Virus Impact on CP

I read an article from WKYC that quoted DeWine as saying amusement parks would not be among the first to open back up. Originally I had thought maybe the park would be given the green light after next week and be ready mid June but by that statement maybe not. Monday he’ll be sharing the full plan to reopen so we will see what happens.

Uncle Steve's avatar

djDaemon said:

Yes, how dystopian it is you're not allowed to go risk spreading a deadly virus at the mall. Next thing you know those autocratic overlords will outlaw drunk driving. Pure government overreach I tell ya.

I have no problem with laws against drunk driving.
But I wouldn't support prohibition as a means to prevent it.
Would you?

mgou58 said:

I read an article from WKYC that quoted DeWine as saying amusement parks would not be among the first to open back up. Originally I had thought maybe the park would be given the green light after next week and be ready mid June but by that statement maybe not. Monday he’ll be sharing the full plan to reopen so we will see what happens.

I don't think anything (other than an extension of the Ohio stay at home order) stops them from having folks begin reporting to work on Monday, May 4 to start to prep the park for a season, and from everything I've gathered that is exactly what the plan is. Seasonals can begin to report for training, housing check in, and everyone can resume where they paused on putting the park together after the offseason.

The kicker will be when the state of Ohio gives the OK for them to open to the public. And that's what nobody knows yet. And there are always gray areas the park can try to work around. Have every day be limited, pre-registration and you suddenly have a season where every operating day is technically a private event. Not saying that's the right thing to do, but it's probably a loophole parks could potentially put into play in certain states should they be told that public gathering bans will prohibit them from opening. Make it "by reservation only" and suddenly you have private events that may have a different set of guidelines.

Open it now. All this talk and inaction is useless. Phased openings are for cowards. And just as a middle finger to Covid, let’s invade everyone’s personal space and stand as closely as possible while in line. In fact, I read from a reputable source that if you aren’t feeling well, the best cure is an amusement park where you can let it all out and just have fun. For added amusement, we should all wear color coded shirts based on where we stand on the Covid response. Red = awful response, Yellow = middle of the road, and Green = love how we’ve handled it. That way there are clear delineations on where everyone stands. It will also be great in determining who I should buy a drink for and who I should refrain from speaking with.

This is easy. To heck with my current career, this is much more fun!!

Last edited by ILS 0523,


Disclaimer: I've been trying to stay away from the news outlets (and any news of the virus) because of the crappy feelings I get being sucked up into all of this but I did feel compelled to post this for anyone on this forum or anywhere else that doesn't think this virus is that serious. I will continue to wear my mask in public.

Again, numbers don't lie. During the United States' 9 years of involvement in the Vietnam War, we lost a total of approximately 58,000 troops. In almost 3 MONTHS of this 2020 year, this Covid-19 virus has claimed almost the SAME number of lives here in the United States, on our own soil. So yeah, feel free to go out and rally, have fun, have mass gatherings in public. Nobody is stopping you; can try and refute those "death statistics" all that you want and wish to boost the economy with all of your "re-openings" but... if there's nobody left to spend the money, what's the point? Numbers DON'T lie, people do.

Last edited by CPfan1976,

No need to fear CPfan1976. The zombies will be here to spend the money! It’s all under control, nothing to see here.

99er's avatar

Uncle Steve said:

I should have gotten up this morning and gone to church.
I should have gone out to lunch afterward.
I should have stopped by the mall on the way home so the wife could shop.

Everyone I know who attends church is still getting their service on Sundays.
I still go out at least once a week for lunch.
People still go to malls?

Since you mentioned it, what rights of mine exactly have been violated?

CPfan1976 said:

Again, numbers don't lie. During the United States' 9 years of involvement in the Vietnam War, we lost a total of approximately 58,000 troops. In almost 3 MONTHS of this 2020 year, this Covid-19 virus has claimed almost the SAME number of lives here in the United States, on our own soil.

Oh, so you mean ball-park about the same amount of people the flu has killed this season?

