What would you do?

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

e x i t english said:
Maybe if you didn't have such a problem with little kids.. Sheesh, I guess they can smell a grumpy old man from a mile away. :-D

Lol yea if did not have such a problem with kids. please did i mention i have two young ones of my own. I love and respect all kids as long as they are respectful to me and people around them.

As for the "gruffy looking guy" Its people like him that dont need children. People like him who just care about them selves. Now it would be a totally different story if you and your girl were all over each other like flys on s**t. but it was just a peck. Sometimes people just need to relax a bit.

JuggaLotus's avatar

^ - I think you missed the sarcasm in Josh's post.

Goodbye MrScott


Part of the problem is parents are afraid to discipline their kids today.

Another thing is that there are no winners and losers in today's society, only winners. Look at what Beechwood did to their Little League All-Star game, cancelled it because a few kids might have had their feelings hurt. Guess what, not everyone is a winner!

I'm done now.

Oh, and I have two small kids myself.

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

JuggaLotus said:
^ - I think you missed the sarcasm in Josh's post.

No its cool i got it....

And as for Parents being "afraid" to discipline there children.
I don't think that is entirely true. I mean the government has taken away true parenting. I remember when i was young and i mouthed off to my parents let alone someone else i would have gotten my mouth smacked or even worse an ass blistering. But today we are not aloud to even grab our children by the wrist in a discipline manor. No Spanking no washing mouth out with soap. Nothing that our parents would have done. No if we do any of the above they take the kids away and send them to foster care and put us in jail for child abuse. That is why parents are "afraid" or "CANT" discipline our children now a days....

Josh M. said:I may be wrong but I don't think CP has a publicly available phone number for CP police do they?


John McCain: The Ride

Being Mavericky since 2007!

Kevinj's avatar

So to you true parenting means shoving soap in a kid's mouth or just smacking it and ass-blistering spankings? That sounds a little like Palin defining "true Americans".

I would consider myself a true parent, and I would never resort to corporal punishment, and I can also guarantee that my child would never behave in the manner presented in the original post.

Parenting has evolved, true, but the government plays very little into the equation. You can still spank your child, and here in Ohio children can still get spanked in public and private schools alike.

I dont know any parents who feel "restricted" by the government, but I do know plently of parents who are either a) lazy, b) confusing the line between being a parent and being a friend, c) too irresponsible to have ever had a child in the first place, or d) all of the above.

We do have an increasing number of parents, at least from what I see, who are indeed "permissive", which would be option "b".

Promoter of fog.

The very fact that you try to blame bad parenting on the government just cost you any credibility in my eyes.

You must be the same person who blames the government for everything that they do not do wrong...and while that might be a small window, I really can't stand those who blame the wrong people for their OWN mistakes.

That's like me blaming my poor test score on the teacher...I'm the one who didn't put the effort in, is it my fault he gave a score that accurately reflected my lack of hard work? No.

And please, don't tell me that the only way to parent is shoving soap down a kids throat and whipping their ass all over the place...in case you haven't noticed, not everyone in this generation is a screw-up, and they didn't get the "parenting" you mentioned...

Parents choose for themselves how to raise their own kids. Being or not being attentive is still a choice made...whether we think its right or wrong has no bearing on that decision, or how the kid is acting. We view it as wrong, unruly, disrespectful...but at the end of the day, what the heck are you going to do about it?

Nothing. Raise your own kids the best that you can, in whatever way you believe is right..imo, I don't think it has to involve soap and a belt...does that make a lazy parent? Maybe to you, but I don't believe so.

Owner, Gould Photography.

Amy Baby's avatar

Whenever I go to Cedar Point its with my daughters father and whenever he sees people attempting to line jump in front of us he spreads his arms and blocks off the way. I usually watch out for linejumpers and tell him when they are coming our way. We both used to work for Cedar Point so we know and follow the rules. They do get mad at us for stopping them, but tough. Everyone has to wait in there own spot in line.

Cedar Point Alumni 2002

First of all the Ride Operator should have offered to call Security, that is what they are trained to do if there is a problem that a guest needs corrected.

Secondly anyone can call Cedar Point Police............419-627-2345.

Sounds like the Ride Operator dropped the ball on this one.

Yep...you are totally right. I mean, clearly, ride-operators are just there for show, it's not like they actually do anything..like operate a ride...

Do you even know what a ride operator has to do just being on the platform?

Why do people act like its always the ride ops fault that they didn't drop everything to call the police on a couple KIDS...

I really do not want to run into half of you in the real world if something actually does go wrong with your day, not involving little kids..

You cannot expect the ride operator to bend over backwards to call the police..the way some of you act they might as well shut the darn ride down.

Owner, Gould Photography.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Ok there has been 3 different numbers for CP police. I could have used them yesterday at the park when there were kids doing the same thing as the kids in the original post. Do they all work?

Let's Get Weird.

What is the official number for the park police or CP operator? Because you guys gave different numbers for the same thing.

Last edited by RollerCoast59,

Still waiting for that 500ft floorless wooden coaster.

e x i t english's avatar

I'm sure the CP police are just going to looooove getting all you guys' phone calls next weekend. Seriously, unless someone is threatening physical harm, or majorly vandalizing things (and by that I DON'T mean spitting or littering, I mean carving, writing or breaking) is it really necessary to be a tattle-tale?

