Virus Impact on CP

Jeff's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:
But simply calling reporting or statements factual does not make them so. Simply invoking “science” to bolster an opinion also does not necessarily make it true.

No, that comes with critical thinking and evidence. You know, the thing you can't produce refuting the reporting of The Times. And the worst things is that the evidence we're giving you is just the words of Trump compared to actual outcomes.

Like this gem:

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


Obama badly bungled the epidemic that occurred on his watch. He gets a pass though just like Biden does for the sexual assault allegations which your beloved NYT buried for an extended period even though they ran non stop coverage of Kavanaughs allegations of the same. When they do things like this, that’s why they have NO credibility in my book. And Biden is running for PRESIDENT, let me remind you.

Blindly supporting this liberal paper destroys your credibility... employ some of that critical thinking you keep talking about and take a deeper look.

Not all their reporting is bad. And it’s certainly not all perfect. Which seems to be the picture you are trying to paint.

I will agree that this sweeping under the carpet Biden allegation is quite peculiar. Yes innocent until proven guilty but it’s so so quiet for a presidential candidate, let alone the Democratic nominee. It does lend evidence to the whole bias of the NYT.

PyroKinesis09's avatar

I mean, both of our choices for November, Trump and Biden, have been credibly accused of sexual assault.

This is the best we can do, apparently.

There are better options. But middle America would never even consider it. Plus, anyone truly smart enough to be a top level POTUS is too smart to ever consider the job.

Kevinj's avatar

Meanwhile, up in *ichigan...

(just for fun I posted the same story from the left and the right).

Promoter of fog.

Kevin, I love that you posted the views from both the left and the right. This is why (when going to the gym was allowed) I would always do my cardio between the Fox News and CNN televisions. Until you can understand the viewpoints of both sides, you understand nothing.

However in this case I can speak from first hand experience as I happened to be in Lansing this day for business and saw what actually happened. There was no ambulance who was blocked access to the hospital, this is an outright lie. The protest route was intentionally planned to avoid such an area, and in fact, permits were requested and granted for this protest.

The reports of “brandishing of weapons” that the governor reported in her MSNBC interview last night were also discredited by the Michigan police. Lies. She even had the gall to say this protest was not about the stay home order but rather was a political rally.

I understand that all politicians (including trump) fabricate stories like this and it makes me crazy. Her executive order is non-sensical. You can’t buy gardening seeds to grow food for your family but you can buy lottery tickets, which btw, must be paid for in cash, not digitally. Come on. I dare anyone to defend such nonsense as “critical to sustaining human life”

edit: since nobody believes anything without a link anymore, evidence that the ambulance blocking BS story the governor of MI fabricated can be found HERE:

Last edited by MaverickLaunch,
Jeff's avatar

The Times is not a "liberal paper." It's just a newspaper. But we've been waiting for weeks for you to point out their lies, so...

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

It’s a lean left paper. Organizations that routinely rate bias of news sources agree. Just as they agree Fox News is right leaning, and MSNBC is left (not left leaning)

Kevinj said:

Meanwhile, up in *ichigan...

(just for fun I posted the same story from the left and the right).

While the protesters violated every common-sense guideline in place, this didn't happen in a vacuum.

Whitmer's stay @ home orders are oppressive in the extreme-"Under the new order, all public and private gatherings among persons outside a single household remain temporarily prohibited"-,9309,7-387-90499-525173--,00.html

"Large stores must also close areas of the store that are dedicated to carpeting, flooring, furniture, garden centers, plant nurseries, or paint. "- same link as above. This does not make a bit of sense. Crap like this is what generates protests and rightfully so.

The protest was absolutely about those things. And she said (again, on MSNBC) it wasn’t about the stay home order, it was a political rally. People brandishing assault rifles. All patently false.

MaverickLaunch said:

The protest was absolutely about those things. And she said (again, on MSNBC) it wasn’t about the stay home order, it was a political rally. People brandishing assault rifles. All patently false.

