What would you do?

JuggaLotus's avatar

The question is why are so many parents ir-responsible?

Goodbye MrScott


e x i t english's avatar

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD. said:
I was allowed to walkl around Kings Island and CP when I was 8. Not a big deal. Why are so many kids wimpy?

That was what, last year? :-D

I keed, I keed...

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

7 really.

Let's Get Weird.

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

Simple answer jugga, Thats the way they were brought up. And thats how there kids are going to end up. If you teach your children responsibility early there is no reason why they cant rome the park by there selvs at the age of 9 or ten. but if they do dumb s**t then they dont deserve to be alone.

Ensign Smith said:
No, but if you had asked me who Johnny Olson was, I would have known. Guess I'm just Mr. Old School.

Do you know who Rich Fields is?

JuggaLotus's avatar

An EIGHT year old (think second grader) has no business roaming a park by themselves. I'm sorry, a "responsible" parent wouldn't be so irresponsible.

Goodbye MrScott


MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL said:
Simple answer jugga, Thats the way they were brought up. And thats how there kids are going to end up. If you teach your children responsibility early there is no reason why they cant rome the park by there selvs at the age of 9 or ten. but if they do dumb s**t then they dont deserve to be alone.

This is exactly right. My parents would have killed me if they knew i was acting like that, but on the other hand they trusted that i would not act that way, but 9-10 might be a few years to young. That is only late elementary to early middle school. I think that if i told my parents if i was alone that 2 adults hit me they would also want to press charges(even if untrue).

In my opinion if it is minors that young alone, i would not say one word to them until the cops were there or at least 2 ride hosts to witness exactly what i say to the kids. I don't think the park will take away any season passes though. There is no reason to. I agree with voiding the admission to the park that day. There is no way to tell which side of the story is right.

Line jumping is a very hard thing to deal with. If the ride opps. don't catch it then it gets let go. On the other hand something like almost getting your season pass because you were trying to do ride opps. job for them is also ridiculous. Trying to find that middle ground is very hard and nothing anyone should deal with on your day at CP. You should have to wait no more than what you origonaly entered the queues for, and any line jumping/disorderally behavior should be dealt with properly on a consistent basis. I would like to see camers instaled and monitored or money set aside from off-season improvments for more staff to monitor queues. It certainly would do great for this park, and take some of the discussion off the problems with lighting, theming, etc. At least something is being done in the off-season.

I was actually in this line too and I almost rubbed my hand through their spit on the handrails. They were just a handful of people ahead of me, but the good news is, they were swarmed by 4 CP police when they got off the ride. We were waiting for the front seat so they went ahead of us, and I was next to get in line when four police went and talked to them. It was very fulfilling to see that. lol. I did not see what happened as I was riding Maverick very soon after that. haha

Last edited by Brittany0121,

Okay my bad, I skipped a page of the thread. But yeah the kids were acting AWFUL in the line, and it was disgusting to have to avoid the spit and whatever else all over the handrails. No one wants to deal with that. It was hot, and I was exhausted, so I was leaning on the hand rail. The last thing I want is two brats's bodily fluids on my arms. I was happy they did not get to ride, and I can vouch that no one touched the kids because I was just a little bit behind them, and we wouldve seen it for sure.

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

My whole thing is this. They Kicked my friend out, stamped his hand VOID they took his season pass and told him that if he wants to come back he can buy a one day pass. Just because these ir-responsible punk kids made a faulse complante. All that hapened to them was a slap on the rist and told not to do it again and got kicked out of the park. But they had the honer or watching my friend get put in the back of a police car and taken away. how is that fair? They made a hour and a half wait seem like 3. They turned a great day at Cedar Point in to hell. So in the end they still got there way. Wich in my eyes is not right after all the BS they put many people through. Just think your standing in line and you put your hands in somebodys spit, melted iceie. Stping in there spit while wearing sandles. Listing to them call peole words that a ten year old should not know. Then they get in to trouble. So they turn the story around to make it sound like there the victims when tall the people that had to touch and step in that crap are the real victims and we get punnished. NOT right!

Hi, I'm the buddy. And yes my season pass was confiscated and both arms stamped VOID. Along with removal from the park. Just waitin around now for Pass Holder Central to email me back so I can find out if I'll be able to renew my platinum pass for the 2009 season since you apparently are supposed to present your current pass to get the new one for $140. Kind of sucked that my day and my season was cut short, but life goes on. Now I'm just planning for the next season. Hopefully next season will be better than this one.

mermaidsair's avatar

This just speaks to cedar point's lack of competition. It is such a good park you are willing to go back and pay again after you feel you were treated unfairly. I don't disagree. Coasters are my weakness and I would likely do the same.

Imagine this was a movie theater or a restaurant. You would not go back likely but it is Cedar point so it seems worth it.

