Why I'm Mad At Cedar Point

TTDsam said:
please excuse CP for not wanting you fall 420 feet to your death. maybe you should be mad at yourself for your own weight.

That is just tasteless and rude.

I brought a ride companion with me to CP on may 29, and he is a AVERAGE sized male. He got turned away from MF, along with people in every group in front of and behind us at the gates. Now, in my honest opinion NONE of those people were of "exceptional size", the people working the gate area were rather cold and emotionless, which I suppose in understandable.

I understand why this is happening, but I'm with everyone else who agrees that this is not being handled properly. Something needs to be worked out for the sake of those entering the park expecting to be able to ride these rides as they have in previous years.

I hear a lot of people complaining that CP is not doing this right but I don't hear anyone offering up suggestions on what they should do.

*Disclaimers on commercials? That might help people in the marketing area but what about people coming from outside the marketing area?

*Modify the seatbelts. That was something I said immediately following the announcement of this problem and it sounds like they are doing just that.

*Sensitivity training for the staff. It sounds like that has been taking place since the first weekend. I know if for a FACT.

*Test seat at the ride entrance. Sounds great in theory but it still hasn't solved the problems.

*Test seat at the front gate? Ok, so you get to the gate and realize you can't ride and it was the ONLY thing you came for. Do you go home? Do you get a refund on the parking charge?

*Test seat at the toll booth. Before you even pay for parking you turn around and go home but now you insist CP must pay for your gas and turnpike tolls.

*Test seat delivered to your home. You are thinking about going to the park but want to be sure you can ride so you write the park asking for a test seat to try out before you head out. Of course, on the way to the park your period comes and you are now bloated and can't fasten the seat belt.

*A "Everything but Dragster and MF" ticket. Ok, well now we have satisfied overweight people but what about people who are afraid of heights? They should have a ticket, no?

And what about people who can't ride water rides because of the chlorine? They should have their own ticket, no? And what about people who don't ride any rides and just watch the shows? And what about people who go to Soak City just for the wave pool? And what about people who only came to see Snoopy but never got to see him that day?

Are we beginning to see the complexity of this issue yet?

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Scott's avatar
I just can't wait to get the first newsletter and Rollercoaster magazine that A.C.E. puts out after the convention! I can hear the complaining now!
Chief Wahoo, the difference between this and your analogies is that the problem is that most of the people upset now, were able to ride before and now they cant. All the examples you give are of people and situation that would never have and never will be able to do those activities. What is making people upset is that they could ride before with no problem and now they are being turned away because of a stupid 1" slack rule that serves no purpose other than a CYA to Intamin.

They need to modify the seatbelts to be more accomodating. The slack rule isnt making the ride safer and it is serving up inconsistancies depending on the ride ops on who gets to ride. Like I said before, if you can buckle the belt, you should be able to ride. Its that simple. You indicated CP is working on modifications. What are they doing? Has anyone heard? When will it be done?

Also, dont look for anything from ACE. Their "leader" has made it well known that she has no sympathy for those that cant ride. Why would you expect there to be anything in the newsletter? Personally I'am glad I dont belong to it and after her comments I never would want to belong to it.

I'm not saying they need to implement a whole new set of guidelines about riding and who won't be able to, but it would be fairly easy for them to add to the site some "loose" measurements to determine if you can ride before you go.

By measurements I mean legs/butt area, seeing as that is what really determines if you're going to fit or not. Nothing short of changing the belts will eliminate the problem it's causing, but there are some things they could do to clear it up for guests who might not have heard about it YET this season.

Giving the staff sensitivity training, that would be a welcome idea.

JuggaLotus's avatar
sieve72, why don't you try staying awake during your English class once in a while.

As for the whole refund, probably not going to happen for reasons already stated. Since it is basically just MF that is causing a problem, I don't see why they couldn't put a test seat at the main gate. If you don't fit, at least you know before going into the park that you don't fit.

MrScott, you're right on the whole July is going to kill them thing. It's going to be bad if they don't get this problem resolved. I don't even want to know what the crowds will be like on the 4th weekend.

I didn't notice too many sensitivity problems opening weekend when I was there. I saw a couple people get off the train just before the one we got on, I thought it was due to fear, it didn't even occur to me that they were too big.



I know the issue. People used to be able to ride...now they can't. I am beyond that.

Intamin says, "here is the way it is going to be." Cedar Fair must implement it. I don't have a problem with people who complain that they can't ride anymore. I am sure that is upsetting. But, nothing will assuage that disappointment.

But, I do think people have unreasonable expectations on how this should be handled. And, I'd like to hear some suggestions from the complainers. I suspect that no matter what Cedar Point does there will be people who are not satisfied.

It isn't as simple as, "I should get free admission because I couldn't ride."

