Virus Impact on CP

I don’t think he meant mainlining bleach but I do agree that statement sounded pretty absurd as it came out, and I watched it live.

vwhoward's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

Time to let this thing run it's course before it takes down our country.

This is why I think you are not a good person. Just my opinion. And it's my right to have it. You may be willing to sacrifice your family and friends for the economy and the almighty dollar, but I'm not willing to sacrifice mine. The bad part about this is, you're willing to sacrifice mine with this type of thinking.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

I learned in middle school how viruses replicate in the body. Since his supporters are largely uneducated and ignorant, they will believe him and think you can inject disinfectant to kill viruses inside you. It’s truly stunning.

Uncle Steve's avatar

^ I believe the couple who ingested the fish tank cleaner were democrats.
So perhaps there is a method to his madness...

djDaemon's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:
And the consensus was, for a long time among experts, that the risk to the American population of an outbreak was “very low”. The expert consensus was even at one time telling us that person to person transmission was not evident.

Yeah, that's complete nonsense, and I already addressed this by posting a fuller excerpt of the WHO quote, which did not substantiate this asinine claim you keep making.

It is dangerous to spread this kind of misinformation. If you want to endanger yourself by believing misinformation from your President, fine, go right ahead. But spreading it endangers others. Stop.


Rapids 77-78's avatar

vwhoward said:

You may be willing to sacrifice your family and friends for the economy and the almighty dollar, but I'm not willing to sacrifice mine.

Your dismissal of the economy as a thing and not people is misguided. I don't think you have thought through the ramifications of a Great Depression, which, if we continue on lockdown, we, including your family, will be experiencing. Already, in one month, we have wiped out all the job gains since the "Great Recession" of 2008. We now have unemployment over 20% - and growing. This causes a cascade effect of foreclosures, real estate collapse, bank failures, scarcity of products, hospitals closing - in short, a Depression. Poverty is a killer, just as certainly as any virus. And it does not discriminate between old, young, male, female, healthy or sick. Nobody in the media wants to talk about what the deaths due to economic collapse worldwide, especially in this era where dependency of our government and institutions is so widespread, might look like, because if they did, your support for the current lockdown would likely change.

vwhoward said:

MaverickLaunch said:

Time to let this thing run it's course before it takes down our country.

This is why I think you are not a good person. Just my opinion. And it's my right to have it. You may be willing to sacrifice your family and friends for the economy and the almighty dollar, but I'm not willing to sacrifice mine. The bad part about this is, you're willing to sacrifice mine with this type of thinking.

Yeah, I guess you are entitled to your opinion, but that seems a little harsh. The economy and the health of my family or yours are intertwined and I'm suggesting that what we are doing is unnecessarily harmful. I have respected the quarantine orders and am following the guidelines, but just because I don't agree with it does not make me a bad person, IMO.

djDaemon said:

MaverickLaunch said:
And the consensus was, for a long time among experts, that the risk to the American population of an outbreak was “very low”. The expert consensus was even at one time telling us that person to person transmission was not evident.

Yeah, that's complete nonsense, and I already addressed this by posting a fuller excerpt of the WHO quote, which did not substantiate this asinine claim you keep making.

It is dangerous to spread this kind of misinformation. If you want to endanger yourself by believing misinformation from your President, fine, go right ahead. But spreading it endangers others. Stop.

I will not stop. And I was not referring to the WHO. I was referring to expert consensus at large when this all started. These are the things we were repeatedly told, which were incorrect.

BTW, he's our President.

cpblue said:

I learned in middle school how viruses replicate in the body. Since his supporters are largely uneducated and ignorant, they will believe him and think you can inject disinfectant to kill viruses inside you. It’s truly stunning.

This is just disgusting. I'm just taking a wild guess based on a gut feel, but I'd imagine those who do NOT support the president (Democrats) are, on average, less educated and less financially secure. That's why they vote for Democrats. Free stuff!

Obviously that is not a statement that applies to all of them, not even close. But your statement that his supporters are uneducated and ignorant, is well, rude and ignorant, besides being blatantly false.

Jeff's avatar

Rapids 77-78 said:
I don't think you have thought through the ramifications of a Great Depression, which, if we continue on lockdown, we, including your family, will be experiencing.

This is a myth, and economists generally do not agree. Rampant disease causes more economic destruction, because of the cost to try and treat it, the suppression of activity out of fear, and the fact that dead people suck at propping up the GDP. The outcome is economic chaos in either scenario, but it's worse when you don't mitigate it. This has been modeled a hundred different ways, and even in a paper published as recently as last week. The efforts around social distancing create a net benefit of $5 trillion globally, leading to losses of "only" $6 trillion.