Until there is an antibody test, NOBODY (and I'm yelling that) can say with certainty that this virus is more deadly than the flu. Nobody. Nobody.

More transmissible? Yes, it appears so. More severe symptoms? Nobody can say. There might be huge amounts of people who have had it with NO symptoms, so until you know the real infection, and then, death rates, NOBODY can say for certain.

I'm sure someone here will blast me for that but even the widely touted expert consensus has said exactly what I'm saying. Yet we all still sit locked in our homes afraid for our lives. It's the very definition of insanity.

But hey at least I'm allowed to get mulch delivered now in Michigan. So there's that!

99er's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:
Yet we all still sit locked in our homes afraid for our lives.

I hear this said a lot but who is afraid? I haven't exactly heard anyone fearing for their lives. If anything all I hear about are how bored people are. And again who is being locked in their homes? Everyone I know across the U.S. is allowed to come ago as they please.

I'm plugged into one city and our budgets down here are considerably different than in Ohio. We are property tax driven down here, predominantly, so I'm not facing the immediate fiscal impact that a Sandusky is, for instance. I don't put myself on any higher plain than anyone else, though I would argue my immediate responsibility for protecting people is likely a little higher than most, as I have 67,000 residents and a couple hundred employees.

What I am plugged into is information, and most everyone else has the ability to get their hands on the same information I'm looking at. Not what can be read on CNN or Fox but on every piece of information I can get from real experts, not talking heads. I read everything I can read from just about every reputable source I can muster. 6 weeks ago my eyes were fine and today I'm using reading glasses all the time. There is a lot of good information available that doesn't come from a 30 second soundbite or a 3 hour "press conference". I've been on White House calls with elected officials across the nation where there is much more detailed information than you are getting during the 11:00 news. (For the record, I do believe good people are working on this in Trump's administration...and we'd be so better off if he would step back into the shadows for a while).

If someone doesn't think this is serious than they are basically saying the ENTIRE world has been fooled by some master hoax or "media spin". They are saying that major corporations around the globe have been fooled. Governments across the world have been simply snowed. If you really believe all of that then there is no way to sugarcoat this, those people are either too lazy or too intellectually deficient to understand this.

I spent a total of about a month and a half in the province of Lombardy in Northern Italy. Do a little reading about what has been going on there since early February. They didn't take this serious. They were too slow to shut things down. They left the early decision making on this to industry leaders...and they are suffering a massive toll as a result.

I know two people who contracted this virus. One, my mother, was in New Orleans for Mardis Gras, as part of a cruise package at that. She is a healthy 70 but she experienced illness like she never experienced before. My Mayor (we are a Council/Manager form of government) also tested positive. He is in his late 50s and this knocked him on his ass as well. Both of them were around others before they showed any symptoms. The thought that I may have contracted this disease certainly concerned me. This isn't the flu. To suggest it is anything like that is irresponsible and ignorant. The world did not shut down because of the flu.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

I’m not suggesting it’s a hoax or media spin. All I’m suggesting is that until the *actual* infection rate is known we will never really know how the mortality rate of this virus compares to flu.

Anyone who claims to know otherwise is speculating to one degree or another.

Thabto's avatar

I would be willing to bet that if we were able to start testing sooner than we did, New York would have been alot better. By the time we started testing, it was already late in the game. I would be willing to bet that this virus has been in the US since sometime in January. It didn't just get here at the end of February or whenever the first testing began. I have read reports that those with similar symptoms before the virus was known to be here were just being diagnosed as a severe respiratory infection since there was no way to test for it at the time. All countries in the world should have stopped travel to China when word of this virus first got out which would contain it to mostly just one country. I wouldn't say that the shutdowns here came too late, but they should've been sooner. What we need right now is more testing and contract tracing to isolate those affected. That's part of Ohio's restart plan as they are ramping up testing. I get most of my info from coronavirus.ohio.go and "Wine with DeWine". I rarely pay attention to TV and Internet news. I feel the best info comes directly from the state.