I'm going out to get some air.

Jesz's avatar

Ensign Smith said:

And being Mr. Old School, what the f*** is a llama, anyway?

I did not click on the you tube link for fear of viruses. So if this was answered there, please forgive me. But you honestly do not know what a llama is? lol. I think you should be more ashamed over that, than not knowing who Rod Roddy is. ;)

Just incase you wern't kidding: llama. It is an animal that is known for spitting. :)

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

Thank you for explaining what the standard definition of a llama is. I had no idea it was a mammalian pack-animal native to the Andes.

Ya know, it gets harder and harder to get up a really big head of sarcasm when someone like Jesz actually thinks I don't know what a llama is . . .

Let's try this from the top. The original poster used the term 'llama' to describe the kids in question, and in apparently a derogatory usage that I had never heard before. That's what I was questioning.

If you're afraid to click on a Youtube link, you should get a firewall. Seriously. :)

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Jesz's avatar

lol I am afraid of clicking on a you tube link because it's not my computer. They are very picky people about viruses. So I am not taking ANY chances.

But hey, I did help you out! I told you that llamas are known for spitting. So that is why Factory81 was referring to the kids as llamas. :)

Last edited by Jesz,

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

I went back and re-read the first few posts of the thread. Must have been skimming too fast the first time around.

Thanks, Jesz, for going the extra mile for a mere redshirt. :)

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

Ok today i was at work. I work at Meijer. Anyways im walking down the main isle of the grocery side and i walk past a woman. She had three kids one was about two the other two were really close in age had to be 6 or 7 not to sure though. Any ways as i walk past she stops me and she asks me where the caned soup was. so i told her. One of her 6 year olds or 7 whatever told me to shut up. The women said nothing. Then one of the kids yelled Im talking to u fat ass. I was shocked. that w mom would let her kids say something like this. That pisses me off though big time

e x i t english's avatar

Maybe if you didn't have such a problem with little kids.. Sheesh, I guess they can smell a grumpy old man from a mile away. :-D

Kevinj's avatar

In my opintion, a lack of good parenting is nothing new to our society, it just looks different today, and is more visible in an ever-increasing number of venues. What is unique to the United States is the extreme slant towards individualism when it comes to raising children, and I think that is part of the reason why people are afraid to speak up when encountering a situation like yours, and why so many people so often do nothing to kids behaving like they were in your intial post. We have agreed, as a society, that the only people responsible for raising children are parents (and to some degree schools, but parents still heavily trump this secondary player). These parents are also mobilized, far removed from a tight family network, and many aren't even part of a social or neighborhood netwrok where they live (places that used to help and do help in the raising of children in other soceties). Not placing a value judgement on this aspect of our society, but it certainly factors into the observation thet people frequently make about the apparant disintegration of the quality of parenting.

Promoter of fog.

I didn't want to start another thread but apparently I was part of the problem this past Friday.

My girl and I got there about 8:15 or so... I was beat from our drive, working all day and not getting enough sleep the night before... The first thing I wanted was a nice cold beer. We headed over to the bar near Mavericks entrance.. while in line for a beer (which seemed to take forever) my girl kissed my CHEEK, I kissed her back on the lips. no tongue. it was a quick peck.

This ass (pardon my french) behind me says "be careful you two, there are children around" in a non-threatening manner. We laughed thinking it was the type of 'Heh, cute couple' type of comment we have gotten so frequently lately... (we are fairly new in our relationship, people ask us if we're newly weds)

We kind of shrugged it off with a laugh... He responded with "I'm serious." I turned to look at him and responded with "sorry pal, it was nothing, if it was that innapropriate, sorry. My bad" He responded with "don't be a jack ass.."


I'm a pretty laid back guy, I don't take peoples crap, but I'm pretty passive, so I usually just let it go. I turned around again and said "You want to get on my case for kissing my girl once in public, yet you swear at me in front of kids and are being rude and uncalled for. (keep in mind he had no kids with him, the gruffy lookin guy infront of us who really wanted beer had a kid with him) I'm going to ask the guy in front of me what he is more concerned with, me kissing my girlfriend or you swearing in front of his kid.' I turned to ask the guy in front of me and before I got a word out he said "I'm more offended this guy is giving you a hard time for nothing..."

I turned back around and looked at the guy square in the eye and said verbatim " I suggest you mind your own business. If you so much as look at me or her again and even think about opening your mouth, I'll grab CP police and explain to them you are harrassing us. Infact look at the floor or get out of line, I'm not dealing with you today."

He looked at me, saw I was serious, she was serious and the guy in front of me with his kid was serious. he apologized and got out of line.

Man... Sometimes people really irk me. But I let it go and managed to ride about 8 rides on a fairly busy Friday.

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