Virus Impact on CP

Jeff's avatar

Uncle Steve said:

I concede. You pro-shut-downers are right. We open-back-uppers are just being ridiculous and selfish.

These are not things. Don't be divisive. No one, literally no one, wants to be in this situation. This is not a goddamn college football rivalry.

Chief Wahoo said:

Our state does not have enough testing available yet. Our state doesn't have robust contact tracing in place. I'm not sure any other states are that much further along. Until they are, reopening is a substantial risk. You think people are complaining now? Imagine the rules are loosened by a politician, anywhere in the country, and then we get a spike of new infections and deaths. You think people are pissed now? You haven't seen anything yet.

This... so much this. You should listen to him, because unlike the rest of you, he actually has the burden of leading a municipality. He's more plugged in and knowledgeable than any of you, but still has the humility to admit his blind spots.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

operative_me's avatar

Jeff said:because unlike the rest of you, he actually has the burden of leading a municipality.

My two cats have placed me in charge of their Pandemic Response team. That must count for something, although DeWine isn't taking my calls.

Lifetime Laps on Woodstock Express: 0

Shane Denmark said:

mgou58 said:

And of course I do wonder how a water park could even begin to operate...

Extra chlorine & bromine in the water, good to go.

99er's avatar

Jeff said:

Uncle Steve said:

I concede. You pro-shut-downers are right. We open-back-uppers are just being ridiculous and selfish.

... No one, literally no one, wants to be in this situation.

Plus what has to be opened back up that you NEED? Everything I need to survive is still open. Even then there are places like carwashes and liquor stores that are still doing business. Aside from it being recommended that I don't leave my house, life really isn't that far off from normal. I am being asked to sit my ass on the couch, play video games, and eat food. There are worse ways to spend time in a pandemic.

Last edited by 99er,

Cartwright said:

Do we know that this is actually a means of transmission or is (I'm going to catch so much fuvg for saying this, but I can't not say it in exactly this way...) Dr. Ezike talking out her ass to provide a plausible answer to a question she wasn't prepared for?

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____

Wow. Okay, so I wasn't going to scroll through 47 pages of posts to see if anyone else mentioned this, but, in a completely CP related question...what about the staff? Most of Cedar Point's summer staff come from overseas and colleges across the nation. They are all housed together in dormitory-style living arrangements.

I have to imagine that Cedar Point will need to drastically change their housing model for staff (whether from overseas or not). Right now, these kids share bathrooms, sleep at least 2 (maybe 4? I'm not sure) to a room, ride busses together to the park and to go shopping in town. Plus, they are young, bored, overworked kids...there will be parties, many parties, with SO MANY bodily fluids being exchanged.

These dorms could be breeding hotbeds for this virus, and I would hope that Cedar Point would have no staff housing until college dormitories are allowed to open; which will push everything back until the Fall.

UNLESS they think they can pull all of their staffing from the local area; but I would think that most adults will not be willing to work the type of schedules CP expects, under the conditions they expect staff to work under (which, judging by reading the posts from CP employees, can be pretty brutal), for the amount of money they pay. Yes, they staff Halloweekends this way, but those are mostly folks just looking for some part-time weekend work.

I just don't know how they are going to tackle this issue. Any thoughts?

Uncle Steve's avatar

99er said:

Plus what has to be opened back up that you NEED? Everything I need to survive is still open. Even then there are places like carwashes and liquor stores that are still doing business. Aside from it being recommended that I don't leave my house, life really isn't that far off from normal. I am being asked to sit my ass on the couch, play video games, and eat food. There are worse ways to spend time in a pandemic.

I don't NEED anything. But thanks for asking. Not everything is about ME.
I'm glad you're content, sitting on the couch, eating food, and playing video games.
I have a 30-year-old son who has been doing the same for years, rarely leaves his bedroom, very productive.

The problem I have is with government overreach and how so many people blindly follow along in support.
Do you not realize how badly our rights have been violated here? Over a flu-like virus no less.
And the damage we have caused to millions of our fellow Americans who were never in any real danger to begin with.

We are committing economic suicide and destroying millions of lives in an attempt to save a few.
And the longer the shutdown goes, the worse it gets. Protests will turn to riots, and recession will turn to depression.
When the system collapses, you'll be left sitting on your couch with no food to eat and no electricity to power your video games.

This... so much this. You should listen to him, because unlike the rest of you, he actually has the burden of leading a municipality. He's more plugged in and knowledgeable than any of you, but still has the humility to admit his blind spots.

With all due respect to Chief Wahoo, just because someone is in charge of a municipality, doesn’t make them more plugged in and knowledgeable than anyone else here. There are more than a few of our government ‘leaders’ (i.e. fed, state, local) that are buffoons, regardless of whatever political party they are affiliated with.

Chief Wahoo’s posts that I have read always appear well thought out and I enjoy reading his point of view. I would agree with the assessment about him being “plugged in and knowledgeable”. The dig at others, however, seems a bit over the top.

