Update: July 20 and more July 19

Androo said:
I was riding the train last week and there was this guy who was telling people about the new 540 foot coaster being built because that's what Kinzel wanted. I just kept my mouth shut and laughed to myself. :)

I love kistening to people talk, I have heard a few good ones this year about it being enclosed.

There is a reason they started construction so early.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

bholcomb's avatar

And it's not so they could enclose it.

i have to go with the cross over the midway theory. i cant think of any other reason why they are starting so early. its not so they can go 500+ feet, and its not because its going under the lake. we will just have to wait and see.

I was at Cedar Point the past couple of days and currently the supports form at least 3 areas that look to be turns. After seeing the construction site, I an more confused as to what this coaster will be or what the layout will give us. This project seems to be a tightly held secret as well, with virtually no ride stats or major components to the ride being leaked out. I am impressed with Cedar Points ability to do that.

I think there is something big that we are all missing. They could probably have all of the supports up in a month or two on the current footers, but why? To be nice to the workers and not have them work in the frigid temperatures in the winter? I can't see that being the answer.

As for theming, if this is the thing we are missing, why not send the train through a bunch of old western type buildings? Make it a Ghost Town theme where you fly through a bunch of buildings at very high speeds. That would be exciting.

But if its going to be enclosed do you think they would worry about track color, and cost of even painting the steel if its going to be indoors. I can't see it being indoors. I could easily be wrong though, just doesnt seem logical to me.

Its not going to be enclosed, that was just what I heard some guy saying in line. It was in reference to a comment about what ridiculous things you hear around the park regarding the ride.

However, who said any enclosed ride had to be so you could not see the track?

i dont think raptor2 meant that the whole ride be enclosed. i think he meant you enter and exit a western wood building. kind of like a tunnel.

milleniumforcerocks is correct, I was saying that the multiple turns that are now present could be covered by a "tunnel like structure" that look like buildings you would see in the Old West/Ghost Town. These would enhance the sense of speed and make it feel out of control.

I actually highly doubt this is the big thing we are missing, but it was an idea I had that could fit the ride/area of the park really well.

^it would really fit the area and i wish it would happend.

edit:but as my uncle always says, "why dont you wish in one hand and crap in the other and see what fills faster." and in this case, i dont think its the wishing hand! *** Edited 7/24/2006 3:17:13 AM UTC by milleniumforcerocks***

Remember the old station from WWL is still standing. I think the coaster will incorporate it somehow, either by the coaster interacting with the building or it being part of the new queue/station.

bholcomb's avatar

Maybe they want to get the ride completed early so they can start testing? You think? Maybe there is intricate electrical work to be done?

Just because the station of WWL is still standing now, doesn't mean it will be at the beginning of 2007. They may have just left it there because they didn't want that part of the park to be completely under construction. If they knew their construction schedule wouldn't get to that area until after the 2006 season, that's reason enough for them to leave it.

The longer it stays without being touched, the more I'm inclined to say its going to be knocked down later.

djDaemon's avatar

Nope. They went through the trouble of removing the rotating floor, without leveling the building. If the building were coming down, it would have been done before removing the floor, as it would have been much easier.

*** Edited 7/24/2006 12:25:34 PM UTC by djDaemon***


I wish they'd give the rotating floor to me! That would be fun in the kitchen or something.

Love it or Lump it.

Bathroom, aighead, bathroom.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

JuggaLotus's avatar

That room spins enough already when I need it most, I don't need any more spinning.

Goodbye MrScott


I personally think if they don't use the White Water Landing station for any part of project 2007, they will use it to make a new gift shop or something. Either that or use it for queue. It really confuses me though, because in the station the floor may be gone, but for some reason they kept the concrete of where the boats used to turn through. And last time I was on here, someone on here said they thought they saw footers inside the station. It also amazes me that there are like 3 footers still standing outside that station.

They were probably for WWL, they just did not take them out. Just speculation, like the rest of these posts.:)

R.I.P. Mr. Scott

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