Virus Impact on CP

Nothing to do with CP at all, but saw this and thought it was a neat message to those on the frontlines getting us through this. Sports and state rivalries aside, think this applies everywhere right now as we work to get through this.

I am a big sports fan and realize it's insignificant in the larger picture right now, but to me, it was a message I enjoyed. I know other sports teams have done similar videos, enjoy watching them as well.

Science, data, and experts... everything that Jeff, DJ, VW, and others say they listen to but this supports what I’ve been saying for a couple weeks now. Shelter in place has negative unintended consequences.

If you look hard enough you can likely find a doctor who will say smoking a cigarette a day is healthy for certain individuals. If you look hard enough you might find a doctor who will say running isn't good for you. If you look hard enough you might find a world leader who thinks it may be ok to swallow disinfectant. (Actually that last guy isn't so hard to find).

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Uncle Steve's avatar

With all due respect to the president:
Wouldn't vaping be more effective than swallowing or injecting?
You know, to disinfect the lungs.

Dvo's avatar

^^Wait a minute... you're saying the real video that my dad showed me, with real NASA scientists saying that the moon landing wasn't even possible, isn't in fact real??!!

Last edited by Dvo,

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

Jeff's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

Science, data, and experts... everything that Jeff, DJ, VW, and others say they listen to but this supports what I’ve been saying for a couple weeks now. Shelter in place has negative unintended consequences.

What Chief Wahoo said. And also, those guys have been discredited up and down by the wider medical community several times over.

Your biggest problem is that you think Google makes you just as smart and knowledgeable as people with PhD's and decades of experience. Or that rando people on the Internet you agree with are also knowledgeable. You desperately need to learn that all opinions are not actually equal.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Uncle Steve's avatar

^^ Of course, the moon landing was a hoax.
Have you ever seen the moon? It's tiny and round. Impossible to land on.
If it were larger and flat (like the earth) then yes, maybe.

Last edited by Uncle Steve,

Jeff said:

I did brakes once, and the lack of restored pressure before I put it in reverse and backed out of the garage scared me enough to not want to do it again.

Typically this is solved just by getting in your car and pumping the brake pedal a few times to restore pressure before driving. Gotta get those fluids moving.

XS Nightclub said:

So I’m guessing there are quite a few guys on here that know how brakes are changed on rollercoasters, but not on their cars... smh

This is true, but I have yet to install a wheel upside down on my car too. Thinking of applying at Point for ride maintenance now!

Jeff said:

Your biggest problem is that you think Google makes you just as smart and knowledgeable as people with PhD's and decades of experience.

I think I saw somewhere that a guy was reading a book about this very thing.

Jeff said:
And also, those guys have been discredited up and down by the wider medical community several times over.

Yet you provide no evidence of this, despite the fact these guys meet all your criteria for science and fact.

Your biggest problem is that you think Google makes you just as smart and knowledgeable as people with PhD's and decades of experience. Or that rando people on the Internet you agree with are also knowledgeable. You desperately need to learn that all opinions are not actually equal.

Your first sentence here is an opinion (yours) that is wildly inaccurate. Nothing new there. The rest of that paragraph is just nonsense. Just more ad hominem attacks... but I'm used to that on Pointbuzz.

Last edited by MaverickLaunch,
djDaemon's avatar

California doctors with dubious COVID conclusions debunked

Though Widely Discredited, Bakersfield Doctors' COVID-19 Test Conclusions Spread Like Wildfire

AAEM-ACEP Joint Statement on Physician Misinformation

The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) jointly and emphatically condemn the recent opinions released by Dr. Daniel Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi. These reckless and untested musings do not speak for medical society and are inconsistent with current science and epidemiology regarding COVID-19. As owners of local urgent care clinics, it appears these two individuals are releasing biased, non-peer reviewed data to advance their personal financial interests without regard for the public’s health.

COVID-19 misinformation is widespread and dangerous. Members of AAEM and ACEP are first-hand witnesses to the human toll that COVID-19 is taking on our communities. AAEM and ACEP strongly advise against using any statements of Drs. Erickson and Massihi as a basis for policy and decision making.


The first two links are written by far left publications. No wonder they disagree.

As for the rest of it, the whole thing is political. All of it. The left wants you to stay home and waste away while becoming entirely dependent on the government, and the right wants to open things up and get the economy moving.

Maybe the answer lies somewhere in the middle. The economic, social, and mental health costs of this pandemic and lockdown can no longer be ignored.

djDaemon's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:
You might not like the leadership, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any.

