Virus Impact on CP

Joe E said:

Right , I don’t see how we can make any assumptions about peaks or projections when testing levels has essentially been stagnant for almost 2 weeks.

Either testing and thus confirmed cases has leveled off because less people are needing them, or we have reached our testing capacity and really flying blind to what’s going on. I tend to think it’s the latter.

A lot of great info from the federal task force today, especially about testing. If you are not watching I recommend you watch the rerun on YouTube.

Last edited by Master D,
Cargo Shorts's avatar

Yes. Lots of great words on tests. We shall see. For the past four weeks it has been all words.

Last edited by Cargo Shorts,
Kevinj's avatar

Protests are good. Protests are wonderful.

We have had plenty of protests demanding Dewine just open everything back up every day, and it's been going on for more than a week. While I disagree with those protesters, and so does Dewine, he lets them do their thing because it is, like we all understand, their right to do so. I applaud their willingness to stand out in crappy weather and protest for what they believe is right (really). I stood out on picket lines with teachers on strike for weeks a few years ago, and learned a lot about what that experience is like.

*ichigan can decide its own laws with regards to guns, and frankly they can legalize driving tanks down public roads if they want to. I'll sleep happily reminding my 8 year old daughter that she has never lived to see the Wolverines beat the Buckeyes. ;)

The point of posting the story was the sheer ridiculousness of a group of people protesting something that has nothing to do with guns....with guns. And not just guns, but full-on "I'm playing GI JOE because I can" guns. And wear scary masks! I don't care who they support politically, and I assumed it was a protest against the state's current shut-down policies (which I have heard are a say the least).

I'm happy we live in a place where we can exercise our rights. We should do that. It would actually make sense if they were protesting a bill being debated about taking away their right to open-carry, but it doesn't make sense when they are debating covid-19.

I think Brandon mentioned it above, but there was one and only one reason for guns being brought and showcased in such a way; to intimidate. It's the 2020 white-male equivalent of this:

I would think (mainly based on personal experience) that most gun-rights advocates would find these individuals embarrassing, and nothing that helps support their cause. Which circles back to the point of their protest. From the outside-looking-in, it makes them look like fools who think that pounding their proverbial chests with their toys will garner more support for their cause.

And shortly thereafter Trump tweets...

"LIBERATE MICHIGAN!" and "LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!"

Words matter.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

CPfan1976 said:
692 new cases in Ohio in the last 24 hours alone. Tell me again why we're rushing to re-open everything in the state so quickly in 2 weeks? Oh yeah, cash registers > public safety. Got it.

I've been watching the new case, hospitalization, ICU admission, and death rates in Ohio, tracking the deltas on a spreadsheet, since most sources I have seen give only totals, not deltas.

On April 4, Ohio reported 427 new cases, then the daily new case number began declining, and in fact remained nearly flat at around 350 cases per day until Tuesday, 4/14 when the new case count dropped to 272...then almost doubled on Wednesday and rose sharply on Thursday, then remained flat today. I confess that I haven't been following the Governor's briefings (too busy working...), just collecting the numbers from the website. But I would think that such a dramatic rise in new cases, particularly a month after implementing the stay-at-home order, would be generating some concern at least in the news reports. But it isn't, and "leadership" is still talking about the 'flattening of the curve'. Considering all of this, I'm thinking there may have been some changes in the testing process or protocols, perhaps leading to faster results. If that is the case, then we may be seeing compression in the new case reporting, as results that previously would have been spread over several days are now showing up in a single day. If that's the case, we should see the new case numbers decline over the next week or so back to last week's levels...or lower if we're being as successful as we think. That the number was essentially flat today may be evidence of this.

