sky Ride
2006- Sky Ride
Happy not to be working at the Point any longer


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