Virus Impact on CP

vwhoward's avatar

I agree, Master is just definitely harder for some than others. And Uncle Steve, if you can't go a couple of months without running out of food, you are not following the econimists guidelines of having six months of cash, food in case of such an emergency. We are smarter than most so we could make it longer than that even. And even more ammo than most so I can also protect my stash. Just another crazy, gun toting Democrat here. 🤣

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

TRON said:

Cedar Point is definitely planning to open as I was hired last week and I do my onboarding this coming week.

Here we go again.

The park is not opening anytime soon. This has been made quite public by now. I keep seeing these random “employees” who will jump on social media and say the park is still opening as planned because they just got hired. That doesn’t mean anything. Cedar Point doesn’t make the decision. The state will. You may have gotten hired but I promise you it means nothing for right now. If and when they do, it will not be at full capacity.

For what it's worth they announced yesterday that they are opening the marina to Ohio boaters on May 1, although there was something in there about requiring reservations for arrivals prior to May 15.

I'm not a boater so I didn't pay it a whole lot of attention, but it does indicate that they are going to need at least a few people working there this summer...!

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Perhaps, and I’m not questioning the hiring aspect although the park did say earlier this month seasonal hiring was on hold. But my point is that people are assuming the park is nearing an opening because of being hired which for right now isn’t accurate. We know mid summer is the target but that could change.

Where has it been stated that mid summer is the target? I hadn’t heard that.

vwhoward said:

And even more ammo than most so I can also protect my stash. Just another crazy, gun toting Democrat here. 🤣

Uh oh!!! They’re gonna kick you out of the party, you must not have read the Democrat manifesto which clearly states that guns kill children in school shootings. Guns are bad!!!

mgou58 said:

TRON said:

Cedar Point is definitely planning to open as I was hired last week and I do my onboarding this coming week.

Here we go again.

The park is not opening anytime soon. This has been made quite public by now. I keep seeing these random “employees” who will jump on social media and say the park is still opening as planned because they just got hired. That doesn’t mean anything. Cedar Point doesn’t make the decision. The state will. You may have gotten hired but I promise you it means nothing for right now. If and when they do, it will not be at full capacity.

For someone who thinks they know it all I have a May 4th reporting date.

MaverickLaunch said:

Where has it been stated that mid summer is the target? I hadn’t heard that.

An article that was previously referenced in the Sandusky Register said that Cedar Fair needs 4-6 weeks once given the go ahead. If they are allowed to reopen after the stay home order is lifted that would likely place them about mid to late June.


Never claimed CP would open on time and never claimed anything other then I was hired and have a report date for May 4th and my housing application was approved.

Until you are an employee I'd pipe down with your opinions.

TRON said:

mgou58 said:

TRON said:

Cedar Point is definitely planning to open as I was hired last week and I do my onboarding this coming week.

Here we go again.

The park is not opening anytime soon. This has been made quite public by now. I keep seeing these random “employees” who will jump on social media and say the park is still opening as planned because they just got hired. That doesn’t mean anything. Cedar Point doesn’t make the decision. The state will. You may have gotten hired but I promise you it means nothing for right now. If and when they do, it will not be at full capacity.

For someone who thinks they know it all I have a May 4th reporting date.

Again just because you have a reporting date doesn’t mean the park is opening right away. We already know that even if the park is given the green light after next week, it’s 4-6 weeks minimum from opening up. I don’t know it all. I just read from the sources.

I worked at Cedar Point for several seasons actually and happen to know many folks personally who are currently working there. Thanks though.

Last edited by mgou58,


Where did I claim the park was opening anytime soon??

Why do you feel the need to lie to try to prove a point?

How sad and pathetic.


Let's deal in some facts. I know that will bother some of you so, in advance, I encourage you to scroll past this. Here in Florida, 55% of all positive cases are among individuals aged 15-54. 93% of all deaths are among individuals over 55. Are younger people at least risk for serious complications from this virus? Yes. Are young people at less risk for contracting the virus? No.

Now, a lot of the deaths are happening in the nursing home population. I think we can all acknowledge that as well. Fine. How did THEY contract the virus? Likely due to contact with people in the 15-54 category. Do we know who? No. Can we know who? Probably...but that is going to take ramped up testing. There are 21+ million people living in Florida. Thus far, we've tested about 333,000 in our state. So, we've tested about 1.6% of the population.

The Villages (senior retirement community) has 122,000 residents. 69 of those residents have tested positive. Unless you have a robust system in place to contact trace where those 69 residents have been, not only as of the time they tested positive but in the 3-4 days before they had symptoms and went in for the test, everyone in that community is at risk. That isn't hyperbole, it's science.

The Governor of a state isn't just responsible for those in the 15-54 age category. Unless you can be certain that people will follow more strict guidelines for social distancing the more conservative approaches to reopening makes the most sense.

Our state does not have enough testing available yet. Our state doesn't have robust contact tracing in place. I'm not sure any other states are that much further along. Until they are, reopening is a substantial risk. You think people are complaining now? Imagine the rules are loosened by a politician, anywhere in the country, and then we get a spike of new infections and deaths. You think people are pissed now? You haven't seen anything yet.

I have family members who were in Vietnam. I had elder family members who were in Europe during WWII. THAT was sacrifice. Staying at home and watching Netflix is inconvenient. Not getting a paycheck is absolutely difficult on people and, in some cases, it is debilitating...and the government is trying to address that. (Given the scale of the problem I'm probably more inclined to give the Feds and States more credit than others...and I am extremely critical of my Federal and State leadership). Until you walk a mile in these leaders' shoes you know nothing about what they are experiencing. I think Trump is a joke yet I know there are people in his Administration who are giving their best. I know this is an age when everyone is an expert. Guess what? You aren't.

Last edited by Chief Wahoo,

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

vwhoward's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

Uh oh!!! They’re gonna kick you out of the party, you must not have read the Democrat manifesto which clearly states that guns kill children in school shootings. Guns are bad!!!

You've got it all wrong. No Democrat will ever take your guns. Ever. Period. To believe that is absolutely absurd. No Democrats would elect a nominee that would claim to do that...see: Beto. I do however believe in universal background checks, registration of firearms, a federal system that links states' systems, and closing loopholes like person to person sales and gun show sales. Your tin foil hat is crooked.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

I would be ok with the Beach and the Surf Lounge being opened up. I say we start there🍹🍻🧉

Last edited by CPJIMPA,

Yes sir!! Cheers. Let’s get it started right. A little Malort never hurt anybody!

Last edited by ILS 0523,

XS NightClub said:

ok. To quote someone above, go back to bickering amongst yourselves.

You could have responded to what DJ actually said.

vwhoward's avatar

I could social distance on the beach. That would be cool. But it's too long of a drive for it to be worth it for just beach time. Plenty of those near me. But for those close enough, why not?

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Granted there are certainly a number of attractions that could open with social distancing. The train, giant wheel, antique cars, sky ride, probably any of the flats too. It’s a matter of what kind of cleaning regimen will the park use? They can certainly limit the guests in shops and restaurants too, but the bigger picture is to go full capacity isn’t likely. And of course I do wonder how a water park could even begin to operate...

mgou58 said:

And of course I do wonder how a water park could even begin to operate...

Extra chlorine & bromine in the water, good to go.


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