Avatar image negative g

Tuesday, September 27, 1977
Cleveland, Ohio
Scoring game
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negative g made a post in the topic: Jeff..Six Flags/ CP
Skydiver voted for a post in the topic: Top Thrill Dragster 2022 Status
Glorymaker voted for a post in the topic: Top Thrill Dragster 2022 Status
99er voted for a post in the topic: Wave pools in the past vs now
TwistedCircuits voted for a post in the topic: Wave pools in the past vs now
negative g made a post in the topic: Wave pools in the past vs now
DRE420 voted for a post in the topic: New Covid Protocols for this season.
TwistedCircuits voted for a post in the topic: Point Buzz User Map
MrJohnJLewis voted for a post in the topic: Utility Markings at Antique Cars
TwistedCircuits voted for a post in the topic: Utility Markings at Antique Cars
mgou58 voted for a post in the topic: Utility Markings at Antique Cars
negative g made a post in the topic: Point Buzz User Map
negative g made a post in the topic: Celebrate 150 Spectacular
Shawn Meyer voted for a post in the topic: 2020 announcement just posted
Kevinj voted for a post in the topic: 2020 announcement just posted
negative g made a post in the topic: 2020 announcement just posted
negative g made a post in the topic: Opening weekend
Shawn Meyer voted for a post in the topic: RMC Streak Photo Update - May 7, 2017
negative g made a post in the topic: New Ad Type
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