Just because some folks might not enjoy entering the rat race known as politics, doesn’t mean they aren’t plugged in, knowledgeable, and capable of acknowledging their blind spots.

I’m now arguing on an Internet forum. I should go knock myself silly just for stooping to this level. I guess the one thing we all can agree on is that this virus sucks.

Argue on, internet warriors, argue on.

Last edited by ILS 0523,
Jeff's avatar

Just as we have to stop treating politics as a battle of morally equivalent sides, we have to stop acting like everyone with a mouth is qualified to have a respected opinion. Expertise is a real thing that comes with education, experience and wisdom. When will we stop pretending this isn't the case?

Uncle Steve said:
Do you not realize how badly our rights have been violated here? Over a flu-like virus no less.

Just stop. There's nothing flu-like about this. This disease has a fatality rate that's 10x higher, a hospitalization rate that's 15x higher, and most importantly, there is no vaccine for it. Crack a virtual book and educate yourself.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

djDaemon's avatar

Uncle Steve said:
Over a flu-like virus no less.

This is false, no matter how many times you repeat it. Not that I expect you will read anything that conflicts with the conclusion you clearly reached before learning anything about this, but for others below is some reading on the subject.

Experts Demolish Studies Suggesting COVID-19 is no Worse than Flu

The Coronavirus Isn’t Just the Flu, Bro

How The Novel Coronavirus And The Flu Are Alike ... And Different


Yes, expertise does come with education, experience, and wisdom. Who is pretending that doesn’t matter?

My point is that most of us here have not outlined our education and experience on this forum. I have personally admitted infectious diseases are not my area of expertise and have let others in my personal life educate me who are more knowledgeable on this specific topic.

There will always be folks who talk just to talk, but that doesn’t mean everyone here is not knowledgeable or plugged in on this specific topic. That was all I was trying to convey.

Sollybeast's avatar

That's why it's so important for those of us who don't know to take the advisements and expertise of those who do. In this case, the most important advice to take are those from the scientific and medical community, the CDC, and the WHO. All of whom have stressed the importance of social- or physical, if you will- distancing.

As has been said, nobody likes this. It's not fun, and a lot of people are going to be having a hard time financially. But it's necessary to stop the spread and save lives- none of which, in my personal opinion, are acceptable sacrifices to the great and temperamental god Ek-Ono-Mee.

You can rebuild a business. You can rebuild an economy, even. You can't bring people back to life.

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

Uncle Steve's avatar

djDaemon said:

Uncle Steve said:
Over a flu-like virus no less.

This is false, no matter how many times you repeat it. Not that I expect you will read anything that conflicts with the conclusion you clearly reached before learning anything about this, but for others below is some reading on the subject.

Experts Demolish Studies Suggesting COVID-19 is no Worse than Flu

The Coronavirus Isn’t Just the Flu, Bro

How The Novel Coronavirus And The Flu Are Alike ... And Different

We only know what they tell us, and they only tell us what they want us to know.
No matter how you slice it, it does not justify the government overreach.

So go back out into the world and stop posting here. I’d advise every single one of the people who think this virus is no big deal to shut their mouth and go prove us all wrong. Go party, go socialize, go congregate with lots of people and give no cares at all. If you’re right, you’ll never get sick. I’m so sick of reading these asinine posts, no one cares anymore. Live your life. No government “overreach” is gonna stop you, remember?

Uncle Steve's avatar

^ You're rude. But you got one thing right.
I should be out in the world.

I should have gotten up this morning and gone to church.
I should have gone out to lunch afterward.
I should have stopped by the mall on the way home so the wife could shop.

Care to guess why I didn't get out?
Hint: It's not because I have an irrational fear of the virus.

djDaemon's avatar

Yes, how dystopian it is you're not allowed to go risk spreading a deadly virus at the mall. Next thing you know those autocratic overlords will outlaw drunk driving. Pure government overreach I tell ya.

Last edited by djDaemon,


I hope you and your wife never experience the virus firsthand. Because it’s the only thing that will correct your blatant ignorance. I’m over trying to talk sense into people on the internet.

I look forward to the day we can argue over whether or not Magnum is sinking.

Sollybeast's avatar

mgou58 said:

So go back out into the world and stop posting here. I’d advise every single one of the people who think this virus is no big deal to shut their mouth and go prove us all wrong. Go party, go socialize, go congregate with lots of people and give no cares at all. If you’re right, you’ll never get sick. I’m so sick of reading these asinine posts, no one cares anymore. Live your life. No government “overreach” is gonna stop you, remember?

Wish I could agree with that. Heck, I was in the camp of 'if people really wanna have Trump rallies, by all means, let 'em'.

The problem is that the ignorant can then spread the virus to the rest of us. I'd rather not get sick from secondhand stupidity, especially since I work at a pet supply store and am therefore 'Essential'.

Last edited by Sollybeast,

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

I could make a strong argument that telling folks or even considering injecting Lysol is the real problem.

Uncle Steve's avatar

^ Sounds plausible.

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