Winter Chill Out 2018

Lash's avatar

Cedar Point should hold an enthusiast event to clean the algae from the water bombs.

CoasterKyle1121's avatar

I believe it was more like “duh— buh— duh— buh” and now more like “duh———duh buh”

But I agree, they should be fixed while they’re focusing on Maverick. It just seems sloppy with it being out of sync.

1999: First visit
Halloweekends- Harvest Fear, Tombstone Terror-Tory
Ride Operations- Professor Delbert’s Frontier Fling

CoasterCam's avatar

Lash said:
Cedar Point should hold an enthusiast event to clean the algae from the water bombs.

I’d help, as long as we get paid with the coins in the queue pond. We’d be rich.

Oh and since I’m working Raptor this summer I’ll see what I can do about the gum ledge of disgustingness. Lol.

Last edited by CoasterCam,

2018- Raptor

CP Top 5- 1)MF 2) Maverick 3) Gatekeeper 4) Top Thrill Dragster 5) Raptor

Walt's avatar

Here are some photos Adam was kind enough to share from Saturday:

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ValravnCP said:

Please tell me it's not true... They can't get rid of Luminosity! This is even more heartbreaking than finding out AWE was gone.

So there aren't any night-time shows, then? No dance parties, lights, nothing? I was sad when Luminosity replaced Starlight Experience, but now we have neither and that's really upsetting.

This show will be happening 3 times a day, I believe they said one will happen at night.


Was there any discussion at WCO about Cedar Point Shores getting more restroom/changing areas?

Was there any discussion on when they will start making the rooms in the (brand new) wing of hotel breakers available for reservations? I keep playing around with it online, but have had no luck.

Jake Padden
13-Tiques/Wave Swinger
12-Camp Snoopy; Tiques/Wave Swinger
11-CP & LE Railroad Platform; Cedar Creek Mine Ride; Tiques/Wave Swinger

Rooms came up for me in the West wing under 2 queen and sleeper chairs and connecting rooms for the weekend of May 20th when i booked last week. It was in the description for the room.
ETA- I thought it was suites, but they are connecting rooms.

Last edited by chris9ty,
DSShives's avatar

Dodgem Diva said:

Was there any discussion at WCO about Cedar Point Shores getting more restroom/changing areas?

Do they really need anymore? Ive seen long lines a the bathrooms by the wave pool, but a short walk to the bathrooms by the former entrance to Soak City are empty.

Steve Shives
First Cedar Point Visit - 1972
Dockholder-Cedar Point Marina

DSShives said:

Dodgem Diva said:

Was there any discussion at WCO about Cedar Point Shores getting more restroom/changing areas?

Do they really need anymore? Ive seen long lines a the bathrooms by the wave pool, but a short walk to the bathrooms by the former entrance to Soak City are empty.

Those bathrooms used to have large attached changing rooms, but they were sealed off for some reason when CP Shores opened, and the bathrooms were slightly expanded by merging them with the nearby small restrooms that were formerly outside the park gates (requiring anybody who has to use the restroom outside the park to sneak in to TGI Friday's.)

Changing in a small stall with a toilet instead of a bench isn't that pleasant.

With the demoliton of the center bathrooms for replacement with family bathrooms, the net result is a similar or smaller number of toilets (maybe technically larger when you consider the ones by SplasH2O are now in the park, but those have always basically been "Soak City restrooms") and a likely net decrease in changing area with the main changing rooms now being closed, despite the park being marketed heavily.

Cargo Shorts's avatar

The park would prefer you to rent one of their $300/night changing rooms.

DSShives's avatar

There are also bathrooms with some changing areas (not with the toilets) by the splash zone by the former entrances (now closed). Those are rarely ever busy. Those are literally a 90 second walk from the wave pool.

Steve Shives
First Cedar Point Visit - 1972
Dockholder-Cedar Point Marina

Rusty's avatar

ImpulsivePhoenix said:

I go on weekdays so Chick-Fil-A will be open. I just hope the dining plan could be used there for an item.

