What would you do?

I got 25 5 year olds and 12.5 10 year olds! Bring on the little s**ts! Ill be waiting for them this weekend. I think my favorite question was the one asking if I would use the child as a weapon... of course!

im a freak for cp

ChrisC.'s avatar

If you don't know Cedar Point's police number you can go to the beginning of the line to the employee sitting at the front. They will call the police and resolve (any line jumping, smoking EXT) any issue. Plus you get your spot back in line.

I would not do anything about those boys, considering that I have seen stupider, nastier, more immature things done by teens of the opposite sex in line for haunted houses/rides, so that doesnt really bother me as much.....IMO.

Jesz's avatar

Chief Wahoo said:
I'm dead serious.

I am too. It seems like the new generation is a very disrespectul one. And sometimes they need a good wake up call. If their parents arn't going to teach them discipline, I guess society will have to do it for them. :)

The problem I usually have is with the teeny bopper girls. I am 22, but look very young for my age. I would say most people say that I look 17. So when I go out with my 2 year old son, sometimes I get funny looks. Especially from these little girls.

Not only do I get the funny looks, but even without my son they give me an attitute. I guess I don't seem much of a threat, because I look their age. But I am not afraid to put them in their place. There is a whole big world out of highschool, and they will learn that quickly.

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

e x i t english's avatar

Psh. That's nothing.

I got 30 5 year olds, which means I could take on at least 15 10 year olds, 13 if there are a couple "husky" ones in there. :-D

mermaidsair's avatar

I witnessed something interesting at wonderland with line jumping.

The new ride Behemoth had a long line and a couple cut in to be with their friends. Behemoth has camera's everywhere and security can see the line very clearly. It is much more high tech than any other line I have ever been in. There are also more operators than anywhere I have seen.

An operator came up to them and told them to leave the line and they would not. He insisted and they would not still.

After waiting about another half an hour, they got to the coaster where they were greated by two security guards (no cops at wonderland), they sat in the coaster and still refused to leave as they were seated and were refusing to go.

The coaster did not actually run for about 15 mins as they refused to go. People in the line were chanting for the to get off. After this amount of time they finally did and were escorted off with the guards.

I also had a few people removed from the wicked twister line up last month.

Two girls cut in from of me. At first I did not say anything to them.

Me to my friend. "I don't think they were there before."

Girl, "Mind your business."

Me, "What, you cut, it is my business."

Girl, "You ugly, you poor white trailer trash." "You stupid and ignorant."

This confused me as no one had ever called me anything like this before. At this point we were near an operator who has checking heights so I ratted on them. The operator asked for confirmation from those around me and they others agreed and they had to leave.

I'm going out to get some air.

Last year I was sitting at a table behind Pretzel Fillers when 4 guys climbed over the low split rail fence and went into Magnum's queue ahead of people coming from the proper entrance. A CP employee who was there to put something in the dumpster or whatever saw them. He climbed the fence and told them they had to leave the line. He led them back over the fence with him. The guys took off after that. I told him I appreciated what he'd done. They really need a higher fence there lots of people sneak in at that point.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Not a higher fence, just one with more current. Nothing like shock therapy to avert bad behavior.

Goodbye MrScott


bholcomb's avatar

Some more shrubbery would probably solve the problem.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Shrubberies make look nice with the two level effect, but the little path running down the middle completely negates it as an effective barrier.

Goodbye MrScott


More current...PRICELESS! That would be so cool. It could be next years new show "The Happy Fryer Live". I'd watch it.

Bring us back a shrubbery. You can actually see part of the station, maybe some clinging ivy and more shrubbery.

Does Cedar Point even employ shrubbers? They seem so hard to find now days. It's just very difficult to find anyone who arranges, designs, or sells shrubberies in this day and age.

Oh, and I could officially take on 15 five year olds...which makes, what, 7 1/2 ten year olds?

Last edited by Ensign Smith,

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

Thanks guys for all of your posts. I purposely left out a really important part to this story of mine. Well after telling the ride op what they were doing and him telling us there was nothing they could do because they did not see them do it, we got to ride before the "llamas" Well as we were pulling up to the station i noticed that the "llamas" were standing on the exit side of maverick. I found that to be weird because we got on the front train so they would have gotten on after us and off after us. So apparently there were plenty more complaints so the crew decided not to let them ride. Anyways we get off maverick and head towards the exit of the ride. Well one of the ride ops stopped my buddy and took him over by control. Then a Sandusky police officer took him down the stairs. I asked the ride of if i could go with him because i was his ride. He told me no that i needed to go to the exit and wait. So i did as i was told. I sat there for about twenty min. Another police officer was leaving maverick so i asked him what was going on with my buddy. This is where it gets really good. The Kids told the ride of that my buddy "punched" both of them in the face and knocked them down to the ground.Wich he did not. allthough we were tempted to. Thats why the police were called. They took my buddy behind gemini where they have a moble station. He was questioned by three diffrent police men and the sargant. He had to write out a report. Well to end this madness they decided to Remove my buddy from the park. They took his platnum pass away and stamped his arms VOID so he could not re-enter the park. We also found out that these two 9 or 10 year olds were droped off at the park by there aunt and were roming the park un supervised the entire day. So any coments to this one???

Kevinj's avatar

Do you have a lawyer?

All kidding aside, I have a feeling there is a bit more that is also being left out. "Punk kids" don't exactly have a great reputation for telling the truth, not does their misbehavior go over well at parks (I'm quite confident the CP police deal with "punks" regularly. So what did your "buddy" do that you're leaving out?

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

Absolutely nothing. CP police told him that they have a responsibility to keep the park safe. and when a complaint is made about any physical abuse or assault related complaints they deal with them strictly. They said that it also involved two minors so they decided to remove the minors and my buddy from the park. There was not enough evidence to press charges. The aunt told park police that the two are always getting in to trouble. One officer told my buddie that if he had hit the two they diserved it because they had looked at the video and had seen what they did to park property. He also said that a fine was given to the gardian of the two for littering. The pass was given to the pass center to decide wether or not he would be able to use it for the remander of the year and to decide if he can renew it for next year. they said that a letter will me maild to him within the week. Im sure he will get his pass back because he did nothing wrong. The kids were upset because they wasted 2 hours of there day in a line and because of there behavor they were not alowd to ride. thats the true story.

That is pretty not funny, but I bet it was some sort of standard protocol or something they have to follow when the possibility of violence against a minor is involved.

In the end the cop didn't know who was lying and was just trying to figure it out I am sure.

loneranger7281's avatar

I did not know there were cameras in maverick's cue.

Firemen never die, they just burn forever in the hearts of the people whose lives they saved

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

Ok not to be mean or to start a fight here, but is this real? because why would you leave the most important part of the story out untill the end, and some parts seem unlikley to me maybe its just me. If that story is true then ouch sorry for your buddy getting kicked out of CP, because of two little punks...

Last edited by OKSIRYDOC,
MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

No this story is 100% true if you want you can ask my buddy himself over at Myspace his screen name is rollercoast

e x i t english's avatar

This is why I don't ever play the "line jumping" card with anyone. There have been a few times which I made people wait, or yelled at them when I saw them cutting in front of a mass of people, but when someone says "excuse me, my family/friend is up there" - I just let them go.

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