Update: July 20 and more July 19

I was at the park today, and what I saw lead me to believe that this will have a launch.

The workers were putting in supports that were in a straight line. They were gradually getting taller. The first one almost sits on the ground. They last one they put in was about 10ft tall. It looks similar to the launch on dragster. It was not that long of a launch section though. Much shorter than the one on dragster.

Anyways, I took more pics and sent them in.


P.S. I met someone at the park today named rodney, he was asking me about the new coaster as we watched construction. I told him what I know about it and also told him to come to this website to find out more, So Walt when you get a chance I will take my payment for the advertising :) Just kidding
*** Edited 7/21/2006 9:36:34 PM UTC by Mikeybo2004***

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j2k95sunfire said: & JuggaLutus

Kinzel did say August during the Paramount purchase conferance call.

Thanks guys

Mikeybo2004, it does sound like by what you saw that this ride will have a launch. Where in regards to the siter were they putting in all these supports? Thanks a lot for the update!

Thrills Around the Corner!

bholcomb's avatar

We get paid now to advertise Pointbuzz?

^ Yeah, almost looks like their braced for comming arround those curves pretty fast.

MF footers are like this not nearly as big.


but i havent seen any really wide footers like this


So that makes me think that there is not going to be huge lift hill

I love Monkeys! I love Monkeys!

do you believe that the coaster's train's cars could be in here?


Wouldn't you think that the 'mystery piece' of track in the staging area could very well be set up for a launch section of track? I could easily see the bits and pieces for a LIM/LSM launch inside those square holes... with fins on the sides of the train (ie: MF) they could easily implement a launch, using the same fins for launching and braking.

2003 - Wicked Twister
2004 - Wicked Twister/Top Thrill Dragster

TTD 120mph's avatar

^^No. What's in there is most likely either wood, bolts and washers in crates, etc etc. I doubt we'd see trains.....even this early.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

No, we do not get paid to advertise, it was a joke. The supports I was explaining start near the WWL station(where they are pouring concrete underground) it runs all the way over behind UR dade. It appears that the footers near the wooden fence (by Train Station) will be the last feature before coming into the station.

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TTD 120mph's avatar

I think the footers they're pouring and setting now (by WWL station) are for the station......I dont know why, but that's my hunch.

I believe that to be the brake run, and I think it might do something similar to what Storm Runner does after it's break run.
*** Edited 7/21/2006 10:29:16 PM UTC by TTD 120mph***

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

you could be right. Maybe it will launch from the station like WT. There is an awfull (SP?) lot of footers in front of WWL station. They have not put them in yet but you can see those wire frames where they will be. They look like they are almost done pouring those big concrete slabs and will fill the dirt in after they cure(SP?). Then they will pour the station footers.

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Hey Adam, are you going to make one of your famous drawings of the coaster for us to see? :)

Favorite Coasters 1.MF 2. TTD 3. Raptor 4. Gemini 5. Magnum
Maverick perhaps? I wanna RIDE ON.

Wow, this is late, but I'm really sorry JuggaLotus! I thought you were talking about the support structure underneath being track! I appologize. I didn't realize there was track attached to it. I thought you were talking about the piece thats sticking up! haha

I really am sorry. I feel like an ass now.

2009--Dragster Photo

i thought he was talking about the part that was sticking up also, since i did not see a pic of what was below.

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these are some weird fraking supports. i love it.

-A Coaster Boy from Toledo that Loves rollercoasters and everything to do with them.

Yea, they are pretty FRAKING weird! haha. ;)

2009--Dragster Photo

TTD 120mph's avatar

lol "FRAKING", Im going to be saying that all of tomorrow!:)

SFSKnights , no sorry....I only draw what I'm asked to draw.....and whenever Im bored.:) Plus, I'll make one if and when we get some aerial photos.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Its not complete yet and the seagulls have begun to poop on the supports.... I guess raptor wasn't good enough for them anymore.... http://www.pointbuzz.com/Gallery.aspx?i=4362

"If it looks good, you'll see it; if it sounds good, you'll hear it, if it's marketed right, you'll buy it; but... if it's real, you'll feel it."

^^ I saw that also and found it pretty funny. I agree with you TTD 120 about the brake run. It does look like thats where it will be, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was like Storm Runner's brake run. KK's starts on top of the bunny hill too and goes down.

Thrills Around the Corner!

I agree what TTD says. But i guess time will tell. And well of course know when they announce it:)

"The sky is not the limit. There are footprints on the moon." Class of 2007

DeVos for Governor...

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