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

e x i t english said:
I'm sure the CP police are just going to looooove getting all you guys' phone calls next weekend. Seriously, unless someone is threatening physical harm, or majorly vandalizing things (and by that I DON'T mean spitting or littering, I mean carving, writing or breaking) is it really necessary to be a tattle-tale?

So what your saying is you would not tell anyone that two young punk kids are spitting on the hand rails, path, throwing litter in the lagoon, using language kids there age should not know, spitting "ON" your shoes, spitting on a woman's head over the railing.... Your telling me after spending two hours dealing with that you would sit back and say NOTHING.... oh, ok then. I hope the next time you go you get to deal with that crap...

Kevinj's avatar

What else do the CP police have to do? I'm sure it's such a tough beat...

COP 1 "Yea....I used to work in Queens....but I wanted to some real cop experiece, ya know?"

COP 2 "I hear ya....my wife always stays up wondering if I'll make it home....but I love the danger....in fact....danger's my middle name...."

COP 1 "Vegas....L.A......and now CP.....I've seen it all brother...."

DISPATCH: "All units....all units.....line jumping in progress....Top Thrill Dragster....all units...."

COP 1 "Showtime..."

COP 2 " Lock n' load...."

Yea. I'd say responding to a situation like the one mentioned in the original post is exactly a job for the CP police.

Promoter of fog.

Morté615's avatar

Man I know there is more to being a cop at CP but damn if that did not make me laugh HARD!

Morté aka Matt, Ego sum nex
Dragon's Fire Design: http://www.dragonsfiredesign.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mattdrake

e x i t english said:
Seriously, unless someone is threatening physical harm, or majorly vandalizing things (and by that I DON'T mean spitting or littering, I mean carving, writing or breaking) is it really necessary to be a tattle-tale?

Yes, it is! Is writing really worse that spitting on someone? It is this kind of tolerance that allows this type of “punk” to continue this type of activity. They know that most people will not say anything, so they figure it’s OK. Spitting in a pond or spitting on the ground is not as bad as spitting on the handrail or spitting on some other guest.

I can just imagine some of you tolerant people: you see your neighbor’s house being broken into. Is it your job to tattletale on the perpetrator? NO, that is your neighbors or the police’s responsibility. You just live beside them. You neighbor comes home and asks what happened, and you reply: “I saw someone over there smashing the window, but it wasn’t my “job” to (tattletale) call the police”.

You can’t physically stop or prevent this because you can be arrested for assault. The ride OP’s can’t do much unless they see it, or, unless you tell them about it. And then they can only prevent them from riding, and usually only if they can confirm the action from other guests around them. So, that leaves the CP Police.

Contrary to popular belief, CP Police are not there just to prevent some criminal from shooting you, stealing your wallet, kidnapping someone, or investigating a traffic accident. They are working in an amusement park and they’re there for dealing with activities such as this as well. Calling the CP Police helps to curb some of this activity, and will most likely prevent these “punks” from turning the table on you like what was stated earlier in this thread. And calling before you reach the ride platform will also help you because others around you who witnessed the incident will still be there to confirm or deny the actions that took place.

Why ride coasters? Becuse there is NOTHING better to do than riding a coaster!

e x i t english's avatar

Spitting on someone is assault. You get the police involved. Spitting on a handrail, on the ground, or in a pond is not.

How can you compare a kid with an attitude to your neighbor's house getting broken into? It's apples and oranges.

Again, I don't think these kids should have been allowed to act that way, but giving out the CP police phone number to some of the kids on here is just asking for trouble. Every time they see something that doesn't completely comply with their enthusiast ways, there will be a phone call.

I'm sorry but I just tell it like it is.

I have a buddy who got "enthusiass'd" the other night at CP when he got an important phone call about a sick family member and stepped off to the side so as to not make everyone around him hear what he was discussing. When he went to re-join his friend, all of the people around him were cool because he was being polite by excusing himself - However, someone in a coaster shirt 3 rows away saw this happening and started yelling at them, he then got on his phone and dialed CPPD.

This tiny instance of someone trying to be polite turned into a huge ordeal in which said people were accused of harassment etc.. They were eventually asked to leave the line to avoid any further conflict.

It's not just "punk gee pees" that turn the tables.

edit: The words I'm looking for here are "Passive-Aggressive"

Last edited by e x i t english,
JuggaLotus's avatar

Josh - you brought up a good point. As soon as said spit leaves the kids mouth, and then hits me without first transferring to the ground or handrail, it becomes assault. That I would deal with severely.

I agree with you on the situation you described though. I guess it would be one thing if some ass shoves his way past me to cut in line, then I may consider giving the cops a call (and that would depend on if it was 1 person or a "crew" and if he proceded to push his way all the way through the line). If I see some crap across the way, unless I know what happened, I'm not going to be a jerk about it. It didn't affect me, who cares.

Goodbye MrScott


How the hell is a house being broken into the same as a kid spitting on a hand rail? Please, I really want to know what similarities there are in these two situations.

What is with people and inferring assinine ideas from situations that don't allow for it?

So because someone decides not to call in a military strike to a few KIDS spitting on a handrail, that automatically turns them into a non-caring, disrespectful, lazy and totally inept person who only cares about themselves?

See how much sense I make when I draw assumptions based on twisting the information given to me?

If you want to police the park, get your justice degree, do the training, and go turn in an application to the Sandusky Police Department.

Owner, Gould Photography.

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