Agreed.Her EO will guarantee her a single term.

So ummm sidenote.... Do you own XS in Vegas??

...And this is the big difference between what Ohio has done and what Michigan has done. DeWine did not even identify which businesses would be considered "essential"; only that businesses which consider themselves essential should be prepared to justify their decision. The State did not tell stores how to set their capacities, only that they needed to do so. And Ohio stores that are open for business...are open for business. Groceries, gardening, clothing, home appliances...if the store has it in stock they're allowed to sell it.

Getting back on-topic...

If the park has any hope of salvaging any of the season, they need to get started as soon as possible, and that means that they need to go back to work immediately. Remember, when this all started, Kings Island was a month away from opening, and Cedar Point was almost two months away. That means if work can start on May 1, it will probably be at least a month before any of our parks can even think about opening back up again.

And that's about right anyway. We're going to see staged re-openings, and the key is going to be the behavior of the citizens and the virus. If we can keep infections and more important hospitalizations under control, re-openings can continue. And it will take several weeks of observation to see the effect of re-openings because of the incubation period of the virus. I'm not going to predict when we might get any kind of park re-opening, except to say this: the most optimistic date that I think can be even considered by even the smallest of parks is probably Memorial Day. Which is the traditional start of summer anyway. I have no idea if anybody will make it.

A couple of other points...
I really don't think we're going to get a vaccine for this virus. There's a lot of talk about developing one, but I am not really convinced that's even the best place to focus research energy. First of all, this particular virus has a pattern of making the vast majority of its victims not very sick...or even not sick at all. And vaccines for these kinds of viruses have a track record of making people very sick. So...perhaps not a very good trade-off. The problem is, there's no way of knowing which people won't get sick and which ones will die. And while the percentage numbers are tiny, extrapolated to a large population you end up with some huge numbers. That's really the whole problem right there. The real game changer is going to be coming up with a mostly-relilable *treatment* for the people who do get sick. If we can mitigate the impact of the disease, we don't have to worry so much about trying to contain it. And in reality, that's the only way this thing will ever burn itself out.

Finally, am I the only one who finds that an amusement park does not necessarily have to be a high-contact environment? Of public commercial spaces, parks tend to be less crowded in general than a grocery store on Saturday afternoon, and because of the large spaces, most contact tends to be fleeting and incidental. There are adjustments that can be made, some of which I have talked about elsewhere, to reduce direct contact (IRT won't like it...) and crowding. So if some broader things happen to keep the virus under control and to mitigate its effect, I really do think it's possible to make a park function 'safely'. Particularly if the statistics remain favorable.

On the one hand, I am optimistic. On the other hand, I also know both how stupid groups of people can be, and how bad most people are at all forms of risk management...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____

djDaemon's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

The protest was absolutely about those things. And she said (again, on MSNBC) it wasn’t about the stay home order, it was a political rally. People brandishing assault rifles. All patently false.

Last edited by djDaemon,


djDaemon's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

...I would always do my cardio between the Fox News and CNN televisions.

That you watch either explains a lot about your "views".

The reports of “brandishing of weapons”... Lies.

See above images.

She even had the gall to say this protest was not about the stay home order but rather was a political rally.

This demonstration was funded by Michigan Conservative Coalition and Michigan Freedom Fund, the latter of which has close ties to the DeVos family, and DeVos of course is part of Trump's administration. So there are absolutely political motivations behind the rally, even if the rally isn't entirely "political".

...evidence that the ambulance blocking BS story the governor of MI fabricated...

From that article:

Lansing Fire Department Assistant Chief Mike Tobin said while the ambulances were slowed down because of the congestion, crews told him it was no worse than a heavy day in rush hour.

So one result of these morons protesting was that they slowed ambulances down. No, no one died as a result, but it is false to claim that this rally did not cause congestion, including to ambulances. I mean, the entire goal of "Operation Gridlock" was to cause congestion.

