You are off a week on 2017. It was Saturday 2/.25. It was not 66 degrees, it was freezing! The day before it had been in the 60s though, but the day of WCO a major cold front came in. The temps dropped as the event progressed, the first hour or so for our group was mild-ish. I will never forget standing at the CP Shores presentation and feeling the temps plummet.
Oops. not sure how I missed that. I double-checked photo timestamps for all the other years.
Jason McClure was walking by as our group went from the warehouse to Snoopy's Boutique, so he joined us for a bit. We had a side conversation about it being too nice in February, and how he would rather save those nice days for May. I guess I associated the conversation with the nice weather we had been having, and don't really remember the day as being that bad. I also show up prepared with hand and feet warmers, an extra pair of thermal socks, and an extra shirt/hoodie to evaluate what to take in once I'm there.
Looking at the hourly data from Port Clinton, it was 44-45 around 8:30 AM, and leveled off at about 34 degrees from 2 - 4 pm, which still puts it quite warmer than 2015, and a little better than the 2012-2104 tours. Only 2016 has had better temps than this year's tour.
Back to the question about taking kids... I saw kids 8-12 bored to tears within minutes of the first stop presentation starting. And I saw others more engaged than adults. It just depends on their interest level for an event like that. Not all CP and coaster fans and enthusiasts will be interested in or appreciate what the WCO is. But for those who do, it's quite the event.
Does anyone know or remember what time tickets go on sale for WCO? I know its tomorrow just looking to get them as early as possible.
Yes, Tony tweeted that it's midnight tonight/tomorrow
2015 - Ride Host: Shoot the Rapids 2016 - Team Leader: Ripcord/Challenge Golf 2017 - Supervisor: Thunder Canyon 2018 - Supervisor: Camp Snoopy 2019 - Supervisor: Power Tower
Midnight Monday night or Midnight Tuesday morning. Whichever comes first...
Looking forward to going this year, and daughter has already put in for the day off too!
Currently at x0, y0, z0
This will be my first Winter Chill Out, so I have a question for veterans: do they have bigger tour groups for the later ones, or are the groups all the same size no matter what time you pick?
It varies because, if the event sells out, that means that all the slots are full and I believe the entire event crowd is spread out evenly among the time slots. Now, the crowds per slot can vary slightly because people sometimes don't show up, arrive at the incorrect time or are late. However, be prepared for moments where you'll have to wait for the group ahead of you to move on to the next "stop".
P.S.- This will be highlighted in the email they send you and by Tony more than once. Make sure you arrive at your correct time slot! Watch the weather and plan accordingly. It's generally a good idea to arrive a little bit before your time slot.
-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut
It probably does sell out, or at least come close, so I think I'll stick with the best time for my schedule. Thanks!
The event has sold out for at least the last three years, which is as many years as I’ve gone. Each year it has seemed to sell out faster. Even still, I think it was 5 days it took last year. Being first in line is only necessary for ensuring the time slot is available when you go to purchase.
It says no packages found when I click buy tickets.
Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1
CP Coaster Top 10: 1. Steel Vengeance (40 rides to date) 2. Top Thrill Dragster (191 launches to date, 4 rollbacks) 3. Magnum XL 200 4. Millennium Force 5. Maverick 6. Raptor 7. GateKeeper 8. Valravn 9. Rougarou 10. Gemini
Thabto said:
It says no packages found when I click buy tickets.
Same here. I've tried my laptop, phone and different browsers. Just hitting refresh and hoping for the best!
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