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

I think the staff has been doing a tremendous job with dealing with the public and the one inch rule. They have never forced anyone into the test seat, but have reccommended it stating that the rider must have one inch of extra belt once it is buckled. They have even been telling people that they dont want to have them waste the time in line if they have the possibility of not fitting, and can find out ahead of time.

I was asked to take the seat and fit, but a lady before me that my group (dubbed "Aquamama" for her colored shirt) was asked if she would like to try the test seat, and she apparently got very offended. (After all, there is no good way to ask that question, is there?) She extended the belt over her waist in a lightning fashion then loudly proclaimed "Oh, I fit. this is rediculous." Forty minutes later, she was huffing and puffing down the exit ramp because she wouldn't fit.

The crews are handling this the best they can, and I think that enthusiasts and enthusiasses should cut them a little slack, after all, the non-enthusiast crowd isn't. At least we are coming in a little more informed.

While I agree that management isn't handling this in the best way, I do think that the crew is responding well with their given orders. But I do think I'll end up laughing my rear off after reading reports from the ACE convention at CP.

I'm glad that some other people are willing to compliment the crew and their actions. Obviously there are going to be some bad apples when you have a group of 30+ people working together on one ride. I won't deny that...but then again, no crew at the park is perfect (especially one as large as MF's).

When those assigned to the ride showed up at the beginning of the season they had no idea that they were going to be dealing with this issue. I'd be willing to bet that some of them would have asked for an immediate transfer if they were told they would have to stand at entrance and tell people who had ridden the ride before that they no longer fit in the seat. I know for a fact some crew members have asked for transfers recently because of all this.

Most of those still on the crew are there because they love their ride. They work hard and do the best they can to handle guests when they (understandably) get upset. For all of you who criticize those working entrance I challenge you to try working the position for just one hour. I'm sure you will love having multiple guests stand around making sure you make others try the test seat because they feel you singled them out for one reason or another.

-Lusty Lil

When we visited on 5/29 there was a line outside of the MF gate to make sure you fit the test seat.

Not to mention two security guards and two CP employees.

They were asking people i suppose in their eyes should try the seat, if you didn't try it, you didn't get in line. If you tried it and you couldn't buckle it, same thing.

Not one person i seen them pull to try the seat made it to the actual ride line. Including my ride buddy.

I have no problems riding anything. I'm a small/average sized 21 year old woman. It's distressing to see others go through that, and they obviously feel embaressed when they're told they can't ride. I don't like seeing other people experience stuff such as that. It just bothers me and I hope that something is eventually worked out.

I know the feeling. I'm a 6'2, 290 lb. football lineman and I've had similar trouble.

Last year I went to Cedar Point for two days...the first day was in the low 60s, and I wore a heavy sweatshirt and jeans. I couldn't get the seat belt buckled on MF because of the sweatshirt (the second day, much warmer, was no problem wearing a t-shirt and shorts), and TTD was right out (I got on the second day too). But on both, I had to let the seatbelt all the way out to make it work. So I guess I'm not going to Cedar Point this or in future years until I slim it down a bit.

One solution would be for Intamin to redesign their coaster cars to be more like the ones on Hersheypark's new Storm Runner, with the over-the-shoulder restraints with a front-locking leg-splitting seat belt. I fit fine in those seats, and only the morbidly-obese should have trouble fitting. Though, as a precaution, the Storm Runner has signs everywhere saying "If the restraints don't hit your thighs, you may not ride." So big stomached people are out on Storm Runner. But I made it OK.

Granted, over-the-shoulder restraints would ruin much of the fun of MF and TTD and are not completely necessary due to the lack of inversions. But what else can be done?

How about a 4-6 inch seat belt extension piece for larger riders, to be sold/rented at the gate?? Just click it into place on MF and TTD, since the belts are the same. But you still must pass the lapbar locking test.

Maybe someone can help me understand this....If you can get the lapbar to lock into place, then what's the big deal about the seat belt length?? Why not make the belts 55+" or more? If the belt is tighted, It'll keep you in place in case the bar fails, right? *** Edited 6/9/2004 4:52:58 PM UTC by CoreyC***

Interesting idea there CoreyC about the extension piece. If they would do that and it works, it'll rent/buy it.

Personally, I would just like them to lengthen the belts a little bit more. Last year I was able to ride it, granted I had to pull the belt all the way to the end and pull a little bit more and got it to click. But, with them rebracketing the belt on the inside of the train, it made the belt about 1/2 - 1" shorter which is what prohibit me from riding it this year.

Guess only time on what will happen, but they better figure it sooner than later. If not, it'll probably come during this offseason

"What we do in life, echos in eternity."
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Top 3 Steel Coasters: Griffon, Magnum XL-200, Apollo's Chariot.