I think Whitmer's restriction are overly broad and blunt, but these morons did nothing but make matters worse. A couple thousand people gathering in public and ignoring social distancing guidelines has a very predictable outcome, and it's not the one they were hoping for.


jimmyburke's avatar

Topic: Virus impacton CP....... if it should by chance open, a possible guest experience.

1. Enter via Causeway past refurbished signs, choose which lane to utilize at new parking lot booths. If a passholder, self scan your pass. If paying attendant, hand miss Georgia or Suze your cash or card or phone. Attendant will be in haz-mat outfit and there will likely be less of them due to difficult staffing issues such as no foreign workers & others fearful of working. ( side comment, it appears the Chausee will have a new relocated booth at the base of that fake evergreen pole which is about 200 yards further into the parking area than the old booth.)

2. Prepare for the metal detectors with the additional step of having your temperature scanned. Be sure to stand in line at social distancing spacing guidelines. Bummer if one in your party is denied entry, will they wait in the car the whole time?

3. Self scan your pass for entry, if the attendant is needed they may be behind plexi-glass shield. Many of you have seen how crowded the entry area usually is so distancing should be interesting.That restroom by the front gate should have an attendant monitoring number of occupancy and full time cleaning.

4. Fun-Pix photo workers will not ask guests to herd together for pictures. Peanuts characters in outfits will be sporting protective gear, no touching please. Height wristband measuring station sanitized after every measurement.

5. Midway Carousel with the refurbished organ should sound great, sanitze horsies & poles between rides, or over to Ocean Motion where the line usually is a mob prior to seating. Seats and restraint bar to be sanitized prior to each load. SkyRide guests must space while waiting on staircase, but how do they sanitize a moving ride between guests?

I only made it that far in, and I realize that many of these ramblings aren't what is actually going to take place. Just some random thoughts on "changes of what we are used to".

Oh, I just thought of another. What about seating on the new Paddlewheel boats? Do we sit every third seat on Skyhawk, and only one side with nobody directly behind you? And on many coasters you are so close to the person in the seat in front of you that the girl with long hair blows your face. Front row will be preferred.

Jeff's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

It’s a lean left paper.

You didn't read it during the Obama administration either, obviously, but it wasn't afraid to report what actually happened. That's what the press actually does. The weird thing is that when the president is a narcissist and autocrat, there's more to report.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Jimmyburke, I have often thought about what exactly would happen if the park were to open this year (which I truly feel like it won’t open this year). Sanitizing every single harness, grab bar, seat, and queue railing between each cycle seems very likely in terms of prevention. Sanitizer stands all throughout the park. 6 foot rule while waiting in any line. It would be a very strange time.

djDaemon said:

The reports of “brandishing of weapons”... Lies.

See above images.

1. Those are not assault weapons. They are hunting rifles.

2. You must not know what the word "brandish" means with respect to weapons. It means to expose, draw, or point at another individual IN A THREATENING MANNER. To do so is illegal and I'm sure the police would have gotten involved immediately.

3. In Michigan it is legal to open-carry a firearm, and that's what these guys are doing in this picture. You may not like it, but that's their right.

So one result of these morons protesting was that they slowed ambulances down. No, no one died as a result, but it is false to claim that this rally did not cause congestion, including to ambulances. I mean, the entire goal of "Operation Gridlock" was to cause congestion.

I think Whitmer's restriction are overly broad and blunt, but these morons did nothing but make matters worse. A couple thousand people gathering in public and ignoring social distancing guidelines has a very predictable outcome, and it's not the one they were hoping for.

It's very telling to me that you cannot refrain from calling people names when you disagree, which I find very childish.

The fact there was some Trump support displayed does not mean that these folks were there for a political rally. Yes, I'm sure most of the protesters were conservative. But had there not been such overreach with the executive order, this protest never would have happened.

Protesting is a constitutionally protected right. Now I know that liberals like yourself don't care about the constitution, but some of us do. Get over yourself. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a "moron". Smh

Last edited by MaverickLaunch,

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