What would you do?

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

Oh my god.....
The kids spitting on the hand rail or throwing crap in to the pond was not the issue. If some kid is spitting or throwing crap in to the pond i would normally say who cares. the issue was the fact that these kids were using language that they should not even know yet. and the fact that they were trying to spit on my friends shoes. But what really crossed the line was when they deliberately leaned over the railing on the stairs up to maverick and spit on a woman's head. That is when something needs to be done.

You missed the point entirely. The point is that if you don’t report a bad activity, that activity continues. Those who have gotten away with the activity go on to do it again. If they get away with that activity, then they usually try a more serious activity.

You choose to be tolerant of these situations, and I choose to evaluate them and not tolerate some of them. You choose not to report any of them, and I choose to report those, which are not tolerable. Because you want to tolerate these kinds of things does not mean that I have to.

We all pay our money to go to CP and have a great time. Part of having a good time is not having to be a party to some types of unruly behavior. This does not mean that just because someone is horsing around, being loud and several other things that I am going to call CP Police. I evaluate each situation and make decision if it rises to the level of needing a call. So, I do tolerate a lot of things, just not everything.

The point is that if everything is always tolerated by everybody, without exception, then this type of activity continues. And usually gets worse as time goes on. We shouldn’t have to even be worried about dealing with any of this. If some of these parents taught their children proper respect, proper etiquette and the difference between right and wrong this would not be happening. But, that is not the case, and never will be.

You are free to make your choice, and hopefully I am free to make mine.

Why ride coasters? Becuse there is NOTHING better to do than riding a coaster!

e x i t english's avatar

I still stand by my original "tattle-tale" assessment. You said it yourself, you pay to go to CP. You aren't paid to watch over the place, you aren't on their police force, and there certainly isn't a CP neighborhood watch.

If you want everyone to act like coaster enthusiasts, stick to CoasterMania.

Kevinj's avatar

I do indeed let a lot of behavior slide, but what was observed would not have been one of those. I dont have CP's police number on my speed-dial...nor do I care to, but I certainly would have informed someone of what was happening. I think the best course of action would have been to speak to those around you, step out of line to get an employee, and let it go from there.

Promoter of fog.

e x i t english's avatar

That sounds more reasonable to me. I hate unruly kids as much as the next guy, but calling the cops on that stuff is ridiculous, and a waste of their time.

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

Your kidding me. You know i hate to say this but the next time your in a 2 hour line i hope you get stuck behind some punk kids and they spit all over your shoes and you put your hand through there melted lemon ice that they spilled on the hand rails. And call you a F@*ot @$$ B***h. Then maybe you will change your mind about calling the CP Police....

e x i t english's avatar

I changed my mind about you. I no longer think you're a tattle tale.

I think you're a tattle tale with bad spelling, grammar and capitalization.

Here's another way to avoid those "punk geepeez" in 2 hour lines. Don't wait in 2 hour lines.

Kevinj's avatar

Did anyone ever figure out what was meant by the "llama" terminology? I missed something...

Promoter of fog.

Jesz's avatar

Llamas are known for their spitting. The kids were spitting, so they were referred to as llamas. It was a joke. :)

Last edited by Jesz,

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

IvyRose-MissX's avatar

factory81 said:
"Yeah CP police, we get a ten niner going on in the Millennium Force line, they let the llama's out and they are spitting everywhere again

OMG FUNNY! You made this night shift worth while! But besides for that, can't we all just get along?

Last edited by IvyRose-MissX,

"Mean Streak crew 2004"

e x i t english's avatar

No. Please stop asking.

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

e x i t english said:
I changed my mind about you. I no longer think you're a tattle tale.

I think you're a tattle tale with bad spelling, grammar and capitalization.

Here's another way to avoid those "punk geepeez" in 2 hour lines. Don't wait in 2 hour lines.

Sure whatever you like to do.

e x i t english's avatar

Holy cow. Are you still bringing this up?

Listen, I have one emergency number on speed dial, and I hoped to never have to use it, ever again, but in your case I'm just going to have to call out the waaaaaahhmbulance. Quit your whining and mind your own business when you're out in public next time. It will make your life marginally easier than it already is.

edited to add info.

Last edited by e x i t english,
Jesz's avatar

^haha that was great! I'm gonna steal that and use it sometime. :)

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

You all think these kids are bad well check this out. On a local Detroit Radio Station they were reporting that 3 young kids around the age of 8 were caught peeing on police car. They reported that the three youngsters were taken home and there parents were fined $2,000.00 for child endangerment.
What i don't understand is why the hell were the parents given that fine for that. Should have been something like Defacing a law enforcement vehicle...

Pete's avatar

Maybe the cop was so mad the children were endangered by the potential beating they could get. :)

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

I don't know what it is about Detroit and people using the bathroom in inappropriate places. I work in a mall and people use the bathroom in the fitting rooms, elevators, etc. In talking with others this is a Detroit thing.

how is it a Detroit thing? specifically how... I'm from Detroit and have never heard of such acts.

Kevinj's avatar

It's also a Seinfeld thing, so it must also happen in New York.

When I was a wee lad...I went to the bathroom in numerous "inappropriate" places, just for the fun of it, so it must be a Defiance, Ohio thing as well.

Promoter of fog.

IvyRose-MissX said:

factory81 said:
"Yeah CP police, we get a ten niner going on in the Millennium Force line, they let the llama's out and they are spitting everywhere again

OMG FUNNY! You made this night shift worth while! But besides for that, can't we all just get along?

Your profile picture made this night shift worth while.

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