Weak,i gotta C in english class Jugga *** Edited 6/9/2004 6:01:12 PM UTC by sieve72***

needless quote removed... you know better hooper! -J
Edit: Oh, I quoted it because CW's post was on page one.

I thought I offered a valid and solid fix to this problem. That being put the dragster T-bar and seats on MF. If the length of the seatbelts on MF has to be different then the length of those on dragster then fine, get the correct length on it. That ends this BS of one inch slack policy. If you can fit in the seat and buckle the belt on the dragster type seats (when there on MF) then you ride, if not then you don't. That would be my fix to this if I had any say at the park. *** Edited 6/9/2004 10:19:19 PM UTC by Jeff*** *** Edited 6/10/2004 1:54:42 PM UTC by Hooper***

"This second hill is my favorite part of the ride. It is so Cool!"
TTD Status: "Contaminates in the system" Sandor Kernacs CP Place Quote: Walt - We don't need moderators. We need babysitters.

I have a feeling a lot of people are exaggerating. Someone said they brought an average sized male along with them to the park and he, along with everybody in front of her and behind her couldn't ride. Now, I think we all know that's bull$hit. To tell you the truth, I think this is all bull$hit. The seatbelt rule, the overweight people complaining, all of it-is bull$hit. Lemme start off with the seat belts first. Alright, on every single coaster that had a seat belt, It was not even close to tight on me. Ride ops touched my belt, but didn't pull at it until there was an inch of slack. I remember on Blue Streak-one of the rides that the original poster said she couldn't ride-I was almost getting hit with my seat belt because it was that loose, and I'm 5"5 and 130 lbs. Second of all, both my brother is on the overweight size. My brother has ridden every single roller coaster at CP no questions asked. Some people say that it's all in the hips and butt that won't let you ride, well he definitely has those, and fits into MF perfectly. Like I said at the beginning, I have the feeling people are exaggerating to get sympathy. So for all of those who did (and you and I both know who you are) just shut up......
Pete's avatar

CoreyC said:

One solution would be for Intamin to redesign their coaster cars to be more like the ones on Hersheypark's new Storm Runner, with the over-the-shoulder restraints with a front-locking leg-splitting seat belt.

Noooo... not the over the shoulder restraints! Or the stupid ankle bar Six Flags put in. If they change the MF trains at all, let them put in the restraint bars and seats that are on Dragster. Those are more secure and fit a wider range of people.

Maybe I sound selfish, but I don't want the ride experienced changed for 95% of the riders just so another 3% or 4% can fit.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Walt's avatar

restraint bars and seats that are on Dragster

Didn't someone say they are requiring the 1" on Dragster now, as well?

*** Edited 6/9/2004 6:51:52 PM UTC by Walt***

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Scott Cameron's avatar
Pete I'd have to say that I agree with you, and I am one of the people who can't fit this year due to the new rule. I got the belt fastened, but could only pull about 3/4" of "slack".

I've been on a diet for a couple of months now (started it before all of this belt nonsense) and have already lost almost 20 lbs. At my rate I'll be on it in a couple of weeks. In fact, I think I'll try again this weekend just in case because 1/4" isn't much at all.

I know the rest of you may think I am selfish as well but not being able to ride did not break my heart. I'll admit I was a tad disappointed, but I was able to ride everything else and had a blast that day.

Cedar Point is much more than just Millennium Force and I refuse to put my blame on them when its really the cause of Intamin, some stupid ride op at SFNE, and me for not eating the way I should and drinking way too much beer. *** Edited 6/9/2004 6:58:07 PM UTC by Scott Cameron*** *** Edited 6/9/2004 7:00:07 PM UTC by Scott Cameron***

Co-founder of the most fun CP Facebook Group - Day Drinking at the Point

well, considering tat the AVERAGE size of women in this country is a 16 (NOT a 6 or an 8 or a 10...SIXTEEN) CP is excluding possibly more than half of the feamle population that wants to ride MF and Dragster.

Women are getting bigger every year. sorry, but its the facts. the average size in the 40's and 50's was a 10. now it is a 16. maybe someone should tell this to CP.

not all women are teeny, tiny little things with no waist or hips....

so couldnt this policy be considered SEXIST or discriminatory towards women??

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Pete's avatar
There is nothing sexist or discriminatory about it. The rule applies equally to men and women.

I wouldn't go by the numbers, I've seen plenty of women ride this year who look like they could be a little on the "plus" clothing size.

Servo, your stats are shocking. If women are really that much bigger than they were 50 years ago, we as a country need to take a hard look at what we are doing to ourselves with our diets. It's not surprising that the physical size of the population has grown as the popularity of fast food has grown.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

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