Last edited by Thabto,

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Real contact tracing is never going to fly here, it requires a huge team per contact and what many would consider gestapo/KGB invasion of privacy.

I hope to be proven wrong, but I just don’t see it. Not without a total 180 from the right.

vwhoward's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

Oh, so you mean ball-park about the same amount of people the flu has killed this season?

Well the flu killed around 34,000 people last flu season...which runs October through May. So eight months. Whereas this has killed 55,000 in 3 months. So no, not even close. NOBODY (and I'm yelling that) needs an antibody test to see the stark difference in numbers of deaths. Nobody. Nobody.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

I think I am going to call Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, and the entire Covid-19 task force team and give them my feedback on how to get us out of this.

CPVet - like you, I am in the same field but happen to be in the front of the aluminum flying tube versus the back. I'm open to a student or private pilot advising me on V1 cuts and Cat3 approaches to minimums, so hopefully the medical community and economists recognize my ATP as the wisdom and expertise needed to help guide us out of this situation we are in.

I was in New York City in January for vacation. I wonder now if I actually had a greater risk of exposure on that trip 3+ months ago than I have for the last month going on grocery runs during this shelter in place situation.

Chief - well stated and you summed up my feelings on the media sound bytes perfectly. To be clear, I never took issue with you or your thoughts. I was trying to convey that although most of us are not experts in medicine or have PhDs in economics, folks can still be engaged and educated on this pandemic and the wide ranging impacts it is having on the world. No, we aren't on task force calls with the White House, but there are those of us that are capable of reading and educating ourselves with reliable data sources that are available.

I know you have tough decisions that lie ahead. Although I am not happy to hear that your Mom and Mayor had Covid-19, I am glad to hear they are recovered.

vwhoward said:

Well the flu killed around 34,000 people last flu season...which runs October through May. So eight months. Whereas this has killed 55,000 in 3 months. So no, not even close. NOBODY (and I'm yelling that) needs an antibody test to see the stark difference in numbers of deaths. Nobody. Nobody.

You’re as sharp as a marble, eh? The flu has a vaccine. Every year. That brings the death rate WAY down. The NOVEL coronavirus is new. Hence the name. No vaccine, no immunity, and no herd immunity.

So YES we do need an antibody test (yelling again) to really determine mortality rate. Only a fool would be blind to the obviousness of this fact. I’m not saying it’s more fatal than the flu and I’m not saying it isn’t. I’m saying we don’t know. And even more certainly, YOU don’t know. That’s a fact.

The economic, social, and mental health disaster that this is turning into cannot be overlooked any longer. In the same way people drive to work everyday despite the inherent dangers of auto accident fatalities, we cannot let this stop us from living our lives. I am not suggesting we ignore it. We just need more data of what the risk profile is so that we can all make our own choices. I don’t need the idiot in the governors mansion in Michigan telling me what I can buy at Lowe’s. Or that I can now golf as long as I’m not riding in my own privately owned golf cart..

Last edited by MaverickLaunch,

Seeing a few different forum members credibility getting shot down on here in the last few weeks; one thing I've learned on here in 20 years of posting (Virtual Midway, GTTP, Pointbuzz) is that helps to provide actual research and/or links to back up your arguments, whether on how to offer help for a solution, or whatever. Here's one I found interesting and thought was a good read: (so long til next week)

Last edited by CPfan1976,
vwhoward's avatar

Those numbers for the flu are without social distancing. Can you imagine how low they would be if that were the case? The vaccine is only utilized by 37% of the adult population, per the CDC. Good luck getting 37% of adults on board with a new, barely tested vaccine. And herd immunity might not even be a thing with this virus. No one is telling you what you can buy at Lowe's. Our governor took away those restrictions, even though you could still get all of those things at smaller, local businesses. All of it. This entire time. Not sure why you don't buy local anyway but that's a totally different debate. And oh no! You can't use your golf cart to golf! First world problems. Sounds more like affluenza than influenza.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

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