Update: July 20 and more July 19

airee85's avatar

DragonFire said:
What does that sign say on the side of Mean Streak?


"Someone, set me on fire already!"

No, http://pointbuzz.com/cpplace.aspx?mode=thread&TopicID=19091


Shake it up !!!! said:
I agree 100% with Bodes, sorry JuggaLotus. I can't see how that is track. It might connect to some piece of track but there's NO WAY the coaster will ride along that piece.

BTW. The American League wild card will be coming out of the east.....deal with it.

Look here and tell me that is not track...


"lost in the corners of both blue eyes"

JuggaLotus's avatar

Thanks j2k, saved me the time of going and getting that picture. You guys are looking at it wrong. That piece that is sticking up in the air connects to a support, the wheels of the train do not touch it in any way.

Goodbye MrScott


BTW....there are several pieces like that in the staging area.

"lost in the corners of both blue eyes"

This is getting to exciting. I cant wait for the announcement. It look like this coaster is going to be awesome...

"The sky is not the limit. There are footprints on the moon." Class of 2007

DeVos for Governor...

Cant wait for August!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bow down, Bow down before the power of Santa, or be crushed, be crushed by----- his Jolly boots of Doom.

Coming Soon! Star Wars episode 7- The Fallen Hero
episode 8- The Republic in Crisis
episode 9- Victory of the Force

You guys are asking whats the difference between the flat pieces and the flanged peices?

The flat ones will later have another support on top. That was simple to answer.

The real question is..

What are those bolt things for? They're on some of the supports, but not all of them... See:

Pete's avatar

Those are some type of plug, possibly they are filling the supports with sand to keep the noise down.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

I was thinking that.... I guess it could be

j2k95sunfire said:

Look here and tell me that is not track...


Thanks for the pick I was wrong 100%. It is track. Hope I'm not wrong about that Wild Card prediction though.:p

DragonFire said:
Cant wait for August!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once again, who said it would be August? Is this 100% accurate?

Members making predictions on threads doesn't count. I wan't credible proof that it will be August. Who says so?

but we like noise!! well, at least i do. i LOVE the roar of mantis. :)

Shake it up !!!! said:

DragonFire said:
Cant wait for August!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once again, who said it would be August? Is this 100% accurate?

Members making predictions on threads doesn't count. I wan't credible proof that it will be August. Who says so?

Kinzel did say August during the Paramount purchase conferance call.

"lost in the corners of both blue eyes"

JuggaLotus's avatar

You are wrong though. The Tigers finally realized they CAN beat the team that had the best chance of catching them. That team (Chicago) is now 5.5 games back. The next team in the WildCard is a Yankees team that is looking a little shaky (its gut-check time) and another 2.5 back. The Tigers get to beat up on a slightly over-rated AL Central. The Tribe and Twins aren't bad, but they aren't as good as people thought they would be. Not to mention they get to play 6 of their last 9 against a Kansas City team that only gets in the news alongside Pine Tar.

The Yankees, Red Sox and Blue Jays are going to continue beating the crap out of each other, with none of them really making a good climb for the Wild Card. The West is just awful and looking like an NL division.

I'll stand by my statement, the wild-card is coming out of the Central.

Shake it up !!!! said:

Once again, who said it would be August? Is this 100% accurate?

Members making predictions on threads doesn't count. I wan't credible proof that it will be August. Who says so?

Dick Kinzel in the conference call regarding the Paramount acquisition.

*** Edited 7/21/2006 7:30:01 PM UTC by JuggaLotus***

Goodbye MrScott


This photo is interesting to me: http://www.pointbuzz.com/gallery.aspx?i=4343

Check out the supports on the right side, lying on the ground. From the picture I can't tell if they are already connected but it looks like they are in the shape on an A frame supports for a larger hill, like seen on Goliath: http://www.rcdb.com/ig1565.htm?picture=24

I havn't been to the park in a while so I don't know if those supports are connected or just lying around, can anyone help us out?

JuggaLotus said:
You are wrong though. The Tigers finally realized they CAN beat the team that had the best chance of catching them. That team (Chicago) is now 5.5 games back. The next team in the WildCard is a Yankees team that is looking a little shaky (its gut-check time) and another 2.5 back. The Tigers get to beat up on a slightly over-rated AL Central. The Tribe and Twins aren't bad, but they aren't as good as people thought they would be. Not to mention they get to play 6 of their last 9 against a Kansas City team that only gets in the news alongside Pine Tar.

The Yankees, Red Sox and Blue Jays are going to continue beating the crap out of each other, with none of them really making a good climb for the Wild Card. The West is just awful and looking like an NL division.

I'll stand by my statement, the wild-card is coming out of the Central.

*** Edited 7/21/2006 7:30:01 PM UTC by JuggaLotus***

Is this not a Cedar Point forum anymore?

For someone who just stated the rules

You seem to be getting a little off topic youself ;)

4. Unacceptable topics of discussion:
The Coasterbuzz forums are dedicated to foster the discussions of roller coasters and the amusement park industry. Sometimes topics are brought up that are not in anyway related this. These topics are deleted, because there are other places on the Internet to discuss these off-topic subjects. We don't talk about world peace or curing cancer here, we talk about coasters (unless of course the peace or cancer is related to coasters). If you choose to talk about something not related to the subject matter of the forums, there are plenty of other sites on the Internet that will satisfy your needs. :P

bholcomb's avatar

Great updates guys. Walt your wife rules. Not the greatest week to be stuck in South Dakota, I'm sure.

I'm not so certain they're filling the supports with sand. I do know there is a couple of reasons why they didn't go vertical about a week and a half ago, but they seemed to have worked out those issues.

Boy, the way the supports are looking now, I think I can definately agree that we should get ready for some SERIOUS side winded

Got some information there eh bholcomb? ;)

This is a great update. I went on the 19th but a lot has changed since then. I'm beginning to think that this coaster will be more of a modern family coaster. It just doesn't look like there are enough footers to support a large coaster, and it doesn't like it could go too fast in order to safely navigate those banked turns. Thats just me though, and there is still much to be done so it will be interesting to see how it pans out.

Thrills Around the Corner!

it doesn't like it could go too fast

I dunno man, if you ask me the short A-fram supports lead me to believe it may be semi crazy fast. This pic is what I'm talking about http://www.pointbuzz.com/Gallery.aspx?i=4362 .

I could be wrong but those a-frames look bigger in diameter than any I've seen. MF's don't look that big, neither does Goliath or Colossus...

Love it or Lump it.

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