Incidentally, the new hospitalization numbers have been declining steadily, and the ICU admissions have remained flat at a low level around 30/day.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
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Thabto's avatar

RideMan said:

Considering all of this, I'm thinking there may have been some changes in the testing process or protocols, perhaps leading to faster results. If that is the case, then we may be seeing compression in the new case reporting, as results that previously would have been spread over several days are now showing up in a single day. If that's the case, we should see the new case numbers decline over the next week or so back to last week's levels...or lower if we're being as successful as we think. That the number was essentially flat today may be evidence of this.

They have been stating that new testing procedures are being developed which can produce more instant results. The original test had a considerable lag time and the numbers were days old by the time they were added to the count. So maybe these new tests have rolled out and an higher number of tests are now available to administer.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Kevinj said:

I'm happy we live in a place where we can exercise our rights. We should do that. It would actually make sense if they were protesting a bill being debated about taking away their right to open-carry, but it doesn't make sense when they are debating covid-19.

I agree it’s great that we live in a country where we can express our opinions. Even if those who disagree with them disagree with not only the opinion itself, but the right that we have to express it. Not everyone here agrees with that which is obvious by some of the posts, sadly.

This goes back to basic grammar. Just like the difference between inference and implication. People just don’t seem to get it. I can IMPLY that I’m going to hurt you with my weapon (ie brandishing) but if I am not doing that and simply following open-carry laws, now you have to INFER that the fact I am open carrying a weapon is done only to intimidate. There is a HUGE difference between the two, not to be conflated. Yet that’s what’s happening here.

Last edited by MaverickLaunch,

Just for a change of pace, I’ll post something positive. If that bothers you, scroll down.

I’m envisioning a late summer opening that has a lot of people uncomfortable with leaving their homes to visit the park. My thought is we could experience some of the bonus weekend type behavior from years past, particularly 2009-2012. There were these fridays back then with literally 7 people waiting at the gates when the park opened (and my family was 4 of those 7). Yes, this happened.

On one such Friday, my family of four all (or mostly) got upwards of 55 rides on MF in just a few hours. I say mostly because my wife started to get nauseous particularly coming through the final tunnel with Panda Express free smells. That didn’t stop me and the kids however, and I was especially proud because that was the first year my youngest, a girl, was able to ride the 48” rides. I don’t know many 48” girls that could pull off 64 rides on gigacoaster with hands up. You want to talk about family memories that will last forever? Generational family trips? It was exactly that.

The intent of this post was to be about silver linings. If the park does open, we may have some magical days in our future. We should embrace that.

Last edited by MaverickLaunch,

Universal Studios sent me a survey tonight about various options they are considering implementing when they reopen. Needless to say, they are interesting options to say the least. At the gate testing, closure of all indoor attractions and shows being another, and floating the idea of various capacity levels, mine offered up 25% capacity limitation, I know others got 50%.

CPboy77 said:

Why are you quoting a post above you? Jeff clearly states that is NOT allowed.



99er happens to be a thoughtful and intelligent person on here.

Jeff's a good guy too. Calling him a disgrace is abit much.

But who knows XS might give you some insight on yer drinking habits ;)

(Looks like those posts were removed)

Last edited by Çp4€và04,

I got that Universal survey as well, which leads me to believe the Orlando parks are absolutely planning to try to open this summer.

Thabto's avatar

Over in the employee forum here, one guy just posted that he got hired this week, so looks like they are still hiring and they have intentions to try to open at some point this year. What it will boil down to is if the state allows the park to open and they will probably have to come up with some guidelines for what they will be doing for the state to allow them to open. If the data from phase 1 of reopening looks good, then phase 2 can begin and so on, and I think parks will be in the final phase so that leaves likely at earliest a June opening. I don't know if prep work was able to continue during the stay at home order, but that will be another setback if it didn't.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Jeff's avatar

Just a reminder, racism is not tolerated here. Assessments about my mental health aren't a great idea either.

