Xcentricities Boys Only Club

Hey Fellow Point Employees

Having been the head of my GLBU student group, Id like to arrange something similar at the point. If you can drop me your respective AIM's or emails, then i can assemble a master group in yahoo etc, and arrange fun outings/parties for "our" kind of people. Don't get me wrong, we all mix well with all point employees of every size and persuaision. However, I feel it could be fun to get our own group going to help enjoy the summer. My email address is Titanboim@aol.com. Last couple of years, I've arranged Pool parties and the like in Milan and Sandusky, as well as outings to other cities/parks. Hope to see you at the point soon, and dont forget to drop your addy's here, or email to the above address.

See ya there!!!


Oh, so then would you be angry at me when I started my straight-person-only club, that's only designed for "my" kind of people? Reverse discrimination, gotta love it...

Ugh, please kill this thread, mods.

Someone is very bitter!!! This thread was not meant to DISCRIMINATE against straight people, HOWEVER, it was meant to foster unity among Gay Bi, Transgendered people who work at the point. This is an employee thread and is in the appropriate location. We don't want to be Exclusive, but we certainly don't always want to hang with the "straight" people all the time. Just like you dont hang at Gay bars all the time. Whereas I respect your choices in life, I do not respect your arrogance and ignorance in something that doesn't even apply to you. If you have personal issues against us, please do not use this board as a soap box to further your view point. I suggest you find a way to deal with it constructively and in a non offensive manner to others. I personally don't have anything against anyone. Why can't you hold the same view point?


You think I'm homophobic. You completely missed the point. Try again.
No, i didn't say you're homophobic, I said you sound like a bitter person with issues. However, I'm not going to get sucked off of the original intent of this thread. So, anyone else out there working at the point this year? Who is of the "homo" persuaision? :-) drop me an email, or a message here.


With the amount of gay people working at the point, I think the straight guys are the one's who need their own club so they can maybe find each other. and btw, i'm gay, so don't go giving me bs.
Let's make a club where only white people can go to get away from all the other races too. I think that is totally inappropriate what you are proposing. People hang out with their friends, gay or straight, I personally have a lot of both. If you become friends with a bunch of people of the 'homo' persuasion, then you can all hang out. Don't go trying to make some 'club' like that on here. I tak it you have never worked at CP, so you are totally stabbing in the dark here.
'04 TL Power Tower
'03 WT crew/ATL Sky Ride
'02 WT crew
Thats an interesting point, but I think we are still highly outnumbered. At anyrate, the point is to form a social thread or group.



Actually yes, I have worked at the Point. And yes, we had one last year. And yes, we had a lot of fun. I respect your opinion, but each to there own.


As a side note, I should report that 14 people have contacted me wishing to add their name/email to the list. The main reason a lot don't do it here, is because they want to belong to a group of friends like this, but don't wish to publicize it among the masses. Perhaps due to homophobia, or perhaps due to their supposedly "homo" friendly straight friends that might "look down" on them for not wanting to participate in the "hetero" world 100% of the time while they are at the point.


You are very narrow minded, I feel sorry for you. Like life at Cedar Point is '100% hetero'. You SERIOUSLY need to look at what you're saying. I'm starting to find what you say offensive. So, because I'm straight you need to get away from me eh? I'm not making a club to get away from gay people. Do what you want, but don't say you need to get away from the 'hetero' world at Cedar Point, which is the MOST diverse place I have ever been to in my life.

'04 TL Power Tower
'03 WT crew/ATL Sky Ride
'02 WT crew


I find a lot of what your trying to say to be offensive, but you know what, I'm tolerant. Something you should try to be when considering my and many other's viewpoints.

It is very interesting that the now 21 people which have emailed me find what I'm saying to be very true. We don't want to completely escape the Hetero world, You've missed the entire point. We have to work in it, live in it, and yes, even play in it. But we also like to go out on our own, and enjoy life without it sometimes. We do live in a diverse culture, and yes, i agree Cedar Point is a diverse place. But you have to admit the tables are very slanted to the one side, that of the heterosexual world. I am not a straight person but have to face those reminders of what the majority has chosen for me to deal with. I function just fine in those confines. And no, I'm not a radical homosexual trying to convert the world to my view point. But what I have to say is very true to this point... Unless you are GAY Mathew, you really don't have a clue what we face and have to deal with on a daily basis. And by trying to say that I am narrow minded, your cosmopolitan viewpoint on what should be in place, is by its very point narrow and misguided. If you feel the point is a diverse place, then there is certainly a place for a group of people like ourselves that wish to be a part of the whole, while occaisionally being able to escape from it to enjoy ourselves.

I know MANY gay people who do not face all this adersity in their lives. My roomate and best friend is gay, and he feels no adeversity beacuse of it at all. The older gay men I know are successful in life and their jobs. I'm done with this stupid conversation with you. You seem to feel you're a victim no matter where you are. Go make your club, but don't tell me you need to escape 'my world'. I'd never say that to you, that I need an escape from 'your world', I'm not going to make a 'straight only' club to get away from you. All people are welcome in my life, and my friends all feel the same. I live my life and take in all my expierences, good and bad. I've gone to the X with my gay friends, and I take thet expierence and those people into my life. Maybe you need to do the same instead of trying to close it out of your life. I'm done with this, so don't go looking for any more responses from me.
'04 TL Power Tower
'03 WT crew/ATL Sky Ride
'02 WT crew
Thank you Mathew. I'm not saying anything against gay people or ANYTHING, I would post the same thing if someone said they were starting a straight club. So please don't even try to dumb this down to a "you're being an ass because I'm gay" thing - that's not it, and any comments along those lines indicate you don't know what my point is.

If I'm bitter it's because I'm sick of racism in all shapes and forms, which is also why I don't like the concept behind BET.

Again, if I had a post that said I was going to start a straight club, you'd probably cringe... this is apparent when you immediately imply I'm homophobic because I'm against what you propose. When I deny that, you said I'm a bitter person with issues - if my issue is that I don't like what you're putting on the table, then yes, I have an "issue," and I'm glad I do.

"To each their own" indeed, but before you say something like that you should consider that calling someone bitter with issues is a bit hypocritical. Try again.

Mods, please close this down.

I wish you peace and sincere happiness in life Mathew.


I think no one really cares who is gay or straight at CP. We are there to work not to socialize. Everyone should be accpeted because CP is Diverse. When I started working at CP last year I was homophobic. And my crew was mostly homosexual so I learned how to deal with and over come my homophobia. Everyone is human and we are all different so we don't need to exclude people from groups we hang out with. This is life not Junior High.
It amazes me that people often pull the plight of racism into the fray when it suits their purposes. This is not a form of racism. Are you saying that because I'm gay im from a different race?


I really have to stress that each post you are making, Jayson, is going on about homosexual social commentary. That has absolutely nothing to do with why Mathew and I object to your proposal. Not only are you sounding redundant, but you're not addressing the issue.

Quotes like "but I think we are still highly outnumbered" speak volumes, by the way.

At any rate, the point of this thread was not to debate the plight of groups, discrimination or the like. The point was to form a group, which is essentially what this entire website is, a collection of people forming a group. SO, keep your moods, feelings, consternations etc in check. If you wish to start a new thread to discuss this, then by all means, but by distorting the intent of my thread certainly doesnt provide satisfaction to either party.


No, racism was the wrong word. I don't know what exactly the word is, but the discourse is the same in that it's a form of discrimination. I'm sorry if you didn't understand that... actually no.

Enough, I'm with Mathew, you don't understand why we're opposing what you're putting on the table.

Closed topic.

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