I agree. I never had the opportunity to go there when it was Chick-Fil-A, but it always seemed pretty busy (which may be why I never tried it). When we first bought meal plans a few years ago, I went into the Frontier Inn and asked the worker what was on the meal plan. He walked over to the menu board, stretched his arms out as wide as he could in a diagonal and said - "this is on the plan" as he tried to reach corner to corner on the board.

So after losing that full menu as a meal plan option, I hope some or all of the Chick-Fil-A food is available as an option.

Also - just a heads up to those who have posted all of the negative comments on here about the company's alleged bias... I might have never considered trying their food if not for the ongoing PR you provided! Politics aside, I like chicken.

Proud to have fathered a second generation coaster enthusiast destined to keep me young at heart and riding coasters with a willing partner into my golden years!

In terms of restrooms at CPS, there should 100% be larger restrooms over by Schooners in my opinion. Nothing worse than breaking the seal and having to wait in a long line over by the restrooms next to the wave pool. I wish I would’ve spent more time at the water park last year to be honest.

Pro tip to save time on changing without getting a hotel room: invest in hybrid shorts. If you're unfamiliar, they are shorts that are made of material similar to that of swimsuits so you can wear them on roller coasters in the dry park or on slides in Shores. They also dry fairly quickly, depending on the brand. If you get one that has a lot of pockets (cargo-style), you can wear them all day and keep your stuff well-secured on the rides (you'd still have to get a locker to put your stuff in for the slides, though).

djDaemon's avatar

I'm still waiting for the return of bathrooms outside the CPS/Resort Gate. I'd love to know the rationale for removing those.

Rusty said:
Also - just a heads up to those who have posted all of the negative comments on here about the company's alleged bias... I might have never considered trying their food if not for the ongoing PR you provided! Politics aside, I like chicken.

So what you're saying is that their discriminatory practices enticed you not only to support their business, but to brag about that being the reason? Wow, classy!

Anyhow, if you like chicken, you should get it from somewhere that actually serves good chicken. You can always donate to anti-LGBT causes on the side if that's your thing.

Also, politics =/= civil rights.


I love how the Chick Fil A discussion always turns political.

Are you also aware of the horrible conditions many in the "sweat shops" over in China endure to make your Cedar Point sweatshirts and trinkets? You wanna talk equality- Gay Marriage is legal in the United States. Eat your chicken and celebrate.

For those of you "voting your conscious" by not going to the restaurant, if you are as honorable as you claim to be in regards to spending money with companies who support equality- be honorable by what you also buy.

Most of the game prizes, park merchandise, etc. is "Made in China" where children are forced to work, and conditions are horrendous! Don't act like you are noble because you don't eat at Chick Fil A, unless all of your spending habits reflect those beliefs in "equality".

ValravnCP's avatar

You could also think about the horrific places the chickens come from: factory farms.

Last edited by ValravnCP,

R.I.P Luminosity ~ 2012-2017 ~ Greatest show in Heaven, Hell or Earth
Steel Vengeance rides: 20

Cargo Shorts's avatar

From some posts here it sounds like CP Employee Housing is horrific as well. Similar to a chicken farm. ;)

djDaemon's avatar

Tilt-a-Whirl said:

Gay Marriage is legal in the United States.

Equal rights has not been achieved. Our current POTUS has indicated he wants to appoint activist judges to the Supreme Court who would overturn Obergefell v. Hodges. He also proposed banning transgenders from serving in the military, urged a federal appeals court to rule that the Civil Rights Act does not protect against job discrimination based on sexual orientation, attended the Values Voters Summit, and has a VP who has an absolutely horrific record on LGBT rights, including promoting "conversion therapy."

In short, you have no idea what you're talking about. Civil rights is an ongoing struggle, just as it's always been. And we have an administration that is as opposed to civil rights as any in a long, long time.


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