Web Cam Activity and Testing..Oh My!

will do, cstrman. Anyway, I have a hunch the ride, despite the rumored name "Dragster". Is going to be... US+Canadian-themed. Think about it, the track is red and white (colors of the US and Canadian flag), there's a Canadian flag on it with the US flag and the Christmas tree, and to top it all off (no pun intended), Lake Erie connects USA (Ohio) and Canada.

December 13, 2002... they topped the world's tallest roller coaster.

Im guessing Jeff was just having fun..
Jeff's avatar
You're damn straight I was having fun.

Webmaster/GTTP - Sillynonsense.com

I wonder how many eyes got like saucers and jaws hit the keyboard.
I just went to CB, forgot that one Jeff :P
Jeff, that was classic. Have fun kiddies, I am going back to the real world now.
Everyone is going crazy about how the ride is finally "finished" but you need to remember that there is a gap near the pull up. How would they get the cranes out otherwise?
*** This post was edited by rollercoastO3 12/13/2002 4:41:31 PM ***
May 2002:

CBuff: Alright! It's done! It's finally done!
*Coaster launches off track*
CBuff: Well they topped it off!

December 13, 2002... they topped the world's tallest roller coaster.

You mean the cranes out?? I see the trains sitting on a boat or in CP's parking lot right now.
Me, too, Chief. But I'll be kicking and screaming as I go.
I am guessing Jeff deleted my Previous post

Sorry Jeff

I started laughing my ass off when I realized Jeff shut down the forum. I was thinking, "He finally did it!" I just figured you would let the anxious ones sweat a bit longer. Oh well, I had a good laugh.

Launch: Tophat: Twistage: Brakes...

...Denial is an ugly thing.

CPElevation said:
Anyway, I have a hunch the ride, despite the rumored name "Dragster". Is going to be... US+Canadian-themed.

Uhm. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhm.

I sincerely hope you're not serious.

gravity: down to earth, without the sugar coating.


Kel's avatar
does any one know what the white thing is in the hotel cam??? it looks like a big tent!!!!

Did you hear that UPS and FED EX are merging into one company? You know what there going to be called???? FED UP!!!!! ;)

Someone said it is for the launch guts. I think that they are getting worked on tonight.
Kel's avatar
Yeah that makes sence!!! Thanks, RC03

Did you hear that UPS and FED EX are merging into one company? You know what there going to be called???? FED UP!!!!! ;)

It looks like the cranes are still up in the dark and there is a lite on the tower. I think they may be putting up some surpise decorations for an anouncement tomorrow. Or maybe I just hope that.
Well, it's cool that we actually get to see the sheer height of this sucker. For some reason I thought it would look taller, but I didn't really know what to expect. Sweet......

Turkeys, the only animal smarter than man

putergeek said:
Any BASE jumpers around?

what? who needs parachutes? from that high you should be able to hit lake erie.

Got One?? Yeah, it's a metallica thing.
Love ya tiffers, always will.
TMG -- 5.29.82-02.02.02

And the useless posts keep on coming, there are times Jeff, when I feel very sorry for you, you do a great job, but I know I wouldn't have the patience for these posts...at any rate, the tower is above 400, believe it or not. Why people continue to use the webcams as their argument is beyond me. Go and read about distances and lenses and then come back and post.
Webmaster: Po!Nt MaNiA!

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