Why'd they ax the log ride?

Splash Mountain always has HUGE lines for it when I'm at the Magic Kingdom. Granted its brilliantly themed and more than just a typical flume. But, I still think flumes can be crowd grabbers without having a launch or inversion. They just need to be really well done.

Cute Ensign, but your "trying" my patience :)-

~jumping up & down~ I want a flume, I want a flume!!

Is there a term for the depression that hits me when I leave Cedar Point for the season?

My favorite flume ride was Keelhaul Canal at Kings Island. Anybody remember that one? It was very high, and you spent a long time cruising up near the tree tops in the breeze. It was a fantastic ride. I was very disappointed when they got rid of it.

Tim, you really can't use Splash Mountain as an example of flume ride popularity. Disney can never be held up as the typical case. That being said, I think they still do pretty well in most parks. I only wish Geauga Lake would take out those stupid water launchers... I don't like having to wear a poncho on a log ride just to avoid getting completely soaked.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

crazy horse's avatar

I miss having a flume ride at cp. To me ,a flume ride kind of rounds out a collection at a park. It just left a void in the park when they removed it.

I am sure maverick is going to be great, but I am really going to miss being able to go on a water ride and not get totaly drenched.

I sure hope that they are looking into building another log flume in the park. I was at knotts a few weeks ago, and the flume ride had the longest line of any I waited in. It was a great ride with lots of theming. It also had a very small footprint that was built into a small mountain that took up about as much room as the antiqe cars do.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

I was really hoping for a next generationi flume as the replacement...though I will still enjoy Maverick. I really like the flume at Universal's IOA and I'm sure I would enjoy it whether or not it was themed to Dudley Doo-Right.

I think the same of Splash. What makes Splash memorable for me are the hills and the unique "Laughing Place" portion. I could take or leave Brer Rabbit and the gang.

There are so many new tricks with flumes that I think a new one would still be a coaster-like draw at Cedar Point.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Jeff said:
It's still weird not having a log ride of some sort. Every time I go to a new park that has one, I ride it.

I agree.

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster
www.pointpixels.com | www.parkpixels.com

I'm sure Maverick will be a great addition to the park, but I will really miss WWL. So peaceful & relaxing looking out over the lake in your canoe ~sigh~...then down you go! I really hope they consider making a new one someday.

Does anyone know the scoop on Cedar Creek Mine ride? Does it still generate enough riders to justify all the space it takes up?

Please don't give them any ideas.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Oh geez... Isn't one ride's removal enough for today?

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster
www.pointpixels.com | www.parkpixels.com

People act like they don't care about a ride and never mention it at all. Then it's removal is announced and everyone is like, "Whoah! I love that ride, why did they ever remove it? I never had a trip to Cedar Point! I wish it was staying! :( "

Summer was made for a Cedar Point day~

My point exactly.

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster
www.pointpixels.com | www.parkpixels.com

Um, I "mentioned" it all the time...just not on this site. "I wanna go on the log ride, I wanna go on the log ride" could be heard echoing in the rotundra many times per season ;)

Vince982's avatar

If you ask me, CCMR is one of the best looking coasters in the park. While there aren't many great photo op spots, the ride is very attractive. The dark wood construction set out over the lagoon with green grass underneath in some areas is really nice. Not to mention, it's a really fun ride (especially at night.)

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

Agreed. I don't think its a very good mine ride (at all) but it is definately one of the better lookers.

In one of the CF conference calls way back they did say in regards to WWL that, "they will remember how popular they are". I wouldn't be surprised if we see another some day. It really was a loss for the park. It really was a true family ride. However, with all of the recent tree loss in Frontier Town I hope they don't start any new projects back there soon.

Thrills Around the Corner!

Gomez's avatar

There's not a ride at CP that isn't a great loss, but when it comes down to cost, a business decision had to be made.

Old family log ride that many families love or new high action thrill ride that will bring more people in and be popular all season long, the choice is simple.

If they took out WWL and left its land unused, I'd be mad, but Maverick is nowhere close to being a compromise. It will clearly be worth the loss of a log ride.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

WWL suffered from the same maladey as it's predecessor, Shoot the Rapids. As the years went by it became a maintenance intensive nightmare. With STR the carpenters and sheetmetal workers would just aboot live there. Flume rides where the troughs are above ground are prone to failures in the fiberglass.

kylepark's avatar

Maybe some type of new, heavily themed flume could be constructed between Mean Streak and Gemini. Similar to the Disney's Splash Mountain concept, a flume built in and around a fake mountain with the CP&LE running through a tunnel at the bottom. Then the skeleton scenes are an obstacle, but maybe reconfigure them inside the tunnel, and that last concession building on the lefthand side you see before crossing the rail road tracks to the Gemini would then have to be removed.

The maintenance building between MS and Gemini could be used as as the back portion of the attraction behind "the mountain" where the boats travel through diffrerent scenes featuring great special effects. The theme could be a ride through Ohio History and the development of the Western Reserve or something like that.

I let my imagination go while obseving the aerial view of the park on Live Local. ;)

- Uncle Jay

Gomez said:

"Old family log ride that many families love or new high action thrill ride that will bring more people in and be popular all season long, the choice is simple".

Here's the thing. I'm sure Maverick will have long waits & be very fun. But families include all ages, many that can't ride thrill rides. I can't ride things that go upside down (which sucks). As I got older, it makes me completely nauseous & ruins my whole day to attempt to recover. The same is true for many as they age.

Our choice to keep patronizing The Breakers 3 times a season (250.00 or so a pop), & get family season passes are based on that there are things we all can enjoy. While my older son is off coaster hopping, the rest of us can enjoy other rides in the middle range. I'm far from needing the old time cars, but 1 ride on Millinium is all this gal will ever do. Of course it was a blast, but as a health care provider, I know what coaster riders know deep inside but don't talk about. It can be dangerous to push it too far after a certain age, even if you are in good shape.

So, my point is, it is financially sound to build me a new log ride!!

PS: it's rotonda. I couldn't get the "R" out :/

Vince982's avatar

I always questioned Maverick being advertised towards the entire family. Sure it isn't a record breaking height, but it's still quite fast and has several inversions.

As for an attraction between Mean Streak and Gemini, I never realized how much room there is in there. Furthermore, should Mean Streak be removed down the line, that is a gigantic amount of space to build.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

TTD 120mph's avatar

I've always thought/imagined what kind of coaster could take MS's place and the type of coaster that has always come to mind is an Intamin prefab.:)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

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