A person being in a position of leadership is not the same thing as that person providing leadership.

Telling people that this virus would magically go away is not leadership. Ignoring the cacophony of warnings from the medical community is not leadership. Dismantling the US' pandemic response infrastructure at a time when experts are warning about imminent pandemics is not leadership.

Endorsing, on live television no less, the use of unproven medicine as a treatment, is not leadership. Calling the early warning calls about COVID a "Democratic hoax" is not leadership (especially because if he had listened and acted upon the information in front of him, lives would have been saved).

Blaming China for our federal government's failure to prepare is not leadership. Telling states to go F themselves is not leadership. Telling people to inject disinfectant - again, on live TV - is not leadership.

You know who was a good leader? George W Bush. Because in a time of crisis, he brought people together and did what he thought was in the best interest of the Country, rather than what was in his personal interest or "his" party's best interest. W had many flaws, and never got my vote, but like most presidents before and one since, he was able to step up and provide leadership when needed.

Are you aware that it is legal to support and even vote for a candidate while acknowledging their flaws and mistakes? Because you can totally do that. Just sayin'.


djDaemon's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

The first two links are written by far left publications. No wonder they disagree.

If you cannot provide examples of incorrect reporting, then this is a completely impotent claim. Which is totally on-brand.


djDaemon said:

MaverickLaunch said:
You might not like the leadership, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any.

A person being in a position of leadership is not the same thing as that person providing leadership.

Oh my. Thank you for clearing that up for me. My mastery of the english language is now complete. I was just missing that one piece.

As for the rest of your argument, mostly nonsense. You're just spewing liberal talking points that are exaggerated at best and downright false at worst.

As for W, I don't agree with many things he did as president, but he was a competent leader after 9/11. Too bad that had to happen in the first place, because Clinton had an opportunity to take out Bin Laden in the late 90's... and chose not to. Probably too preoccupied with a certain intern...

Jeff's avatar

You: Where's the proof?
Anyone else: Proof.
You: Fake news!

MaverickLaunch said:
Just more ad hominem attacks... but I'm used to that on Pointbuzz.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

MaverickLaunch said:

djDaemon said:

MaverickLaunch said:
You might not like the leadership, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any.

A person being in a position of leadership is not the same thing as that person providing leadership.

As for the rest of your argument, mostly nonsense. You're just spewing liberal talking points that are exaggerated at best and downright false at worst.

I've really been trying to stay outta this.. but dude, everything he said HAPPENED. You literally cant deny that every point he made happened, there are tweets and video clips all over the internet of Trump saying those things. If you're calling it false or nonsense you are really living your life with conservative blinders on. I will admit I voted for Trump, but how he has handled this situation he will not get my vote again.. ever. You make claims of critical thinking but then say things like "spewing liberal talking points" when the video evidence is plastered all over the internet. From all media outlets (except surprise surprise Fox News).

Trump is terrible, he should at best resign over this fiasco and at worst be impeached AGAIN and this time removed from office for his gross incompetence and putting the lives of the American people at risk. Yet I am sure we will ALL hear how amazing he was and how AWESOME he handled this whole situation at the next State of the Union address, as he continues to re-write history days if not minutes after it happens.

Vince982's avatar

Wasn't there a brief time where MaverickLaunch stepped away from PointBuzz a few weeks ago? It was a breath of fresh air. I'm not wishing any ill against you or any of your family and friends dude, but coming to this site has lost a lot of it's enjoyment reading your tiring posts.

The constant arguing against guys who are providing evidence is tiring. Your righteous attitude amid a global pandemic is tiring. The world doesn't want to be shut down. Countries don't want to pay people to sit at home. Companies don't want to idle their plants. But we're doing what it takes to get past this. Your opinion that this isn't serious and everyone in the world has been fooled by what you think isn't a serious virus is tiring.

Last edited by Vince982,

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

Let's try to stay on topic folks.

Just got a call from HR at CP and my move in day is May 20th and the day after I go to wardrobe and get my training schedule.

It's looking good for a early June opening!

djDaemon's avatar

I wouldn't get your hopes up. Right now the park has to proceed as if the park will open in June, if it wants to be able to open in June. They cannot wait until given the go-ahead, since they have months of work to do to open.

It's quite likely that when June rolls around, "amusement parks" won't be on the list of things able to reopen. Or maybe they won't specifically be excluded, but excluded by way of a "no gatherings of XX number of people at a venue" sort of restriction.


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