Seriously, in the zombie apocalypse, will you go out and stimulate the economy, because the alternative is worse?

This is where MaverickLaunch tells us the paper is wrong because of his vast expertise and opinions, and how consensus isn't fact because an outlier opinion has more weight than consensus. But what he won't do is enumerate the lies of the NYT, because, you know, facts.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Jeff said:

This is where MaverickLaunch tells us the paper is wrong because of his vast expertise and opinions, and how consensus isn't fact because an outlier opinion has more weight than consensus.

You masterfully distort my statements once again. I NEVER said that an outlier opinion (expert opinion BTW) has more weight than consensus. All I said was that just because something is a consensus does not make it fact. You keep falsely stating the opposite.

I also reiterated that consensus expert opinion on this virus has been very wrong, and recently. It was only a couple months ago that expert consensus opinion was the risk to the american population was "very low". And only just before that, person to person transmission was unlikely possible. Those were the experts, and I'm not talking about the WHO. Even Fauci believed all that back in January.

We have a couple of posters on here that should take a "chill pill" and go to bed for a week.

djDaemon's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

I was referring to expert consensus at large when this all started. These are the things we were repeatedly told, which were incorrect.

And yet you are unable to specifically cite even a single example of this "consensus at large" being incorrect. You are spreading deadly misinformation.


Man, intense back and forth - at the end of the day, I'm assuming 99% of us have no say in how and when things will reopen and at what pace. Looking forward to the warmer temps here soon (for those of us that live in the Midwest), where regardless of what is open and isn't from a public gathering standpoint, there will still be more to do and a semblance of normalcy will be a bit easier for most :)

Given the current state of things and the latest updates, what are the best guesses from everyone on when CP will open even if in a very limited capacity? Still hopeful for July 4th or do you think that is way too optimistic still?

MI Governor extended the Stay @ Home Order through at least May 15th, while lifting certain restrictions. Motorized boating, lawn & garden shopping (amongst others that were previously closed), landscaping businesses, golfing, etc. are now allowed. No changes to restaurants, gyms, & movie theaters - they are still closed. The one additional restriction is that face coverings are now mandated in enclosed public gatherings (i.e. grocery stores) if you can medically tolerate them. The reason I bring this up is because MI is working as part of the Midwest alliance to reopen in phases. Will be interesting to see how this aligns with what Ohio is doing, which of course impacts CP.

Last edited by ILS 0523,

I think it’s doubtful DeWine extends our order after talking so much about a gradual reopening starting May 1. But, I do think that most businesses will remain closed under the guidelines because we haven’t yet met the qualifiers.

However, DeWine still hasn’t given specifics as to the plan for reopening so I suppose anything is possible. But I can see the park opening in very limited operations by July 1. That is if we as a state have met the guidelines to do so first.

Dvo's avatar

A gradual reopen can mean many things. In Illinois, our governor just extended our stay-at-home yesterday through the end of May. But at the same time, he's allowing golf courses and retail stores to open, with major limitations. Retail is only open for online orders with curbside pick-up. Given DeWine's pro-activity toward the virus, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he extended Ohio's order for another month, but do something similar toward re-opening some businesses.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

operative_me's avatar

Cedar Point Marina is going to open to Ohio based dockholders on May 1.

You may now go back to your bickering ;)

Lifetime Laps on Woodstock Express: 0

MaverickLaunch said:

I don’t think he meant mainlining bleach but I do agree that statement sounded pretty absurd as it came out, and I watched it live.


He does that, Trump that is. He is often misquoted, taken out of context, and maligned. He's a pudgy, aggressive, and artless white guy who happens to be a good/great leader. The government is doing the right thing. They always do.

Even Gov. Witless is doing the correct thing for Michigan, they just extended the blockade to May 15. Detroit has a number of factors that contribute to the spread of illness; demographics in particular. My GF lives in Jackson and it is disconcerting, to say the least. I'm in Indiana.

Hopefully, the warmer weather (sunshine) will slow down the virus. UV kills everything including humans....

Thabto's avatar

I think they could integrate food ordering into their app to help reduce lines at food stands. I have no doubts IT is working behind the scenes on solutions to help remedy lines. And I could see midways being one-way paths or a divider in the middle to separate foot traffic in each direction.

Last edited by Thabto,

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OK, I'm ready for the season to begin. Let's get this thing rolling ASAP!

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