Universal and Disney have to satisfy Orange County, which absolutely wants the tourists back, but doesn't want to be the common vector in the next outbreak wave. That's a tough spot to be. In a lot of ways, the Orlando parks are beholden to the rest of the world and its ability to test and treat. That's why national and international leadership is so important. Vegas is in the same boat.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Uncle Steve's avatar

^^ A June opening would be excellent!
Sure hope they don't go overboard with social distancing and masks and such.
But I suppose I'll do whatever they require to enter the park.

Thabto's avatar

I would think they would have to have some sort of social distancing and sanitation measures in place for the state to allow them to open. In no way do I expect it to be like what it was last year. Although, I initially thought it was too soon to extend the pass into 2021, but I think that's because they know a good chunk of the season will be lost this year (possibly all), and what season they possibly do have this year will be a watered down experience. it was posted earlier on the FAQ section on the pass extension page what sanitation measures they will have in place. I can see also places like Freestyle where you wouldn't be allowed to get your own drink, rather the attendant will get it for you.

Last edited by Thabto,

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

PyroKinesis09's avatar

Yahoo says the government has found that the virus doesn't last long on surfaces outside due to sunlight and high heat. It should be mentioned, of course, this doesn't mean it's less contagious, just that we might not need to wipe down the handlebars after every ride.

Giving 2020 passholders all of 2021 is the right move, even if the park opens in June and we only lose 5-6 weeks. Not everyone will feel comfortable enough to go, and it'll be a modified enough experience where you won't get the full CP experience. And so help me if anyone from this forum complains about the in park experience should we be lucky enough to get to go this summer.

vwhoward's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

You can’t buy gardening seeds to grow food for your family....

And this is how misinformation is spread. You might not be able to buy seeds at Home Depot, but you absolutely can buy them from local hardware stores and seed supply stores. I bought some yesterday. In Michigan. But I'm from the group that you should buy local anyway so it didn't disrupt my garden in the slightest. Side note, about not caring about them flying flags...there were Confederate flags flying in Lansing that day. We were a Union state. Just saying. Definitely not about heritage. And what's that saying? Hmmmmm.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

vwhoward said:

And this is how misinformation is spread. You might not be able to buy seeds at Home Depot, but you absolutely can buy them from local hardware stores and seed supply stores. I bought some yesterday. In Michigan.

I absolutely cannot buy them from local hardware stores. I’ve been to THREE in the last ten days and they all were sold out of literally every seed imaginable. Meanwhile, Lowe’s and HD are well stocked but you can’t buy them.

So instead of going to one store, I’ve now gone to four. And still no seeds. Imagine if I could have bought them on the first trip to Home Depot. And imagine if I was a super spreader. I’m not, but if I was I could have spread virus everywhere. Only a fool could support the governor’s orders on this. But hey, we can still buy lotto tickets because that MUST be essential to sustaining life, right? All the apologists conveniently ignore that one EVERY time I bring it up and I suspect this time will be no different

You lament the spread of misinformation, when you yourself are doing exactly that.

Last edited by MaverickLaunch,
99er's avatar

Wait so Home Depot and Lowe's are still open yet they are only allowed to sell certain items and seeds are not on that list specifically because of the governor? That is exceptionally dumb. About as dumb as our governor considering pro wrestling an essential service....wrestling! If you want seeds just use the internet. I can get seeds off of Amazon and delivered by the end of the week. If the option to not leave the house at all and still get what you need is available, that is the option I always go for. It's actually been nice being able to get everything I need delivered without fees and such during all of this.

Last edited by 99er,

I did try that a few days ago in my desperate search for seeds... but amazon was showing delivery of some items by May 25. That’s way too late to get started where I live. Now I know people say “they will come way sooner” but who knows. Even when we are “back to normal” I’d still rather limit trips to the store and grow my own food where possible. And vegetables are healthy so this is something we should probably ALL be doing anyway .

I did go to Kroger and buy bell peppers simply to harvest the seeds (not just eat them) and those have already sprouted indoors. But the governor’s order is pure insanity.

Lotto tickets? Are you freaking kidding me???

Last edited by MaverickLaunch,

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